[comp.windows.open-look] To what use is the DevGuide Text field event?

andrew@resam.dk (Leif Andrew Rump) (02/01/91)

My idear was to make a function that checked the date entered by the user
as the user typed it in, so I defined a text field (Data: _______) and an
event routine and this is what DevGuide gave me (my own indentation!):

 * Event callback function for `date_txt'.
void fk_date_event(item, event)
Panel_item      item;
Event           *event;
  panel_default_handle_event(item, event);

How do I for tell the notifier to ignore the last keystroke because the
user entered a letter when a number was expected? Normal XView programming
would allow me to _return_ PANEL_NONE to tell the notifier to discard the

Leif Andrew

Leif Andrew Rump, AmbraSoft A/S, Stroedamvej 50, DK-2100 Copenhagen OE, Denmark
UUCP: andrew@ambra.dk, phone: +45 39 27 11 77                /
Currently at Scandinavian Airline Systems                =======/
UUCP: andrew@resam.dk, phone: +45 32 32 51 54                \
SAS, RESAM Project Office, CPHML-V, P.O.BOX 150, DK-2770 Kastrup, Denmark

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