[gnu.emacs.help] Clarification of question about documentation strings

bjaspan@ATHENA.MIT.EDU ("Barr3y Jaspan") (03/06/91)

My original question turned out to be a little vague, so I'll ask it a
different way.  If I ask for a doc string for a function that is not
bound to any keys, it says to use M-x command.  If, on the other hand,
I ask for a doc string for a function that is bound to a meta-key
sequence, like M-q, it says to use ESC key.  ie:

(substitute-command-keys "\\[rmail]")
"M-x rmail"

(substitute-command-keys "\\[fill-paragraph]")
"ESC q"

This is inconsistent behavior.  Either the first one should be
reported as "ESC x rmail" or the second should be "M-q".  There is
nothing inherently special about M-x; at least, there shouldn't be (it
just happens to be a widely used default, and an excellent idea).

Note that I am not really asking for a description of how the
implementation happens to spit out M-x in one case and ESC in the
other.  I am asking a design question -- why are they reported

I don't think they should be; I think both should be reported as
"M-whatever".  The "meta key" is an abstraction; if your keyboard
happens to have a key labelled "meta" or "alt" or "compose" or
whatever, you can make it mean meta; if you don't, you can always use
ESC and a synonym for meta.


Barr3y Jaspan, bjaspan@mit.edu