[gnu.emacs.sources] J interaction mode for GNU EMACS

mjab@nanna.think.com (Michael J. A. Berry) (03/08/91)

The following code provides a session manager for J. It lets you edit J
functions, adverbs, and conjunctions in their own buffers.  In the case of
a verb, you get two buffers -- one for the monad, one for the dyad.  In a J
definition buffer each line of the buffer contains a single statement.
gmacs does all the quoting, boxing, and what have you so you just see the
unencumbered definitions.  There are also emacs commands for loading and
saving the workspace and listing the objects by name class.  You can also
execute a J expression with result going into the current buffer (great for
inserting examples into documentation).

All the editing functions assume that a J is running.  You can start one up
using run-j or run-remote-j.  These functions should be autoloaded in your
.emacs file like this:

(autoload 'run-j "j-interaction-mode" "run J on your local machine" t)
(autoload 'run-remote-j "j-interaction-mode" "run J on your local machine" t)

========================= cut here =============================================

;;; This software is distributed free of charge and is in the public domain.
;;; Anyone may use, duplicate or modify this program.  Thinking Machines
;;; Corporation does not restrict in any way the use of this software by
;;; anyone.
;;; Thinking Machines Corporation provides absolutely no warranty of any kind.
;;; The entire risk as to the quality and performance of this program is with
;;; you.  In no event will Thinking Machines Corporation be liable to you for
;;; damages, including any lost profits, lost monies, or other special,
;;; incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of this program.
;;; 3/4/91
;;; **************************************************************************
;;; A session manager for J -mjab Fri Feb 22 16:18:30 1991
;;; This is a mode for interacting with J.  It is based on my earlier
;;; apl-interaction mode, but is much simpler since it doesn't have to
;;; deal with funny characters.
;;; M-x run-j or run-remote-j  will put you in the *J-interaction*
;;; window after first starting up a J task.
;;; Use run-j to run on the same machine on which emacs is running.
;;; Use run-remote-j to run on another machine. (For instance, I run my
;;; emacs on a Sun 3 and run J on a remote Sun 4).
;;; If there is something you would like to have happen every time you
;;; run J, put it on the j-interaction-mode-hook in your .emacs file.
;;; For instance, you might use the hook to always copy in named cover
;;; functions via j-load-ws for all the "system commands" if you have the
;;; same trouble I do remembering arbitrary numeric arguments.
;;; j-edit-verb:
;;; meta-control-g will prompt you for the name of a J verb to edit.
;;; It brings up two small windows, one for the monadic definition and one
;;; for the dyadic definition.  
;;; The following GNU EMACS functions have been given bindings which
;;; are meant to be slightly mnemonic.  They may also be called via
;;; M-x function-name.
;;; j-edit-verb:
;;; meta-control-g (remember where the Del used to be?) will prompt
;;; you for the name of a function to edit.
;;; j-edit-adverb:
;;; meta-control-a will prompt you for the name of a J adverb to edit.
;;; j-edit-conjunction:
;;; meta-control-c will prompt you for the name of a J conjunction to edit.
;;; j-edit-existing-object:
;;; meta-control-e will prompt you for the name of an object to edit.
;;; The object must already exist in the workspace so that its name class
;;; can be determined.
;;; j-send-and-fix:
;;; meta-control-x will fix the definition of the verb, adverb, or conjunction
;;; you are currently editing.  You must be in one of the J definition buffers
;;; when you invoke this command.  
;;; j-load-ws:
;;; meta-control-l will load the contents of a stored workspace into the
;;; active ws without you having to remember the magic son of I-beam numbers.
;;; If there is some workspace from which you often want to copy, setq the
;;; variable j-ws-to-copy in your .emacs file.  For example:
;;; (setq j-ws-to-copy "/u/mjab/j/system-fns.jws")
;;; j-save-ws
;;; meta-control-s will save the active workspace to a file without you
;;; having to remember the right son of I-beam number.
;;; j-list-verbs
;;; meta-control-v will list the verbs from the current ws in the minibuffer.
;;; j-list-nouns
;;; meta-control-n will list the nouns from the current ws in the minibuffer.
;;; j-list operators
;;; meta-control-o will list the adverbs and conjunctions from the current ws
;;; in the minibuffer.
;;; j-execute-to-minibuffer:
;;; escape-escape will execute a J expression and print the result in the
;;; minibuffer.   
;;; j-execute-to-buffer:
;;; meta-control-b will execute a J expression and place the result in the
;;; current buffer.
;;; This elisp code was written by and may possibly be maintained by Michael Berry:
;;; Internet:  mjab@think.com
;;; uucp:      {harvard, uunet}!think!mjab
;;; telephone: (617) 234-2056
;;; If a lot of time has passed since March, 1991, you may be able to get a
;;; more recent version of this code by anonymous FTP from think.com in the
;;; file /public/j/gmacs/j-interaction-mode.el.
;;; The J language may be obtained for an ever increasing list of computers
;;; by sending $24.00 (as of 2/91) to:
;;; Iverson Software Inc.
;;; 33 Major Street
;;; Toronto, Ontario
;;; CANADA  M5S 2K9
;;; (416) 925-6096

