[net.ham-radio] ARRL DXINFO BULLETIN

wheatley (01/14/83)

       _H_e_a_r_d__I_s_l_a_n_d_.  The VK9NS expedition had navigational
       problems and had to return to Tasmania.  It is not yet known
       if this trip will be resumed.  The VK00HI crew is progressing
       on schedule and is approximately 800 miles from Heard
       Island.  Operation may be expected around the 15th.

       _T_o_g_o_.  N6NW plans to operate as 5V7NW or 5V7HL from January
       15 through 24, ssb only.  Frequencies will be 21300, 14225,
       14195 listening up, and 3795 kHz.  He expects to be very
       active on the weekends and after 1800Z during the week.  QSL
       to AK3F.

       _N_i_u_e_.  ZK2RS is active, especially during the weekends,
       between 28500 and 28600 kHz at 2200Z.

       _P_i_t_c_a_i_r_n__I_s_l_a_n_d_.  Congratulations to Tom Christian, VR6TC,
       who was recently awarded the honorary "Member of the British
       Empire" by Queen Elizabeth.  YL operation from Pitcairn by
       VR6KY is expected for two weeks beginning January 12.

       _N_o_r_t_h__C_o_o_k__I_s_l_a_n_d_.  ZK1WL will be active for the next six

       _R_o_d_r_i_g_u_e_s__I_s_l_a_n_d_.  Alex, 3B8DA/3B9 has been heard on 14217
       kHz at 0230Z.

       _S_o_u_t_h__S_h_e_t_l_a_n_d__a_n_d__S_o_u_t_h__O_r_k_n_e_y__I_s_l_a_n_d_s_.  Look for
       operations by LU1ZA and LU1ZC around the end of January and
       first of February.

       _K_e_r_g_u_e_l_e_n__I_s_l_a_n_d_.  FB8XAB is often on 14220 kHz around
       0330Z.  QSLs go via F6GXB.

       _F_r_a_n_z__J_o_s_e_f__L_a_n_d_.  UK1PGO can be found on 20 meter ssb and
       cw between 1100 and 1300Z.  Watch for him on 14215 and 14204

       _C_h_i_n_a_.  BY8AA has been putting through a good signal on the
       east coast during the evening hours.  He is now operating
       split, so please do not call on his frequency.

       _H_e_a_r_d__a_n_d__W_o_r_k_e_d_.  JW5VAA 10101 kHz at 2200Z.  QSL to LA4YW.
       Remember that 10 MHz contacts are not creditable toward ARRL
       awards.  7P8CL 7003 kHz at 0350Z.  QSL via SM5GOJ.  CE00CEW
       Juan Fernandez 14035 kHz at 0150Z.  KA2PFV/SV9 28555 kHz at
       1330Z.  QSL to P. O. Box 301, Iraklion, Crete.  OE2TWM/YK
       28595 kHz at 1400Z.