[comp.windows.open-look] Looking for Hypertext Browser

kneller@dufy.mmwb.ucsf.edu (Don Kneller) (06/20/91)

I'm looking for a text browser with hypertext capability, basically to
facilitate online help. This will be used in an X/NeWS application, so
it can be based on any of XView, raw X, or NeWS.

Any pointers or code would be appreciated.

- don
Donald G. Kneller
University of California, San Francisco

fgreco@fis1026.govt.shearson.com (Frank Greco) (06/24/91)

> I'm looking for a text browser with hypertext capability, basically to
> facilitate online help. This will be used in an X/NeWS application, so
> it can be based on any of XView, raw X, or NeWS.
> Any pointers or code would be appreciated.

	1.  Simple "quasi-hyper" (buzzword copyright pending ;>) solution:

		Get the selection from a textsw or xterm and fire up a little
		window (xterm?) with the output of a awk-ed/sed-ed/perl-ified ASCII file.
		For example you could write a macro in vi (ok...ok... I'm an
		old-fashioned kind of guy) that gets the selection (e.g., 
		user "swiped-selected" a function name in a C pgm) and then
		ran an xterm -e "man selected-thang"...  Using the translations
		mechanism of xterm you could probably even wire up the Sun4 keyboard's
		Help key to run the macro too.

		xprop and sed could get you the selection from the shell level.

	2.  Powerful NeWS hypertext/hypermedia solution:

		see below...

	Frank G.


                          Introducing HyperNeWS

HyperNeWS is a tool developed by the Turing Institute to simplify
the increasingly complex task of building user interfaces.  Created
in 1988 for in-house projects, it has matured into a system used for
commercial projects as well.  Its features include:

- The ability to build user interfaces quickly using direct manipulation.

- A predefined set of system objects that can be used as-is, or modified
  to suit requirements.

- Implementation in NeWS using the power of the PostScript graphics model.

- A programming model that works well with hypermedia applications.

- The ability to communicate with client programs written in C, Prolog,
  and Lisp.

Interactive Interface Building

When developing software with today's windowing environments, a majority
of software development time can go into creating the user interface.
This is the case with many existing user interface toolkits where the
interface is written as a program definition, requiring a low-level
understanding of the system.  HyperNeWS takes a different approach called
direct manipulation, in which the designer does much of the interface
development by dragging, drawing, and sizing objects with the mouse and

System Object Types

A base set of system objects allows the user to build an interface using
these default objects instead of having to build them from scratch.  Most
of these objects have a default appearance and behaviour that the developer
can take advantage of.  Buttons, text fields, and scroll bars each have a
standard appearance and an intuitive behaviour, though they can be modified
by the developer.  A canvas object with little default behaviour is also
provided for existing software that requires direct access to the screen.

The Stack/Hypermedia Model

HyperNeWS is designed using the hypermedia stack model, in which a program
can be represented as one or more stacks, and each stack consists of varying
numbers of cards, backgrounds, and card objects.  This model is easy to
comprehend for users and developers alike.  HyperNeWS stacks are saved in an
ASCII format, providing object persistence and stack portability.  All ob-
jects in the HyperNeWS environment communicate via message passing, promoting
modular separation of functions.


The HyperDraw graphics tool is used for all graphics support within
HyperNeWS.  Drawings consist of PostScript objects so that parts of a
drawing can be manipulated individually.  HyperDraw can import Encap-
sulated PostScript (EPSF) files, allowing work done under other graphics
packages to be used within HyperNeWS.

High Level Language Support

The HyperNeWS system provides an abstract interface to high level languages
so that programs written in C, Prolog, and Lisp can communicate with a
HyperNeWS front end.  These interfaces use the same message passing mecha-
nism that HyperNeWS objects use between themselves.

System Requirements

HyperNeWS requires OpenWindows2.0 and SunOS4.0 or above.  It requires a
Sun-3 or newer workstation, and about 6 MB of disk space.  A color or
greyscale monitor and at least 8 MB of RAM are recommended.


HyperNeWS is available from various FTP sites in Europe and the United
States.  It can also be retrieved via mail server in the United Kingdom.
Please contact The Turing Institute for further details.

About The Turing Institute

The Turing Institute is a not-for-profit company engaged in research and
development in Artificial Intelligence and related disciplines.  It was
established in 1983 and named in honour of the late British mathematician,
Alan M. Turing.

The Fine Print

HyperNeWS is a copyright of The Turing Institute.  It may be freely used
and modified for research and academic purposes.  A brief acknowledgement
is required in any research paper or other publication where HyperNeWS
has made a significant contribution.  For licensing information or con-
ditions of use in commercial products, contact:

	NeWS Development
	The Turing Institute
	George House
	36 North Hanover Street
	Glasgow  G1 2AD
	United Kingdom
	E-mail: newsdev@turing.ac.uk


HyperNeWS1.4 Availability

HyperNeWS1.4 runs on Sun workstations running SunOS4.0 or above with
OpenWindows2.0.  It requires approx. 6MB of disk space.  It is free
for academic and research use, and is available via these networks
(be sure to set binary mode if applicable!!):


	hostname:  tumtum.cs.umd.edu (
	filename:  NeWS/HyperNeWS1.4/HyperNeWS1.4.tar.Z
	username:  anonymous
	password:  your e-mail address

	hostname:  lth.se (
	filename:  NeWS/HyperNeWS/HyperNeWS1.4.tar.Z
	username:  anonymous
	password:  your e-mail address


	hostname:  uunet.uu.net (
	filename:  NeWS/HyperNeWS1.4/HyperNeWS1.4.tar.Z
	username:  anonymous
	password:  your e-mail address


	hostname:  uk.ac.strath.cs
	filename:  <NIFTP>/HyperNeWS1.4.tar.Z
	username:  guest
	password:  your e-mail address

HyperNeWS is also available via mail server in the UK.  Send a mail
message to Info-Server@daresbury.ac.uk containing the following lines:

	Request: Sources
	Topic: /NeWS/HyperNeWS1.4.tar.Z
	Request: End

NOTE: The filename on the second line is case-sensitive!!

HyperNeWS will be sent to you in manageable portions of 1200 lines
each to avoid problems with older mailers.  Expect to receive 25

The file will reach you in numbered parts.  Combine them and you
will have a compressed tar file which has been uuencoded using
uue.  Check the header from the server acknowledgement message
for unencoding information.

For those without network access, HyperNeWS is available on 3.5"
floppy disk or 1/4" cartridge tape.  These can be purchased at
minimal cost from the Turing Institute, as can hardcopy versions
of the online documentation.  Contact the Turing Institute for

steve@umiacs.UMD.EDU (Steve D. Miller) (06/25/91)

   Note that HyperNeWS is no longer available via anonymous FTP from
tumtum.cs.umd.edu.  (In fact, I don't think that *anything* is available via
anonymous FTP to tumtum.cs.umd.edu at this point...)  However, you can still
get a copy via anonymous FTP to ftp.umiacs.umd.edu (; you'll
want to get the file pub/NeWS/HyperNeWS1.4.tar.Z.


Spoken: Steve Miller    Domain: steve@umiacs.umd.edu    UUCP: uunet!mimsy!steve
Phone: +1-301-405-6736  USPS: UMIACS, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742