[gnu.emacs.help] autoload

allen@ssc.gov (Mike Allen) (10/29/90)

>>>>> On 25 Oct 90 20:17:58 GMT, sgi!shinobu!odin!milt@cis.ohio-state.edu  (Milton Tinkoff) said:

Milton> How can I get c++-mode to autoload based on the extension of the file I'm
Milton> editing?  If I type 'emacs filename.c++' I want c++-mode to be loaded.
Milton> I have the following in my .emacs:

Milton> (setq load-path (append load-path '("/usr/local/src/emacs/lisp/local")))

Milton> (setq auto-mode-alist
Milton>       (append '(("\\.c$" . c-mode)
Milton> 		("\\.h$" . c-mode)
Milton> 		("\\.C$" . c++-mode)
Milton>                 ("\\.H$" . c++-mode)
Milton> 		("\\.c++$" . c++-mode)
Milton> 		("\\.h++$" . c++-mode))
Milton> 	      auto-mode-alist))

Milton> (autoload 'c++-mode "c++-mode.elc" "c++ mode" t nil)

Milton> If I do a M-x c++mode it loads fine.  What am I doing wrong?
I had that problem for a while, until I remembered that '+' has
special meaning to regular expressions!  Do this:
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.h\\+\\+$" . c++-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.c\\+\\+$" . c++-mode) auto-mode-alist))


			   Michael E. Allen
			    Mail Stop 1046
			    SSC Laboratory
			2550 Beckleymeade Ave.
			   Dallas, TX 75237

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