[comp.windows.open-look] cmdtool escape sequence

tpw@cbnewsj.att.com (thomas.p.walsh) (06/19/91)

I'm running OpenWindows2.0 under SunOS 4.0.3.

I need to get the number of lines/columns in a OpenwWindows 'cmdtool'
window when scrolling is enabled.

I've tried the \E[18t --> \E[8;ROWS;COLSt sequence as specified in
the OpenWindows 'shelltool' manual page. This works fine
if scrolling is disabled, but fails if scrolling is enabled.

Anyone have any ideas how I can get the window size?

barnett@grymoire.crd.ge.com (Bruce Barnett) (06/19/91)

In article <1991Jun18.182843.1922@cbnewsj.att.com> tpw@cbnewsj.att.com (thomas.p.walsh) writes:

>   I've tried the \E[18t --> \E[8;ROWS;COLSt sequence as specified in
>   the OpenWindows 'shelltool' manual page. This works fine
>   if scrolling is disabled, but fails if scrolling is enabled.
>   Anyone have any ideas how I can get the window size?

I believe you cannot execute any escape sequences that read data if
the window is in cmdtool mode. You could turn off Scroll (cmdtool)
mode, get the values, and enable scroll mode.

Using the GetSunParms script and the csh aliases included, you can type

GetRowCol >/tmp/a
set rc=(`cat /tmp/a`)
echo "row is $rc[1], column is $rc[2]"

or more simply 

set rc=(`GetSunParms rc`)
echo "row is $rc[1], column is $rc[2]"

It does work.

---- start of GetSunParms -----
# set path - just in case
export PATH

# only one argument allowed
case $# in
1)	;;
*)	echo 'Usage: GetSunParms [rc|wh|icon|pos|label|ilabel|page]';
	exit 1;;

# and that argument must be one of these:
case $1 in
icon)	esc="\033[11t\c";;
pos)	esc="\033[13t\c";;
wh)	esc="\033[14t\c";;
rc)	esc="\033[18t\c";;
ilabel)	esc="\033[20t\c";;
label)	esc="\033[21t\c";;
page)	esc="\033[>1;k\c";;
*)	echo 'Unknown parameter';exit 1;;


#turn off line mode and echo
stty raw -echo >/dev/tty

# send escape sequence to the SunView window
$ECHO $esc >/dev/tty

# use dd to get one line, then use tr to delete octal 33 (escape)
# and set $@ to be the results
set `dd </dev/tty count=1 2>/dev/null | tr -d '\033'`

# Out the terminal back the way it was
stty -raw echo >/dev/tty

# Now output just the numberic values
case $1 in 
\[1t)	echo Open;;
\[2t)	echo Closed;;
\[3*)	echo "$@" |sed 's/^\[3;\([0-9]*\);\([0-9]*\)t/\1 \2/';;
\[4*)	echo "$@" |sed 's/^\[4;\([0-9]*\);\([0-9]*\)t/\1 \2/';;
\[8*)	echo "$@" |sed 's/^\[8;\([0-9]*\);\([0-9]*\)t/\1 \2/';;
\]L*)	echo "$@" |sed 's/^\]L\(.*\).$/\1/';;
\]l*)	echo "$@" |sed 's/^\]l\(.*\).$/\1/';;
\[\>1*)	echo "$@" |sed 's/^\[>1//';;
*)	echo "don't understand $@";;

---- end of GetSunParms -----

# smarter handling of echo's

if ( -f /usr/5bin/echo ) then
	set ech = "/usr/5bin/echo"
	set E = "\033"
	set N = "\c"
	set ech = "echo -n"
	set E = `$ech a | tr a '\033'`
	set N = ""

# Sun Aliases
alias Open '$ech  "${E}[1t${N}"'
alias Close '${ech}  "${E}[2t${N}"'
alias IMove '${ech}  "${E}[3t${N}"'
alias Move  '${ech}  "${E}[3;\!:1;\!:2t${N}"'
alias Stretch '${ech}  "${E}[4t${N}"'
alias Resize '${ech}  "${E}[4;\!:1;\!:2t${N}"'
alias Front '${ech}  "${E}[5t${N}"'
alias Back '${ech}  "${E}[6t${N}"'
alias Refresh '${ech}  "${E}[7t${N}"'
alias RowCol '${ech}  "${E}[8;\!:1;\!:2t${N}"'
alias Header '${ech}  "${E}]l\!*${E}\\${N}"'
alias IHeader '${ech}  "${E}]L\!*${E}\\${N}"'
alias Icon '${ech}  "${E}]\!\1:1${E}\\${N}"'
alias PageOn '${ech} "${E}[>1h${N}"'
alias PageOff '${ech} "${E}[>1l${N}"'
alias IsOpen 'GetSunParms icon'
alias GetPos 'GetSunParms pos'
alias GetWidthHeight 'GetSunParms wh'
alias GetRowCol 'GetSunParms rc'
alias GetILabel 'GetSunParms ilabel'
alias GetLabel 'GetSunParms label'
alias GetPage 'GetSunParms page'
alias 24x80 "RowCol 24 80"
alias 34x80 "RowCol 34 80"
alias Pos1 "Move 320 0;Resize 508 659"
alias UL "Move 0 0; Resize 450 576"
alias UR "Move 0 576; Resize 450 576"
alias LL "Move 450 0; Resize 450 576"
alias LR "Move 450 576 ; Resize 450 576"
Bruce G. Barnett	barnett@crdgw1.ge.com	uunet!crdgw1!barnett