[gnu.emacs.help] Reportmail

bcp@CS.CMU.EDU (Benjamin Pierce) (03/02/91)

This is an improved version of a package I posted a few months ago for
generating messages in the minibuffer when new mail arrives.  

The present version works with Emacs 18.55, and apparently fails to
work in later versions.  If anyone makes the necessary changes (it
should not be hard), I'd be grateful for a copy.

	Benjamin Pierce

;; REPORTMAIL: Display time and load in mode line of Emacs.
;; Originally time.el in the emacs distribution.
;; Mods by BCP and DCP to display incoming mail.
;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

; Installation
; ------------
; To use reportmail, add the following to your .emacs file:
;    (load-library "reportmail")
;    ;; Edit this list as appropriate
;    (setq display-time-my-addresses
;     '("Benjamin.Pierce" "bcp" "Benjamin Pierce" "\"Benjamin C. Pierce"))
;    ;; By default, mail arrival is reported with a message but no beep  
;    (setq display-time-mail-ring-bell t)
;    (display-time)
; Site Configuration
; ------------------
; In the CMU SCS environment, messages waiting to be read are kept in a 
; file called /usr/spool/mail/<userid>, separated by control-Cs.
; If your environment differs, you will want to modify the values of
; the variables 
;             display-time-incoming-mail-file 
; and/or      display-time-message-separator.
; [Administrators trying to determine the proper value of this variable
; may find the debugging switches documented below useful.]
; The reportmail package has a notion of "junk mail," which can be used to
; reduce the frequency of irritating interruptions by reporting only the
; arrival of messages that seem to be interesting.  If you're on a lot
; of high-volume mailing lists, this can be quite convenient.  To use
; this facility, add something like the following to your .emacs file:
;   ;; The value of this variable is a list of lists, where the first
;   ;; element in each list is the name of a header field and the
;   ;; remaining elements are various elements of the value of this
;   ;; header field that signal the junkiness of a message.  
;   (setq display-time-junk-mail-checklist
;     '(("From" "bcp" "Benjamin Pierce" "Benjamin.Pierce"
;               "Mail Delivery Subsystem" "network" "daemon@bartok")
;       ("To" "sml-request" "sml-redistribution-request" 
;        "scheme" "TeXhax-Distribution-list")
;       ("Resent-From" "Benjamin.Pierce")
;       ("Sender" "WRITERS" "Haskell" "Electronic Music Digest" "NEW-LIST")))
; By default, the entries in this list are matched exactly as 
; substrings of the given header fields.  If an entry begins with 
; the character ^ it will be matched as a regular expression.  If the 
; variable display-time-match-using-regexps is set, then all entries
; will be matched as regular expressions.
; Note that elements of display-time-my-addresses are NOT automatically
; included in display-time-junk-mail-checklist.  If you want mail from
; yourself to be considered junkmail, you must add your addresses to 
; display-time-junk-mail-checklist too.
; Xbiff Interface
; ---------------
; If you normally keep your emacs window iconified, reportmail can 
; maintain an xbiff display as well.  The xbiff window will only be 
; highlighted when non-junk mail is waiting to be read.  For example:
;    (if window-system-version
;        (setq display-time-use-xbiff t))
;    (setq display-time-xbiff-arg-list '("-update" "30" "-geometry" "+0+0"))
; Other
; -----
; There are several other user-customization variables that you may wish
; to modify.  These are documented below.

