[gnu.emacs.help] Xemacs query

jbw@BIGBIRD.BU.EDU (Joe Wells) (12/20/90)

   I'm running Xemacs under SunOs v4.1_PRS_A, with X11R4 window system.
   Emacs version is 18.55.3 and Xterminal being used is a X-19 by Visual.

To avoid everyone getting confused about this, I should explain that on
the system Tom's using, bucsf, "xemacs" is actually regular GNU Emacs
18.55 and "emacs" is just a script that calls xemacs with the "-nw"
command line option.

   I've tried some various things with emacs and xemacs, and the problem I'm
   having is that when I run emacs in an xterm window, with term set to vt100,
   all the keys map properly so that, one may attach emacs binding to the
   keys. (i.e I can set emacs command on the keypad section)

   yet if I run an Xemacs session, with xterm as terminal type or vt100. the
   keypad and functions keys react funny. I tried doing a M-x quoted-insert on
   the keys in question and there was no reaction from hitting the key.
   Basically the key no longer exists.

If you look in the file src/x11term.c at the definition of the function
stringFuncVal (there are two definitions, one for Suns, and one for
everyone else), everything will become clear to you.  Basically, the way
function keys are handled in Emacs when it is running as a direct X client
is a gross hack.  For non-Sun machines, only the function keys that would
be present on a VT220 keyboard are given separate identities, all other
keys are either mapped to the key sequence "ESC [-1~" or not handled at

    I'm not a great expert on this, and would appreciate information on how I
   could enable the keys in xemacs. or if these keys are bound elsewhere in
   the system.

You need to hack the C source code of Emacs to make this work properly.
Next year I might have time to install Epoch on bucsf, which would solve
this problem for you.


Joe Wells <jbw@bu.edu>