[comp.windows.open-look] Excessive CPU time used when displaying mail under OpenWindow

moll@olymp.informatik.uni-bonn.de (Wolfgang Moll [moll@cs.bonn.edu]) (03/15/91)

I've encountered a strange behaviour of mail when called in a X11 window (MIT)
on a client which runs OpenWindows.

The situation is as follows:

The client, named A, is a Sun SLC under SunOS 4.0.3 which runs OpenWindows.
On that client I've openend a xterm window from another Sun host, named B,
which uses MIT X11 R4.
This is done by executing the following command on A: 
rsh B exec xterm -display A:0 &

This works almost fine execept when I call mail inside this window.
If I now display one of my mail items this will cause the client to consume
excessivly CPU time.
I`ve found that this time is used by the OpenWindows Xnews server on A.
For each display of a mail message about 30 seconds CPU time are used by
that server. The mail command itself uses less than 1 second on B.

The same happens when I call mail (i.e. /usr/ucb/mail) on client A within
a shelltool window.

And now some weierd behaviour:

If I do excatly the same under a remote shell on B (from the same window),
i.e. issuing the commands rlogin B, and then mail, all works fine.

Also, there are no problems if I use the OpenWindow mail tool on client A.

Since I've no idea what could cause this strange behaviour I would 
appreciate any hints.

Wolfgang Moll
Computer Science Department
Unviverity of Bonn