; 25 Jan 91	Benjamin Pierce (bcp@cs.cmu.edu)
;       Added facility for regular-expression matching of junk-mail
;       checklist.  Set inhibit-local-variables to t inside of 
;       display-time-process-new-mail to prevent letterbombs 
;       (suggested by jwz).
; 20 Dec 90	Jamie Zawinski <jwz@lucid.com>
;	Added new variables: display-time-no-file-means-no-mail, 
;	display-time-wait-hard, and display-time-junk-mail-ring-bell.
;	Made display-time-message-separator be compared case-sensitively.
;	Made the junk-mail checklist use a member-search rather than a 
;	prefix-search.
; 22 Jul 90     Benjamin Pierce (bcp@cs.cmu.edu)
;       Added support for debugging.
; 19 Jul 90     Benjamin Pierce (bcp@cs.cmu.edu)
;       Improved user documentation and eliminated known CMU dependencies.
; 13 Jul 90	Mark Leone (mleone@cs.cmu.edu)
;	Added display-time-use-xbiff option.  Various layout changes.
; 20 May 90     Benjamin Pierce (bcp@proof)
;       Fixed a bug that occasionally caused fields to be extracted
;       from the wrong buffer.
; 14 May 90     Benjamin Pierce (bcp@proof)
;       Added concept of junk mail and ability to display message
;       recipient in addition to sender and subject.  (Major internal
;       reorganization was needed to implement this cleanly.)
; 18 Nov 89     Benjamin Pierce (bcp@proof)
;       Fixed to work when display-time is called with 
;       global-mode-string not a list
; 15 Jan 89	David Plaut (dcp@k)
;	Added ability to discard load from displayed string
;	To use:	(setq display-time-load nil)
;	Added facility for reporting incoming mail (modeled after gosmacs
;	reportmail.ml package written by Benjamin Pierce).

;;;                       User Variables                          ;;;

(defvar display-time-announce-mail t
  "*Toggles whether name of mail sender is displayed in mode line.")

(defvar display-time-announce-junk-mail-too nil
  "*When non-NIL, announce incoming junk mail as well as interesting mail")

(defvar display-time-time t
  "*Toggles whether the time is displayed.")

(defvar display-time-load nil
  "*Toggles whether machine load is displayed.")

(defvar display-time-day-and-date nil
  "*Toggles whether day and date are displayed.")

(defvar display-time-mail-ring-bell nil
  "*Toggles whether bell is rung on mail arrival.")

(defvar display-time-junk-mail-ring-bell nil
  "*Toggles whether bell is rung on junk mail arrival.
If display-time-mail-ring-bell is nil, this variable is ignored.")

(defvar display-time-my-addresses 
  (list (user-full-name) (user-login-name))
  "*Report the addressee of incoming mail in the message announcement, 
unless it appears in this list.  (See also display-time-match-using-regexps.)")
;; For example:
;; (setq display-time-my-addresses
;;  '("Benjamin.Pierce" "bcp" "Benjamin Pierce" "\"Benjamin C. Pierce"))

(defvar display-time-junk-mail-checklist nil
  "*A list of lists of strings.  In each sublist, the first component is the
name of a message field and the rest are values that flag a piece of
junk mail.  If an entry begins with the character ^ it is matched as
a regular expression rather than an exact prefix of the given header 
field.  (See also display-time-match-using-regexps.)  

Note: elements of display-time-my-addresses are NOT automatically
      included in display-time-junk-mail-checklist")
;; For example:
;; (setq display-time-junk-mail-checklist
;;  '(("From" "bcp" "Benjamin Pierce" "Benjamin.Pierce"
;;            "Mail Delivery Subsystem" "network" "daemon@bartok")
;;    ("To" "sml-request" "sml-redistribution-request" "computermusic" 
;;     "scheme" "TeXhax-Distribution-list")
;;    ("Resent-From" "Benjamin.Pierce")
;;    ("Sender" "WRITERS" "Haskell" "Electronic Music Digest" "NEW-LIST")))

(defvar display-time-match-using-regexps nil "*When non-nil, elements of 
display-time-junk-mail-checklist and display-time-my-addresses are matched
as regular expressions instead of literal prefixes of header fields.")

(defvar display-time-max-from-length 35
  "*Truncate sender name to this length in mail announcements")

(defvar display-time-max-to-length 11
  "*Truncate addressee name to this length in mail announcements")

(defvar display-time-interval 30
  "*Seconds between updates of time in the mode line.  Also used
as interval for checking incoming mail.")

(defvar display-time-wait-hard t
  "*If true, then display-time will use 'sleep-for' instead of sit-for'
after printing mail notifications in the echo area, so that you will be
able to read the message even if you are typing as it come in.")

