[net.ham-radio] 2M CQ

mahler (01/21/83)

pur-ee!mahler    Jan 20 07:55:00 1983

Socially Unacceptable ?? ... Well thats the way it seems ... 
In many parts of the country (although I understand not so
in the Deep South and Hawaii) it is totally unacceptable
to call CQ thru a 2M repeater.  And because of the local
feeling I don't call CQ thru the repeaters.  BUT WHY!!

I am not advocating calling long CQs on a repeater, anyone
there is going to hear you the first time.  It seems to
make more sense, typical calls or "monitoring" or "listening"
really don't say I am on the air and want to talk to any
other station.  And surely a QRZ doesn't fit on a repeater
that has been stone quiet.  A simple   N9DRR CQ  seems to
fill the bill, and is consistant with all other amateur

So lets drop the stigma surrounding calling a simple CQ
on the 2M repeaters ... Discussion is welcomed, pure
flaming will be routinely ignored.      73's
				   Steve  N9DRR

karn (01/21/83)

Yes, those that say "CQ" on a repeater are usually scorned as
"newcomers", even though the usage is entirely correct.

I avoid the issue by saying something informal like "KA9Q listening.
Anybody around?"


jfw (01/22/83)

When I have the urge to call CQ on a 2M repeater, I usually say:
"Is anyone around? WB7EEL" or something on the order.  I have yet to
receive a complaint.  My only objection to someone who would say
"CQ from ax1e"* would be the fact that "CQ" belongs to CW, and the more
informal nature of 2M makes the terse "CQ" rather silly.

John Woods WB7EEL/1, ...!genradbo!mitccc!jfw

*apologies to the hypothetical AX1E, the visual pun was too tempting.

ltn (01/22/83)

Sure, let's call CQ on the repeaters.
Besides, if you really want a QSO, calling CQ is probably the best way to get
one.  I'll bet that nine times out of ten, some guy who wouldn't bother
coming back to a `monitoring' announcement WILL reply to your CQ, simply to
flame on about not calling CQ on a repeater, and to `straighten out' the

de WA7WJZ, monitoring

(Les Niles, Bell Labs Murray Hill (aluxz!ltn))