(require 'shell)
(provide 'j-interaction-mode)

(defvar j-interaction-mode-map nil "keymap for J interaction")
(setq j-interaction-mode-map (copy-alist shell-mode-map))
(defvar j-fned-map nil "keymap J function definition buffers")
(setq j-fned-map (copy-alist text-mode-map))

(defvar j-interaction-mode-hook nil "user supplied hook")

(define-key j-interaction-mode-map "\C-\M-e" 'j-edit-existing-object) 
(define-key j-interaction-mode-map "\C-\M-g" 'j-edit-verb) ;because del is there
(define-key j-interaction-mode-map "\C-\M-a" 'j-edit-adverb) 
(define-key j-interaction-mode-map "\C-\M-c" 'j-edit-conjunction) 
(define-key j-interaction-mode-map "\e\e" 'j-execute-to-minibuffer)
(define-key j-interaction-mode-map "\C-\M-l" 'j-load-ws)
(define-key j-interaction-mode-map "\C-\M-s" 'j-save-ws)
(define-key j-interaction-mode-map "\C-\M-v" 'j-list-verbs)
(define-key j-interaction-mode-map "\C-\M-n" 'j-list-nouns)
(define-key j-interaction-mode-map "\C-\M-o" 'j-list-operators)

(define-key j-fned-map "\C-\M-x" 'j-send-and-fix)
(define-key j-fned-map "\C-\M-g" 'j-edit-verb) ;because del is there
(define-key j-fned-map "\C-\M-a" 'j-edit-adverb) 
(define-key j-fned-map "\C-\M-c" 'j-edit-conjunction) 
(define-key j-fned-map "\C-\M-e" 'j-edit-existing-object) 
(define-key j-fned-map "\C-\M-v" 'j-list-verbs)
(define-key j-fned-map "\C-\M-n" 'j-list-nouns)
(define-key j-fned-map "\C-\M-o" 'j-list-operators)
(define-key j-fned-map "\e\e" 'j-execute-to-minibuffer)
(define-key j-fned-map "\C-\M-b" 'j-execute-to-buffer)

;;; The following defvars should be customized to your site.
;;; Users may overide the defvar settings via setq in their .emacs files.

(defvar j-startup-command "/public/j/sun4/j" "*Command to start up a J session")

(defvar j-wait 9 "*How many seconds to wait before giving up on a response from J")

(defvar last-remote-j-host "godot" "Machine on which to run remote J sessions")

(defvar j-ws-to-copy "/public/j/ws/system.jws" "*Default ws to copy")

(defvar j-last-saved-ws "foo.jws" "Most recently saved workspace")

(defun run-j ()
  "Run an inferior J process, input and output via buffer *J-interaction*"
  (switch-to-buffer (make-shell "J-interaction"  "/bin/sh"))
  (setq j-startup-command (read-string "J executable to use: " j-startup-command))
  (wait-for-response 3)
  (insert j-startup-command)
  (setq shell-prompt-pattern (regexp-quote "   "))

(defun run-remote-j ()
  "Run an inferior J process on another host"
  (setq last-remote-j-host (read-string "Host? " last-remote-j-host))
  (setq j-startup-command (read-string "J executable to use: " j-startup-command))

  ;; The followind doesn't seem to work. Hence all the rlogin mess.
  ;(switch-to-buffer (make-shell
  ;      	     "J-interaction"
  ;	             "/usr/ucb/rsh"
  ;	             nil
  ;	             last-remote-j-host j-startup-command))

