[comp.windows.open-look] How to set the default font?

joep@tnosoes.izf.tno.nl (Joep Mathijssen) (05/17/91)

Using the '-font <fontname>'-argument it is possible to
change the default font used in an application. How
can I set that default font from within my application.
The problem is that my default font is non-fixedwidth
(proportional?!) and I want to use a fixedwidth-font.
One thing I can do is set the font for every object,
but that would be very tedious. I tried setting the
font from my baseframe, but that didn't work.


Joep Mathijssen
TNO Institute for Perception    Phone : +31 34 63 562 11
P.O. Box 23          		Fax   : +31 34 63 539 77
3769 ZG  Soesterberg    	E-mail: uunet!hp4nl.nluug.nl!tnosoes!joep
The Netherlands         	    or: joep@izf.tno.nl