[comp.windows.open-look] Changing default font size OW 2.0

gribble@ogre.cica.indiana.edu (05/25/91)

System: Sun IPC, SunOs 4.1.1b, OpenWindows 2.0, 16" color monitor

I know how to open windows w/ different fonts, but I want to change the
default font.  The default font is tiny and is killing my already poor
eyesight.  I've look through the manuals and it is not clear how to change
this.  Any ideas?

* Steve Gribble  (812) 855-9172/7629         gribble@cica.cica.indiana.edu
* Systems Manager, Inst. of Social Research  swg@socmail.soc.indiana.edu
* Dept. of Sociology, Indiana University     gribble@iubacs

jc@raven.bu.edu (James Cameron) (05/26/91)

>>>>> On 24 May 91 21:16:49 GMT, gribble@ogre.cica.indiana.edu said:

|> System: Sun IPC, SunOs 4.1.1b, OpenWindows 2.0, 16" color monitor

|> I know how to open windows w/ different fonts, but I want to change the
|> default font.  The default font is tiny and is killing my already poor
|> eyesight.  I've look through the manuals and it is not clear how to change
|> this.  Any ideas?

|> --
|> * Steve Gribble  (812) 855-9172/7629         gribble@cica.cica.indiana.edu

	Well, you could but this at the top of your .Xdefaults file:

*Font: 9x15

	which would give you a 9x15 font for whatever you don't explicity
	set the font to be.  I am assuming (as it happened to me) that
	what you are really talking about is the 'xterm' font and 
	'emacs' font.  If this is the case, you might want to do this:

emacs*Font:	9x15
xterm*Font:	9x15

Hope this helps!


					-- James Cameron  (jc@raven.bu.edu)

Signal Processing and Interpretation Lab.  Boston, Mass  (617) 353-2879
"But to risk we must, for the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.  For
the man or woman who risks nothing, has nothing, does nothing, is nothing."
	(Quote from the eulogy for the late Christa McAuliffe.)