  (set-buffer (make-shell "J-interaction" nil))
  (wait-for-response 5)
  (insert (concat "rlogin " last-remote-j-host))
  (wait-for-response 5)
  (shell-send-input)	 ;in case remote host prompts for something
  (wait-for-response 5)
  (shell-send-input)	 ;in case remote host prompts for something
  (wait-for-response 5)
  (shell-send-input)	 ;in case remote host prompts for something
  (wait-for-response 5)
  (insert "stty nl -echo")
  (wait-for-response 5)
  (insert "setenv TERM emacs")
  (wait-for-response 5)
  (delete-region (point-min) (point))
  (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
  (insert j-startup-command)
  (wait-for-response 5)
  (setq shell-prompt-pattern (regexp-quote "   "))

(defun j-interaction-mode ()
  "Mode for interacting with J from within Emacs."
  (setq major-mode 'J-interaction-mode)
  (setq mode-name "J-interaction")
  (use-local-map j-interaction-mode-map)
  (setq shell-prompt-pattern (regexp-quote "   "))
  (message "J interaction mode")
  (run-hooks 'j-interaction-mode-hook))

(defun j-quietly-execute (s)
  "run over to the J interaction window and do something sneaky"
  (interactive "sJ expression: ")
  (set-buffer "*J-interaction*")
  (let ((old-end (point-max))
	(i 0)
      (goto-char old-end)
      (insert s ?\n)
      (setq j-output-start (point-max))
      (let ((process (get-buffer-process "*J-interaction*")))
        (process-send-region process old-end j-output-start)
        (set-marker (process-mark process) (point)))
      (while (and (= j-output-start (point-max)) (< i j-wait)) ;at left margin
	(setq i (+ 1 i))
	(sleep-for 1))			;Wait for J to respond
      (if (= j-output-start (point-max))
	    (message "%s" "J is not responding.")
	(j-wait-for-prompt)			;give J a chance to finish writing
	(skip-chars-backward " \n")	;can't use this if trailing blanks and newlines are expected
	(setq j-result (buffer-substring j-output-start (point)))
	(delete-region old-end (point-max))
	(values j-result)))))

(defun j-execute-to-minibuffer (s)
  "execute J expression placing result in minibuffer"
  (interactive "sJ expression: ")
  (princ (j-quietly-execute s)))

(defun j-execute-to-buffer (s)
  "execute J expression placing result in current buffer"
  (interactive "sJ expression: ")
  (let*((buffer (buffer-name))
	(result (j-quietly-execute s)))
    (set-buffer buffer)
    (insert result)))

(defun j-edit-verb (fn)
  "Edit a verb in two buffers -- one for the mondad, one for the dyad"
  (interactive "sFunction Name: ")
  (let ((monad-buffer (concat fn "-monad.j"))
	(dyad-buffer (concat fn "-dyad.j"))
    (setq nc (j-quietly-execute (concat "4!:0 <'" fn "'")))
    (cond ((equal nc "0")
	   (message (concat fn " is not currently defined in the active workspace"))
	   (get-buffer-create monad-buffer)
	   (get-buffer-create dyad-buffer)
	   (pop-to-buffer dyad-buffer)
	   (use-local-map j-fned-map)
	   (pop-to-buffer monad-buffer)
	   (use-local-map j-fned-map))
	  ((equal nc "3")
	   (message (concat "redefining " fn))
	   (setq monad (j-quietly-execute (concat  ">0{ 5!:2 <'" fn "'")))
	   (setq dyad (j-quietly-execute (concat  ">2{ 5!:2 <'" fn "'")))
	   (get-buffer-create monad-buffer)
	   (get-buffer-create dyad-buffer)
	   (pop-to-buffer dyad-buffer)
	   (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
	   (insert dyad)
	   (skip-chars-backward " ")
	   (use-local-map j-fned-map)
	   (pop-to-buffer monad-buffer)
	   (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
	   (insert monad)
	   (skip-chars-backward " ")
	   (use-local-map j-fned-map))
	    (error "%s is not a verb.  It has name class %s." fn nc)))))