(defvar display-time-no-file-means-no-mail t
  "*Set this to T if you are on a system which deletes your mail-spool file 
when there is no new mail.")

(defvar display-time-incoming-mail-file
  (or (getenv "MAIL")
      (let ((user-name (getenv "USER")))
	(and user-name
	     (file-directory-p "/usr/spool/mail/")
	     (concat "/usr/spool/mail/" user-name)))
  "User's incoming mail file.  Default is value of environment variable MAIL,
if set;  otherwise /usr/spool/mail/$USER is used.")

(defvar display-time-message-separator "\C-c")

(defvar display-time-use-xbiff nil
  "If set, display-time uses xbiff to announce new mail.")

(defvar display-time-xbiff-arg-list nil
  "List of arguments passed to xbiff.  Useful for setting geometry, etc.")
;;; For example: 
;;; (setq display-time-xbiff-arg-list '("-update" "30" "-geometry" "+0+0"))

(defvar display-time-mail-arrived-file
  (concat "/usr/" (getenv "USER") "/.mail-arrived")
  "New mail announcements saved in this file if xbiff used.  Deleted when 
mail is read.  Xbiff used to monitor existence of this file.")

;;;                       Internal Variables                      ;;;

(defvar display-time-loadst-process nil
  "The process providing time, load, and mail info.")

(defvar display-time-xbiff-process nil
  "The xbiff process used to announce incoming mail.")

(defvar display-time-string nil
  "Time displayed in mode line")

(defvar display-time-mail-buffer-name "*Mail*"
  "Name of buffer used for announcing mail.")

(defvar display-time-may-need-to-reset t
  "Set to NIL when display-time-reset-mail-processing has not been called 
since the last time we changed from having mail in the queue to an empty

(defvar display-time-debugging nil
  "*When non-NIL, reportmail records various status information
as it's working.")

(defvar display-time-debugging-delay nil 
   "*When non-nil and display-time-debugging is set, sit for this 
long after displaying each debugging message in mode line")

(defvar display-time-debugging-buffer "*Reportmail-Debugging*"
  "Status messages are appended here.")
;;;                       Macros                                  ;;;

(defmacro when (condition &rest body)
  (append (list 'if (list 'not condition) '()) body))

(defmacro unless (condition &rest body)
  (append (list 'if condition '()) body))

(defmacro del-file (filename)
  (list 'if (list 'file-exists-p filename) (list 'delete-file filename)))

(defmacro display-time-debug (mesg &rest args)
     'if 'display-time-debugging
         (list 'display-time-debug-mesg
	       (append (list 'format mesg) args))))

;;;                       Time Display                            ;;;

(defun display-time-kill ()
  "Kill all display-time processes.  Done automatically if display-time
is re-invoked."
  (if display-time-loadst-process (delete-process display-time-loadst-process))
  (if display-time-xbiff-process (delete-process display-time-xbiff-process))

(defun display-time ()
  "Displays current time, date, load level, and incoming mail status in 
mode line of each buffer (if corresponding user variables are set)."
  (let ((process-connection-type nil))  ; UIUCDCS mod
      (if (or (string-equal "" display-time-incoming-mail-file)
	      (and (not display-time-no-file-means-no-mail)
		   (not (file-exists-p display-time-incoming-mail-file))))
	     (message "Reportmail: mail spool file \"%s\" not found" 
	     (sit-for 1)
	     (ding nil)))
      (if (not global-mode-string) (setq global-mode-string '("")))
      (if (not (listp global-mode-string))
	  (setq global-mode-string (list global-mode-string "  ")))
      (if (not (memq 'display-time-string global-mode-string))
	  (setq global-mode-string
		(append global-mode-string '(display-time-string))))
      (setq display-time-string "time and load")
      (setq display-time-loadst-process
	    (start-process "display-time-loadst" nil
			   "-n" (int-to-string display-time-interval)))
      (process-kill-without-query display-time-loadst-process)
      (set-process-sentinel display-time-loadst-process 
      (set-process-filter display-time-loadst-process 'display-time-filter)
      (if display-time-use-xbiff
	    (del-file display-time-mail-arrived-file)
	    (setq display-time-xbiff-process
		  (apply 'start-process "display-time-xbiff" nil
			 "xbiff" "-file" display-time-mail-arrived-file
	    (process-kill-without-query display-time-xbiff-process)
	    (sit-for 1)			; Need time to see if xbiff fails.
	    (if (/= 0 (process-exit-status display-time-xbiff-process))
		(error "Display time: xbiff failed.  Check xbiff-arg-list"))))))

