[comp.sys.amiga.multimedia] Globe Animation

mckinney@sunee.waterloo.edu () (03/18/91)


I have borrowed my brother's Amiga for a video presentation I am
doing, and I need a DPaint III animation or animated brush of a
spinning globe.  I asked my Amiga friends and they suggested I post 
an article.

Any help will be appreciated. Please Email me at:
or   armckinney@electrical.watstar.uwaterloo.edu


manes@vger.nsu.edu ((Mark D. Manes), Norfolk State University) (03/19/91)

In article <1991Mar18.145832.18795@sunee.waterloo.edu>, mckinney@sunee.waterloo.edu writes:
> Hello.
> I have borrowed my brother's Amiga for a video presentation I am
> doing, and I need a DPaint III animation or animated brush of a
> spinning globe.  I asked my Amiga friends and they suggested I post 
> an article.

Why don't you use the spinning globe that comes with AmigaVision?  It
is part of the multimedia demo.  :-)

> Any help will be appreciated. Please Email me at:
>      mckinney@sunee.uwaterloo.edu
> or   armckinney@electrical.watstar.uwaterloo.edu
>     Thanks.
>     ARM

 +--------+   ==================================================          
 | \/     |   Mark D. Manes   "Mr. AmigaVision,  The 32 bit guy"
 | /\  \/ |   manes@vger.nsu.edu                                        
 |     /  |   (804) 683-2532    "Make up your own mind! - AMIGA"
 +--------+   ==================================================

geneh@crash.cts.com (Gene Heitman) (03/20/91)

In article <1991Mar18.145832.18795@sunee.waterloo.edu> mckinney@sunee.waterloo.edu writes:
>I have borrowed my brother's Amiga for a video presentation I am
>doing, and I need a DPaint III animation or animated brush of a
>spinning globe.  I asked my Amiga friends and they suggested I post 
>an article.
>Any help will be appreciated. Please Email me at:
>     mckinney@sunee.uwaterloo.edu
>or   armckinney@electrical.watstar.uwaterloo.edu
>    Thanks.
>    ARM

The Kara Starfields package includes an 120 frame animated brush of the Earth
with it.  The globe rotates and has clouds and everything.  It is over 400,000
bytes in size.
                                       Gene Heitman