[comp.windows.open-look] Specifying *exact* icon location.

jc@raven.bu.edu (James Cameron) (04/02/91)

When using the OLWM are there any resources to specify the exact location
of an icon?  ie something along the idea of:

% my-prog -iconic &

And have in my .Xdefaults file:

OpenWindows.my-prog.IconLocation: 	+5+5

I know about the OLWM general location property OpenWindows.IconLocation
but I want to specify the actual place.  


James Cameron  -  jc@raven.bu.edu        |  "But to risk we must, for the 
Signal Processing and Interpretation Lab |  greatest hazard in life is to risk
ECS Engineering Dept.                    |  nothing.  For the man or woman who
	Boston University, Boston MA     |  risks nothing, has nothing, does
	Work: 617 353-2879               |  nothing, is nothing."
Information Technology                   |
	Boston University, Boston MA     |  (Quote from the eulogy for the late
	work: 617 353-2780 ext. 338      |   Christa McAuliffe.)