(defun display-time-sentinel (proc reason)
  (or (eq (process-status proc) 'run)
      (setq display-time-string ""))
  ;; Force mode-line updates
  (save-excursion (set-buffer (other-buffer)))
  (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
  (sit-for 0))

(defun display-time-filter (proc string)
  ;; Desired data can't need more than the last 30 chars,
  ;; so save time by flushing the rest.
  ;; This way, if we have many different times all collected at once,
  ;; we can discard all but the last few very fast.
  (if (> (length string) 30) (setq string (substring string -30)))
  ;; Now discard all but the very last one.
  (while (and (> (length string) 4)
	      (string-match "[0-9]+:[0-9][0-9].." string 4))
    (setq string (substring string (match-beginning 0))))
  (if (string-match "[^0-9][0-9]+:" string)
      (setq string (substring string 0 (1+ (match-beginning 0)))))
  ;; If we're announcing mail and mail has come, process any new messages
  (when display-time-announce-mail
    (if (string-match "Mail" string)
  ;; Format the mode line time display
  (let ((time-string (if (string-match "Mail" string)
			 (if display-time-announce-mail 
			     "Mail "))))
    (if (and display-time-time (string-match "[0-9]+:[0-9][0-9].." string))
	(setq time-string 
	      (concat time-string
		      (substring string (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
		      " ")))
    (if display-time-day-and-date
	(setq time-string
	      (concat time-string
		      (substring (current-time-string) 0 11))))
    (if (and display-time-load (string-match "[0-9]+\\.[0-9][0-9]" string))
	(setq time-string
	      (concat time-string
		      (substring string (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
		      " ")))
    ;; Install the new time for display.
    (setq display-time-string time-string)
    ;; Force redisplay of all buffers' mode lines to be considered.
    (save-excursion (set-buffer (other-buffer)))
    (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
    ;; Do redisplay right now, if no input pending.
    (sit-for 0)))

;;;                       Mail processing                         ;;;

(defvar display-time-mail-who-from ""
  "Short-form name of sender of last piece of interesting unread mail")

(defvar display-time-mail-modeline ""
  "Terse mail announcement (displayed in modeline)")

(defvar display-time-previous-mail-buffer-max 1
  "The length of the mail buffer the last time we looked at it")

(defvar display-time-msg-count 0
  "How many interesting messages have arrived")

(defvar display-time-junk-msg-count 0
  "How many junk messages have arrived")

;; A test procedure for trying out new display-time features
(defun display-time-test ()

(defun display-time-reset-mail-processing ()
  (when display-time-may-need-to-reset
    (setq display-time-may-need-to-reset nil)
    (display-time-debug "Resetting mail processing")
    (let ((mail-buffer (get-buffer display-time-mail-buffer-name)))
      (if mail-buffer (kill-buffer mail-buffer)))
    (if display-time-use-xbiff
	;; This function is only called when no mail is in the spool.
	;; Hence we should delete the mail-arrived file.
	(del-file display-time-mail-arrived-file))

(defun display-time-reset-mail-processing-vars ()
  (setq display-time-msg-count 0)
  (setq display-time-junk-msg-count 0)
  (setq display-time-mail-who-from "Junk mail")
  (setq display-time-previous-mail-buffer-max 1))

(defun display-time-process-new-mail ()
  (setq display-time-may-need-to-reset t)
  (let ((mail-buffer (get-buffer display-time-mail-buffer-name))
	(inhibit-local-variables t))
    (unless (and mail-buffer (verify-visited-file-modtime mail-buffer))
	(display-time-debug "\n\nProcessing new mail")
	(if mail-buffer (kill-buffer mail-buffer))
	;; Change to pop-to-buffer when we're debugging:
	(set-buffer (find-file-noselect display-time-incoming-mail-file))
	(rename-buffer display-time-mail-buffer-name)

