[gnu.emacs.help] latest & greatest `texinfmt.el'

bob@AI.MIT.EDU (11/08/90)

   I often have trouble formatting texinfo documents.  I tend to get
   errors like `@ref is not handled by texinfo'.  

The only GNU document that should not format with the original
`texinfmt.el' is the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, which comes with its
own copy of the new `makeinfo.c' program.  All the other released
manuals should still format with the old (1988) `texinfmt.el' with no
problems.  (This is theory and perhaps not true.  I plan to test
format all the documents in the next few weeks and see.)

I am revising and expanding the Texinfo Manual and incorporating new
commands into `texinfmt.el'.  Brian Fox is working on `makeinfo.c',
which is faster and has better error messages than `texinfmt.el'.  I
hope that the new manual and new versions of `texinfmt.el',
`texinfo.tex', and `makeinfo.c' will be released before too long.
(How soon exactly, you ask?  I don't know, and I am working on both
the Texinfo Manual and texinfmt.el; I hope before the end of the year.
Which year, you ask?  Ah... , say I, ...  :-)

    Robert J. Chassell                   (413) 298-4725 or (617) 253-8568
    Rattlesnake Mountain Road         or (617) 876-3296 (for messages)
    Stockbridge, MA 01262-0693 USA       bob@ai.mit.edu