(defun j-edit-adverb (fn)
  "Edit an adverb (monadic operator)"
  (interactive "sAdverb Name: ")
  (let ((adverb-buffer (concat fn "-adverb.j"))
    (setq nc (j-quietly-execute (concat "4!:0 <'" fn "'")))
    (cond ((equal nc "0")
	   (message (concat fn " is not currently defined in the active workspace"))
	   (get-buffer-create adverb-buffer)
	   (pop-to-buffer adverb-buffer)
	   (use-local-map j-fned-map))
	  ((equal nc "4")
	   (message (concat "redefining " fn))
	   (setq monad (j-quietly-execute (concat  ">2{ 5!:2 <'" fn "'")))
	   (get-buffer-create adverb-buffer)
	   (pop-to-buffer adverb-buffer)
	   (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
	   (insert monad)
	   (skip-chars-backward " ")
	   (use-local-map j-fned-map))
	    (error "%s is not an adverb.  It has name class %s." fn nc)))))

(defun j-edit-conjunction (fn)
  "Edit a conjunction (dyadic operator)"
  (interactive "sConjunction Name: ")
  (let ((conjunction-buffer (concat fn "-conjunction.j"))
    (setq nc (j-quietly-execute (concat "4!:0 <'" fn "'")))
    (cond ((equal nc "0")
	   (message (concat fn " is not currently defined in the active workspace"))
	   (get-buffer-create conjunction-buffer)
	   (pop-to-buffer conjunction-buffer)
	   (use-local-map j-fned-map))
	  ((equal nc "5")
	   (message (concat "redefining " fn))
	   (setq monad (j-quietly-execute (concat  ">2{ 5!:2 <'" fn "'")))
	   (get-buffer-create conjunction-buffer)
	   (pop-to-buffer conjunction-buffer)
	   (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
	   (insert monad)
	   (skip-chars-backward " ")
	   (use-local-map j-fned-map))
	    (error "%s is not a conjunction.  It has name class %s." fn nc)))))

(defun j-send-and-fix-verb()
  "send the contents of the current buffer and its mate to define a verb"
  (let ((m-string)
      (cond ((string= "dyad.j" (substring (buffer-name) -6 nil)) ;in the dyad buffer
	     (setq verb (substring (buffer-name) 0 -7)))
	    ((string= "monad.j" (substring (buffer-name) -7 nil)) ;in the monad buffer
	     (setq verb (substring (buffer-name) 0 -8)))
	      (error "%s does not appear to be a J verb definition buffer" (buffer-name))))
      (setq m-string (trim-buffer-string (concat verb "-monad.j")))
      (setq d-string (trim-buffer-string (concat verb "-dyad.j")))
      (setq m-string (mapconcat (function (lambda (char) (format "%d" char))) m-string " ")) ;av indices
      (setq d-string (mapconcat (function (lambda (char) (format "%d" char))) d-string " ")) ;av indices
      (setq j-input  (concat "((<;._1) 10 "
			     "{a.) :: ((<;._1) 10 "
      (setq j-output (j-quietly-execute (concat verb "=. " j-input)))
      (setq msg  (concat "***** new definition of " verb " from emacs at "
			 (current-time-string) ": "
			 (if (string= "\n" j-output)  "succesful" j-output)))
      (message " %s" msg)
      (insert-before-markers msg ?\n)

(defun j-send-and-fix-operator()
  "send the contents of the current buffer to define an adverb or conjunction"
  (let ((def-string)
      (cond ((string= "adverb.j" (substring (buffer-name) -8 nil)) ;in an adverb buffer
	     (setq nc "1 ")
	     (setq operator (substring (buffer-name) 0 -9)))
	    ((string= "conjunction.j" (substring (buffer-name) -13 nil)) ;in a conjunction buffer
	     (setq nc "2 ")
	     (setq operator (substring (buffer-name) 0 -14)))
	      (error "%s does not appear to be a J operator definition buffer" (buffer-name))))
      (setq def-string (trim-buffer-string (current-buffer)))
      (setq def-string (mapconcat (function (lambda (char) (format "%d" char))) def-string " ")) ;av indices
      (setq j-input  (concat nc
			     " :: ((<;._1) 10 "
      (setq j-output (j-quietly-execute (concat operator "=. " j-input)))
      (setq msg  (concat "***** new definition of " operator " from emacs at "
			 (current-time-string) ": "
			 (if (string= "\n" j-output)  "succesful" j-output)))
      (message " %s" msg)
      (insert-before-markers msg ?\n)

