[comp.windows.ms.programmer] TPW, WRT questions....

jprice@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeffrey R Price) (06/21/91)

From a struggling TPW novice.....

1: How do I display a dialog resource in the MainWindow.  Am I being
   stubborn in not wanting to open a new dialog for this?  The idea is an
   Icon based menu that will open sub-menus/applications as dialogs; I want
   to put the main menu (read: dialog resource) into the main window.

2: To make changing the icon based menus easier, I wanted to place an
   invisible button around a menu selection (an icon and static text).  The
   WRT will let me do this *once* by defining an owner draw button; the
   program contains no code to handle the drawing requests.  This works
   once.  The first button I create is invisible and works properly.  Other
   buttons, copied from the first, hide the icon and static text they sit
   around when the program runs.  The buttons work.  Any suggestions?

3: Any TPW examples of OwnerDraw buttons out there?  I can't follow the C
   examples I've seen.

Please Email responses...I'll summarize if folks desire!

PS: Suggestions to buy the SDK manuals won't help much.  I'm using TPW so I
    could lazily avoid learning C.  The C examples I've seen were just to
    darn confusing!  (I'm a reforming PICK programmer!)

                  Jeffrey R. Price                 | Systems Analyst
---------------------------------------------------| Computing Services
Opinions expressed are my own, and are regularly   | 1775 College Road
ignored by my employer...so beware!................| Columbus, OH  43210
---------------------------------------------------| Tel: (614) 292-1741
email: jprice@Prime.CoB.Ohio-State.edu             | Fax: (614) 292-1651