[gnu.emacs.help] Emacs 18.57 on a Convex with V8.1

darrylo@HPNMXX.HP.COM (04/09/91)

> We recently upgraded our Convex to Convex OS 8.1 and it broke all of our
> gnuware in one way or another.  I'm now trying to compile emacs 18.57
> following the suggestions in etc/MACHINES (use cc -pcc and s-bsd4-2.h,
> m-convex.h) and it barphs at ld time claiming that there is an
> unsatisfied external (mcount).  Grep shows NO reference to mcount in
> any of the code nor any of the included files!

     This may not be your problem, but "mcount" is typically a variable
used specifically when you tell the compiler to *add* code to profile
your program.  Look for a compiler option that turns on profiling (I
hope it's not on by default).

     You'll have to remove all .o and .a files and recompile.

     -- Darryl Okahata
	UUCP: {hplabs!, hpcea!, hpfcla!} hpnmd!darrylo
	Internet: darrylo%hpnmd@relay.hp.com

DISCLAIMER: this message is the author's personal opinion and does not
constitute the support, opinion or policy of Hewlett-Packard or of the
little green men that have been following him all day.