[gnu.emacs.help] Supercite?

warsaw@nlm.nih.gov (Barry A. Warsaw) (11/09/90)

>>>>> "John" == john@wpi.WPI.EDU (John F Stoffel) writes:

	John> I just moved from using rmail & superyank to vm 4.41 and
	John> supercite 2.1 and I'm having a small problem with my setup.

>>>>> "Satish" == A. Satish Pai <pai@opal.cs.yale.edu> writes:

	Satish> Could someone tell me where I can find these packages -
	Satish> superyank, vm and supercite?  Also, can supercite be used
	Satish> with rmail, or does it need vm? I am assuming that vm is a
	Satish> mail reading package of some sort, presumably different
	Satish> from rmail, so I'd like to explore it.

Supercite is available via anonymous ftp from durer.cme.nist.gov
[] under pub/gnu/elisp/supercite-2.1.shar.0{1,2}

The most recent release of supercite is version 2.1.  Note that
version 2.0 is also on durer, but you *should not use this*. Its old
and just hasn't been removed yet.  Also for clarification, supercite
completely replaces superyank, which was my first attempt at a
citation package. If you're using superyank, you really should upgrade
to supercite-2.1.

In addition to VM (which I highly recommend), supercite will work with
GNUS 3.12+, RMAIL 18.55+, RNEWS, MH, GNEWS, PCMAIL, and perhaps
others. To interface between your reader and supercite, supercite
provides patches to elisp and overload functions for those who don't
want to patch distribution elisp. With version 2.1, linking supercite
to your favorite mail or news reader should be a snap.


P.S. There's a supercite mailing list too:

 / This mailing list covers issues related to the advanced    \
 | mail/news citation package for GNU emacs called Supercite. |
 |                                                            |
 | Send articles to:                                          |
 |      (Inet) supercite@warsaw.nlm.nih.gov                   |
 |      (Uucp) uunet!warsaw.nlm.nih.gov!supercite             |
 |                                                            |
 | Send requests for mailing list additions/deletions to:     |
 |      (Inet) supercite-request@warsaw.nlm.nih.gov           |
 |      (Uucp) uunet!warsaw.nlm.nih.gov!supercite-request     |
 |                                                            |
 |  Note that the old address @cme.nist.gov may still work    |
 | for some limited amount of time, though you should switch  |
 \ to using @warsaw.nlm.nih.gov for best results...           /