(defun trim-buffer-string (buf)
    (let ((start))
      (set-buffer buf)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (skip-chars-forward " \n\t\v\f\r\b")
      (setq start (point))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (skip-chars-backward " \n\t\v\f\r\b" start)
      (buffer-substring start (point)))))

(defun j-wait-for-prompt ()
  "wait until the J prompt appears or j-wait seconds whichever comes first"
  (set-buffer "*J-interaction*")
  (let ((prompt "\n   ")
	(i 0))
    (while (< i j-wait)
      (if (equal prompt (buffer-substring (max (point-min) (- (point-max) 4)) (point-max)))
	  (setq i j-wait)
	(message "waiting for a sign of life from J")
	(sleep-for 1)
	(setq i (+ 1 i))))))

(defun wait-for-response (limit)
  "wait until the buffer changes size, or the limit is reached"
  (let ((max (point-max))
	(count 0))
    (message "waiting for a response")
    (while (and (= max (point-max)) (< count limit))
      (setq count (1+ count))
      (sleep-for 1))
    (message "waiting for response to finish")
    (setq max (point-max))
    (sleep-for 1)
    (while (< max (point-max))
      (sleep-for 1)
      (setq max (point-max)))))

(defun j-load-ws (ws)
  "copy contents of saved ws into active ws"
  (interactive (list (read-string "Copy workspace: " j-ws-to-copy)))
  (let ((response))
    (setq  j-ws-to-copy ws)
    (setq response (j-quietly-execute (concat "2!:4 <'" ws "'")))
    (message (if (string= "1" response) "copy succeded" response))))

(defun j-save-ws (ws)
  "save contents of the active ws to a file"
  (interactive (list (read-string "Save in: " j-last-saved-ws)))
  (let ((response)
    (setq  j-last-saved-ws ws)
    (setq response (j-quietly-execute (concat "2!:2 <'" ws "'")))
    (setq msg (if (string= "1" response)
		  (concat ws " saved " (current-time-string)
    (insert-before-markers msg ?\n)
    (message "*****" msg)))

(defun j-send-and-fix ()
  "send and fix the j object being edited"
  (cond ((not (string= ".j" (substring (buffer-name) -2 nil)))
	 (error "%s is not a J definition buffer" (buffer-name)))
	((string= "-dyad.j" (substring (buffer-name) -7 nil))
	 (message "sending definition as verb")
	((string= "-monad.j" (substring (buffer-name) -8 nil))
	 (message "sending definition as verb")
	((string= "-adverb.j" (substring (buffer-name) -9 nil))
	 (message "sending definition as adverb")
	((string= "-conjunction.j" (substring (buffer-name) -14 nil))
	 (message "sending definition as conjunction")
	  (error "%s is not a J definition buffer" (buffer-name)))))

(defun j-edit-existing-object (name)
    "edit an existing object in the J workspace"
  (interactive "sName of object: ")
  (let ((nc))
    (setq nc (j-quietly-execute (concat "4!:0 <'" name "'")))
    (cond ((string= nc "0")
	   (error "use j-edit-verb, j-edit-adverb, or  j-edit-conjunction to edit a new object"))
	  ((string= nc "2")
	   (error "Alas, noun editing is not yet available"))
	  ((string= nc "3")
	   (j-edit-verb name))
	  ((string= nc "4")
	   (j-edit-adverb name))
	  ((string= nc "5")
	    (error "unable to determine name class of %s. 4!:0 returned %s" name nc)))))

(defun j-list-verbs ()
  "list user defined verbs"
  (j-execute-to-minibuffer ",' ',\"1 >4!:1 (3)"))

(defun j-list-nouns ()
  "list user defined nouns"
  (j-execute-to-minibuffer ",' ',\"1 >4!:1 (2)"))

(defun j-list-operators()
  "list user defined adverbs and conjunctions"
  (j-execute-to-minibuffer ",' ',\"1 >4!:1 (4 5)"))
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Michael J. A. Berry

Internet:  mjab@think.com
uucp:      {harvard, uunet}!think!mjab
telephone: (617) 234-2056  FAX: (617) 234-4444