walsh@xn.ll.mit.edu (05/30/91)
These are some general questions about explicit dispatching in xview. If
question (1) interests you then please read on, else "can" this message.
My setup: Sun 3/60, 16 Meg
XView toolkit
(1) Does anyone know of any examples of explicit dispatching using
xview besides those examples in the xview manual? (i.e.
something I could pick up from a comp.sources.x archive site?)
(2) Also, there is an example xview program "notifier/notify.c"
which is not in my XView Programming Manual. Does anyone know
where this program came from?
(All the example xview programs at my site are in
$OPENWINHOME/share/src/sun/xview/examples. The
"notifier/notify.c" program came right off the tape with all
the other examples; but, it is not talked about in the manual.)
(3) The "notifier/notify.c" example program uses a select call
to check if there is something to read from the server.
Isn't it bad to mix unix system calls (select, signal, ...)
when using the notifier? or is this case an exception?
Here's an except from "notifier/notify.c":
/* Get the server connection number. */
fd = XConnectionNumber(dpy);
while (RUN) {
FD_SET(fd, &readfds);
/* Check to see if the server has written to us. */
if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout)) {
/* Read and dispatch events from the server. */
} else {
static int toggle = 0;
(4) The example code except from the XView Programming Manual section
19.10.2 entitled "Explicit Dispatching" (p 399-400 in my book)
looks pretty simple. My code is similar; but, the results are
unpredictable. Sometimes events are caught and sometimes clicking
on a panel button locks up my display.
Has anyone else had better luck with Explicit Dispatching?
(5) Other odd behavior is when a button is clicked, it displays in
inverse; but, the event is not handled until the mouse exits and
then re-enters the frame (at which time the panel button displays
normal again.)
Any insight into Explicit Dispatching would be greatly appreciated.