[gnu.emacs.help] Question: call-process vs. shell-command

eichin@ATHENA.MIT.EDU ("Mark W. Eichin") (04/09/91)

>> Novice question:
>> What's the difference between call-process and shell-command? What's
>> the most efficient way to call 'date' to insert a formatted date/time
>> stamp into a text file.
>> Regards,
>> Ken
	It's a good thing you enclosed your second question - the
answer you probably want is "don't call date". Enclosed find
stardate.el, a little tool I use to insert a datestamp in files I'm
editting (usually comments in code). The "icky" version referred to
used call-process of "date"; this one uses "(current-time-string)"
which returns a string which is the vlaue of the library "ctime"
function (so "man ctime" to see what the string will look like on your
system, or just ESC ESC (current-time-string) RET to see directly what
it is. Needless to say, (current-time-string) is *MUCH* faster.
				_Mark_ <eichin@athena.mit.edu>
				MIT Student Information Processing Board

;;; stardate.el
;;; insert something like [eichin:19880309.0843EST] into a file, as a
;;; nerdly sort of timestamp.
;;;					[eichin:19880309.0843EST]
;;; There MUST be some way of speeding this up...
;;; sigh. there is. look at the rcslogs for the old icky version.
;;;					[eichin:19880309.0936EST]

(defvar stardate_el-RCS-id)
(setq stardate_el-RCS-id
      "$Header: stardate.el,v 1.2 88/03/09 09:44:01 eichin Exp $")

(defconst month-day-alist 
  '(("Jan"."01") ("Feb"."02") ("Mar"."03") ("Apr"."04") ("May"."05")
    ("Jun"."06") ("Jul"."07") ("Aug"."08") ("Sep"."09") ("Oct"."10")
    ("Nov"."11") ("Dec"."12"))
  "assoc list of months/numeric string numbers. See calendar.el.")

(defvar stardate-timezone "EST")

(setq date (current-time-string))
(defun insert-stardate ()
  "Put stardate at point."
  (let ((date (current-time-string)))
    (insert "[" (getenv "USER") ":" 
	    (substring date -4 nil)	; yyyy
	    (cdr (assoc (substring date 4 7)
			month-day-alist)) ; MM
	    (let ((d (substring date 8 9)))
	      (if (equal d " ") "0" d))
	    (substring date 9 10)	; d
	    (substring date 11 13)	; hh
	    (substring date 14 16)	; mm