(defun display-time-process-mail-buffer ()
  (let (start)
    (if (< display-time-previous-mail-buffer-max (point-max))
	(let ((case-fold-search nil))
	  (goto-char display-time-previous-mail-buffer-max)
	  (if (not (looking-at
		    (regexp-quote display-time-message-separator)))
    (goto-char display-time-previous-mail-buffer-max)
    (if (not (eobp))
	(forward-char 1))
    (while (not (eobp))
      (setq start (point))
      ;; (if (let ((case-fold-search nil))
      ;;    (not (search-forward
      ;;	  (concat "\n" display-time-message-separator)
      ;;	  nil t)))
      ;;  (narrow-to-region start (point))
      ;; )
      (if (not (let ((case-fold-search nil))
		  (concat "\n" display-time-message-separator) nil t)))
	  (goto-char (point-max)))
      (narrow-to-region start (point))
      (goto-char (point-max))
    (setq display-time-previous-mail-buffer-max (point-max))))

(defun display-time-process-this-message ()
  (display-time-debug "\nProcessing a message")

  (if (display-time-junk-message)
  ;; Update mode line contents
  (setq display-time-mail-modeline 
	(concat "[" (display-time-format-msg-count) 
		"] "))
  (display-time-debug "New mode line: %s " display-time-mail-modeline)

(defun display-time-junk-message ()
  "Check to see whether this message is interesting"

  (display-time-debug "Comparing current message to junk mail checklist")

  (let ((checklist display-time-junk-mail-checklist)
	(junk nil))
    (while (and checklist (not junk))
      (if (display-time-member 
	   (display-time-get-field (car (car checklist)))
	   (cdr (car checklist)))
	  (setq junk t)
	  (setq checklist (cdr checklist))))

(defun display-time-process-good-message ()
  (display-time-debug "Formatting message announcement (good message)")

  ;; Update the message counter
  (setq display-time-msg-count (+ display-time-msg-count 1))

  ;; Format components of announcement
  (let* ((subject (display-time-get-field "Subject" ""))
	 (from (display-time-get-field "From" ""))
	 (to (display-time-get-field "To" ""))
         (print-subject (if (string= subject "")
			    (concat " (" subject ")")))
	 (print-from (display-time-truncate from display-time-max-from-length))
	 (short-from (display-time-truncate 
		      (display-time-extract-short-addr from) 25))
	 (print-to (if (display-time-member to display-time-my-addresses)
			(display-time-extract-short-addr to)

    ;; Announce message
    (let ((msg (concat 
		   "Mail " 
		   (if (string= print-to "") "" 
		       (concat "to " print-to " "))
		   "from " print-from 
      (if display-time-use-xbiff
	    (let ((tmp-buf (generate-new-buffer "*Tmp*")))
	      (set-buffer tmp-buf)
	      (insert msg)
	      (append-to-file (point-min) (point-max) 
	      (kill-buffer tmp-buf))))
      (display-time-debug "Message: %s" msg)
      (message "%s" msg))

    (if display-time-mail-ring-bell (ding))
    (if (not display-time-wait-hard)
	(sit-for 2)
      (sit-for 0)
      (sleep-for 3))

    ;; Update mode line information
    (setq display-time-mail-who-from short-from)))

(defun display-time-process-junk-message ()
  (display-time-debug "Formatting message announcement (junk message)")

  ;; Update the message counter
  (setq display-time-junk-msg-count (+ display-time-junk-msg-count 1))

  ;; Format components of announcement
  (let* ((subject (display-time-get-field "Subject" ""))
	 (from (display-time-get-field "From" ""))
	 (to (display-time-get-field "To" ""))
         (print-subject (if (string= subject "")
			    (concat " (" subject ")")))
	 (print-from (display-time-truncate from display-time-max-from-length))
	 (short-from (display-time-truncate 
		      (display-time-extract-short-addr from) 25))
	 (print-to (if (display-time-member to display-time-my-addresses)
			(display-time-extract-short-addr to)

