[net.ham-radio] ARRL DX BULLETIN 12/10/82 de k2ph

wheatley (12/10/82)


       BY8AA has been very active at 0100Z on 21050 kHz.  He has a
       real raw buzz which makes his zero beat real hard to locate.


       OD5LX will be on 28744 at 1130Z Saturday and Sunday for cw
       QSOs.  QSL via SM00DGZ.


       JW5VAA and JW5IG have also been found on 28744 around 1200Z.


       VP8APK, VP8LP, and others from the Falklands as well as
       VP8AOE from South Orkney have been very often on the low end
       of 20 meter ssb in the evenings.


       3V8AA shows in the company of 9Y4RD/SU at 1400 to 1500Z on
       28744 for cw and ssb QSOs.


       Look for the rumored PY00 operation from Trindade December 10
       to 14.


       Europeans can look for YI1BGD on 21155 at 1000Z and for
       North America check 28505 between 1200 and 1300Z.


       ZS4PB has been on 1841 ssb at 0300 to 0330Z.  HZ1AB
       continues Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 0230Z.


       Four operators including a YL will be on from 9N1 between
       December 15 and January 1, all bands, cw and ssb.  QSL via


       VP2KBU will be active until December 13.  QSL via KC00FW.


       Keep a watch for operation from the new crew at ZS2MI due at
       any time.


       With the receipt of the official government approval, the
       Heard Island DX Association plans are now in their final
       stages.  The 18-member expedition will depart from Hobart on
       January 2 for the fourteen day voyage to Heard Island.  The
       expedition plans to stay for a minimum of 14 days and hopes
       to be on the air around January 17 or 18.  VK00SJ/MM will be
       operated enroute to the island.


       All U.S. amateurs are reminded to avoid the 10109 to 10115
       kHz segment of the new band.  Also, contacts on the 10 MHz
       band will not be creditable toward ARRL awards.