[gnu.emacs.help] DEL key

eric%yamada-sun@CSE.OGI.EDU (10/16/90)

   (global-set-key "DEL" 'help-for-help) gives me an error in init file.

	(global-set-key "\177" 'help-for-help)

The problem is that "DEL" is not *really* the name of any key (even
though Emacs will tell you things like `DEL runs the command
delete-backward-char').   To find out more about how to refer to keys
in the keymap-setting commands, read the Emacs lisp manual (available
from prep.ai.mit.edu {or from me, if you don't have Internet access}).

"\177" is an example of one way of representing a key.  177 is the
octal code for the delete key.  You could just as well use "\C-?" or
       |Eric Hanchrow		nosun.west.sun.com!yamada-sun!eric	      |
       |Phase III Logic, Inc.	cse.ogi.edu!yamada-sun!eric		      |
       |1600 N.W. 167th Place		Beaverton, OR 97006-4800 USA	      |
       |Voice: (503)-645-0313		Fax: (503)-645-0207     as of 4-Oct-89|