    ;; Announce message
    (when display-time-announce-junk-mail-too
	  (let ((msg (concat 
		      "Junk Mail " 
		      (if (string= print-to "") "" 
			(concat "to " print-to " "))
		      "from " print-from 
	    (if display-time-use-xbiff
		  (let ((tmp-buf (generate-new-buffer "*Tmp*")))
		    (set-buffer tmp-buf)
		    (insert msg)
		    (append-to-file (point-min) (point-max) 
		    (kill-buffer tmp-buf))))
	    (message "%s" msg)
	    (display-time-debug "Message: %s" msg)
	    (if (and display-time-mail-ring-bell
 	    (if (not display-time-wait-hard)
 		(sit-for 2)
 	      (sit-for 0)
 	      (sleep-for 3))))))

(defun display-time-format-msg-count ()
   (if (> (+ display-time-msg-count display-time-junk-msg-count) 1) 
	(int-to-string display-time-msg-count) 
	(if (> display-time-junk-msg-count 0)
	    (concat "(" (int-to-string display-time-junk-msg-count) ")"))
	": ")

(defun display-time-get-field (field &optional default)
  (when (not (equal (buffer-name) display-time-mail-buffer-name))
    (message "reportmail bug: processing buffer %s, not %s"
    (sit-for 2))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (let ((result
	 (if (re-search-forward (concat "^" field ":[ |\C-i]*") nil t)
	     (let ((start (point)))
	       (buffer-substring start (point)))
	     (or default "<unknown>"))))
    (display-time-debug "value of %s field is %s" field result)

;;;                       Auxilliary Functions                    ;;;

(defun display-time-member (e l)
  "Is string E matched by an element of list L?  
When an element of L begins with ^, match it as a regexp.  Otherwise,
ignore case and match exactly.  If display-time-match-using-regexps is
non-nil, always match using regexps."
  (let ((done nil)
	(result nil))
    (while (not done)
       ((null l) 
	(setq done t))
       ((or display-time-match-using-regexps (= (elt (car l) 0) ?^))
	(if (string-match (car l) e)
	    (setq result l done t)
	  (setq l (cdr l))))
       ((string-match (regexp-quote (downcase (car l))) (downcase e)) 
	(setq result l done t))
	(setq l (cdr l)))))

(defun display-time-truncate (s max)
  (if (and s (>= (length s) max))
      (concat (substring s 0 max) "\\")

(defun display-time-extract-short-addr (long-addr)
  (let ((name "\\([A-Za-z0-9-_+\\. ]+\\)"))
    (if (or 
	 ;; David Plaut <dcp@CS.CMU.EDU>	 -> David Plaut
	 (string-match (concat name "[ |	]+<.+>") long-addr)
	 ;; anything (David Plaut) anything	 -> David Plaut
	 (string-match ".+(\\(.+\\)).*" long-addr)
	 ;; plaut%address.bitnet@vma.cc.cmu.edu -> plaut
	 (string-match (concat name "%.+@.+") long-addr)

	 ;; random!uucp!addresses!dcp@uu.relay.net -> dcp
	 (string-match (concat ".*!" name "@.+") long-addr)

	 ;; David.Plaut@CS.CMU.EDU		 -> David.Plaut
	 (string-match (concat name "@.+") long-addr)
	(substring long-addr (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))

;;;                       Debugging Support                       ;;;

;; (defvar display-time-debugging-messages t
;;   "When non-NIL, reportmail displays status messages in real time.")

(defun display-time-debug-mesg (mesg)
  ;; (if display-time-debugging-messages
  ;;     (progn 
  ;;	(message "Reportmail: %s" mesg)
  ;;	(sit-for 1)
  ;;	))
    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create display-time-debugging-buffer))
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (insert mesg "\n")
  (if display-time-debugging-delay
      (progn (message "Reportmail: %s" mesg)
	     (sit-for display-time-debugging-delay))))