[net.ham-radio] Code Free License proposal

karn (11/20/82)

Remember, the FCC has already directed its staff to draw up a Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for a code-free amateur radio license in the
USA.  When the NPRM comes out, the FCC will of course be soliciting
comments from interested parties.

The ARRL has come out against the code-free license, as it has many
times in the past, claiming that it represents the majority of its
members.  Amateurs are certainly not unanimous however; the editorial
staff of Ham Radio magazine recently wrote an eloquent argument in
favor of the license.

I suggest that the opportunity for the code-free license has never
been better than it will be later this year.  Since there seem to be so
many of you out there who wish to become hams, I suggest STRONGLY that
you prepare your comments and send them to the FCC at the appropriate
time.  Believe it or not, the FCC really does read and consider the
written comments it receives.  Fewer comments are received than you'd
expect, so that those who do take the effort are rewarded for their

It will be tough to overcome the ARRL's opposition to this issue, but
not impossible.  The mere fact that the Commission made the directive to
its staff indicates a strong positive predisposition.   If you want a
code-free license, write and say so!  Also, post a copy of your final
draft to the net.

Phil Karn, KA9Q/2