[net.ham-radio] ARRL DX BULLETIN 12/2/82 de k2ph

wheatley (12/06/82)


       All U.S. amateurs are reminded to avoid the 10109 to 10115
       kHz segment of the new band.  Contacts on the 10 MHz band
       will not be creditable toward ARRL awards.


       BY1PK was active during last weeks CQ WW CW Contest working
       Japan and North America on 21150 kHz cw, but worked very few
       stations.  There has been no sign of BY8AA in the lst few


       Many African stations are taking advantage of good low band
       propagation lately.  Look for 5T5TO, 5H3BH, 3V8AL, 5Z4CS,
       TR8DX and TN8AJ.


       A recent visitor to Djibouti is F6BFN who is currently
       signing J200BL.  QSKL via his home call.


       Many stations plan to be active this weekend for the ARRL
       160 Meter CW Contest including a major effort by K5NA
       operating from KV4FZ.


       5H3BH continues, operated by Leif, SM00AJU, and John, SM00DJZ.
       They will be looking for European stations on 40 and 80
       meters from 2100Z and U.S.A. from 0130Z.


       Walt, JT00GM, continues active from Mongolia with an
       excellent signal on all bands, 80 through 10 meters ssb and
       cw.  Walt has now been worked by East Coast U.S. stations
       both long path and short path on 80 meters.  Check 3505 and
       3788 kHz.  QSL via UV3GM.


       The station signing L8D/X is really LU8DQ operating portable
       in southern Argentina.  Jorge gives his QTH as Staten Island
       which he hopes will count for a new country, but it does not
       appear to meet any DXCC criteria.  It's good for prefix
       hunters, anyway.


       A71BJ is a newcomer in Qatar.  He can usually be found on 28
       MHz ssb around 1300Z.  Lef plans cw operation in early 1983.
       QSLs go to G4HNP.


       Joerg, TN8AJ, is back for an extended operation through
       December 20.  He will be on all bands, 80 through 10 meters,
       ssb and cw.


       VP8AOE can be found Wednesdays at 0300Z at the low end of 14
       MHz ssb, sometimes with QSL manager K00JW.


       Lloyd and Iris Colvin are leaving December 2 for Abu Ail for
       a two day operation.  The callsign should be G5ACI/AA.
       Their next stops will include A4 and A7.


       KC00FW will be on from December 7 to 13, including the 10
       meter contest.  All bands 160 through 10 meters, ssb and cw,
       will be used.


       All QSLs for contacts during the CQ WW CW Contest should go
       to Rick Casey, AB1U, 85 Hacienda Circle, Plantsville, Ct.