[net.ham-radio] TAPR board information & availability

karn (02/01/83)

I just had a telephone conversation with Den Connors, KD2S/7, the
president of TAPR.  Den gave me some tentative information that would be of
interest to those of you who would like to obtain packet radio boards.

At this point, TAPR is busily assembling, testing, and is about to ship
200 "beta" version packet radio boards.  These are going to members of TAPR
who agreed to be test users.  Part of the reason that beta site users
are required to be members is legal: if TAPR were to sell complete units
to the "general public", they would have been required to meet the Part
15 Class B RFI limits and submit a unit with a $2000 testing fee to the
FCC lab for verification.  On the other hand, a kit is not subject to
the requirements.

The TAPR board of directors is meeting this Saturday to decide how to
further distribute the boards past the beta test.  At this point, the
possible alternatives are as follows:

1. A blank board for $40.

2. A board and a kit of parts for $250.  This would consist of a board
with the discrete parts and IC sockets wavesoldered on by a professional
PC board house.  The ICs supplied would be tested. All you would have
to do is plug in the ICs.  This is as far as they can go without having
to pay the $2000 testing fee (but of course you take responsibility for
meeting those requirements, just as with any personal computer.)

3. Same as #2, but including a custom cabinet, $300.

TAPR is likely to decide to go with only two of these three alternatives;
further information will be forthcoming as it comes.

For those interested in further information or in joining TAPR,
here's their mailing address.  One year's membership is $12.

Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Corporation
PO Box 22888
Tucson, AZ  85734

Phil Karn, KA9Q/2