[comp.windows.ms.programmer] Dialog Box Displays Wrong....

uad1031@dircon.co.uk (Julian Templeman) (06/27/91)

I'm having trouble gettinga dialog box to display correctly... 
all the dialogs in my app use helv font, size 8, and all except 
one displays text at that size. The rogue one comes up in the 
default font, with it's size changed. However, the Dialog Editor 
and the Resource Toolkit all say it is OK.

Can anyone give me any hints as to WHY Windows is deciding to 
display it differently? 

Julian Templeman                           Baker Jardine & Associates
Tel: +44-81-371-5644                          London SW6 4TJ, England
Fax: +44-81-371-5182                            ...ukc!dircon!uad1031