[comp.windows.open-look] cm problem

fitz@frc2.frc.ri.cmu.edu (Kerien Fitzpatrick) (04/12/91)

Another group is setting up to use the cm program with X11R4.
Everything seems to be setup fine, but here is the weirdness.  They
can access our calendars (ones with the appropriate permissions), but
they can't access their own local calendars.  Any suggestions what to
look for?

One note: their hostnames are "a.b.c.d" while ours are simply "a".  I
saw the post about 25 character max length, but that is not being

Any clues would be appreciated.

Kerien Fitzpatrick			Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Field Robotics Center			(412)268-6564
The Robotics Institute			Internet: fitz@frc2.frc.ri.cmu.edu
Carnegie Mellon University

jeffv@bisco.kodak.com (Jeff Van Epps) (04/13/91)

In article <FITZ.91Apr11182132@dirt.frc.ri.cmu.edu> fitz@frc2.frc.ri.cmu.edu (Kerien Fitzpatrick) writes:
> Another group is setting up to use the cm program with X11R4.
> Everything seems to be setup fine, but here is the weirdness.  They
> can access our calendars (ones with the appropriate permissions), but
> they can't access their own local calendars.  Any suggestions what to
> look for?

I don't suppose it could be that they aren't running the daemon (rpc.cmsd)
on their local machine?

I have my own question.  When I run cm under MIT X11R4 and mwm, it doesn't
always "open" at the right time for an appointment.  Sometimes it does, but
sometimes it lets the time go right by without a peep, and then when I move
the mouse on top of the cm icon, it finally notices and opens the windows/
sends mail/flashes/etc.

(cm has such great _potential_ that it's sad to find problems with it
like that and the mailtool drag-n-drop problem)

If the From: line says nobody@kodak.com, don't believe it.

    Jeff Van Epps          jeffv@bisco.kodak.com