[gnu.emacs.help] New function x-rebind-keysym etc

ruprecht@ISLAND.INFORMATIK.UNI-FREIBURG.DE (Nick Ruprecht) (06/04/91)

I have written a couple of functions to enable rebinding of Keysyms
under X. These functions have been successfully installed on Sun3 and
Sun4 under SunOS 4.1 and X Windows Release X11R4. Now someone else can
go ahead and port it to other systems.


The function x-rebind-keysym (in x11fns.c) allows the specification of
a STRING of up to 64 characters length to be bound to KEYSYM if the
given MODIFIERS are present.

KEYSYM is the name of a keysym. For a list of all keysyms, see the
file /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h (remove the leading "XK_" to obtain
the keysym names). Case is significant.

MODIFIERS is a comma separated list of modifier combinations. Each
list element consists of a combination of the letters n, s, l, c, m
(or 1), 2, 3, 4, 5, specifying none, shift, lock, control, meta (or
mod1), mod2, mod3, mod4, mod5, respectively.

STRING is the replacement string. It can be up to MAPPING_BUF_SIZE
long (defined in x11term.h as 64). The special character '^'
controlifies the following character. '\' acts as an escape
introducer. See the documentation of x-rebind-keysym for details.

To rebind keysyms during the startup phase of emacs, do something
along the following lines in the startup file ~/.emacs:

   (defun my-x-rebindings ()
        "example for a function to rebind some keys."
        (x-rebind-padkeys)                      ; see below
        (x-rebind-keysym "Alt_L" "n,sl,s,l" "^X")
        (x-rebind-keysym "Alt_R" "n,sl,s,l" "^X4")
        (x-rebind-keysym "Super_R" "n,sl,s,l" "^C")
        (x-rebind-keysym "L1" "n,sl,s,l" "^X^S")
        (x-rebind-keysym "L2" "n,sl,s,l" "^U")
        (x-rebind-keysym "L4" "n,sl,s,l" "^_"))

   ;; call only if running under X windows
   (if (eq window-system 'x)
        (setq term-setup-hook 'my-x-rebindings))

The function x-rebind-defaults (in x-win.el) imitates the behaviour of
the previous Emacs on a Sun by rebinding keysyms to "ESC [ nnn z"
escape sequences. Non-Suns will need a different x-rebind-defaults.

The function x-rebind-padkeys (in x-win.el) creates a complex keypad
for Suns.

To make full use of these functions, the keys must generate the
expected keysyms. If they don't, you'll have to modify the functions
or the server keymap using xmodmap, e.g. with the following commands:

   ! in keysymdef.h, F11=L1, F12=L2. Therefore F11 and F12 have
   ! to be moved to other keysyms, e.g. KP_F1 and KP_F2
   keycode 16      = KP_F1
   keycode 18      = KP_F2

   ! To use the Sun keyboard keys Compose and AltGraph, they must
   ! be assigned to keysyms
   keycode 20      = Alt_R
   keycode 74      = Super_R

   ! On Suns, keycode 57 (./Del on the keypad) produces "Delete"
   ! and is therefore undistinguishable from the Delete key.
   ! This is changed by
   keycode 57      = KP_Decimal

The function x-rebind-list (in x-win.el, calling functions in
x11fns.c) outputs the list of current rebindings in the *Help* buffer.

The following pages contain scripts for the editor ed produced by
"diff -e" to generate the modified x11term.h, x11term.c, x11fns.c, and
x-win.el from the emacs-18.57 distribution. After these follow
excerpts from our local site-init.el file containing some additional
functions. I hope this is of use for you. Best regards,

Nick Ruprecht
e x11term.h
/* 21-MAY-1991/Ru: size of mapping_buf, used in x11term.c and x11fns.c */
 * Modified by Nick Ruprecht, Institut fuer Informatik, Freiburg, Germany
 *	define MAPPING_BUF_SIZE for common use in x11fns.c and x11term.c
 * 28-MAY-1991/Ru: release

e x11term.c
#endif  /* 0 (23-May-1991/Ru) */
      nbytes = XLookupString (&event.xkey, mapping_buf, MAPPING_BUF_SIZE,
			      &keysym, 0); /* use MAPPING_BUF_SIZE */
#if 0			/* 23-MAY-1991/Ru: now done with x-rebind-keysym */
  char mapping_buf[MAPPING_BUF_SIZE]; /* 23-MAY-1991/Ru: see x11term.h */
#endif /* 0 (23-MAY-1991/Ru) */	

#if 0			/* 23-MAY-1991/Ru: now done with x-rebind-keysym */
 * Modified by Nick Ruprecht, Institut fuer Informatik, Freiburg, Germany
 *	x11fns.c now contains the function x-rebind-keysym which allows
 *	dynamic rebinding of KeySyms. For this reason I have ifdef'd out
 *	the function stringFuncVal and the hardwired key translations in the
 *	function internal_socket_read. Also increased size of mapping_buf to
 *	accomodate long rebindings.
 *	28-MAY-1991/Ru: release

e x11fns.c
  defsubr (&Sx_rebind_keysym);	/* 15-MAY-1991/Ru: added */
  defsubr (&Sx_rebind_list_start);
  defsubr (&Sx_rebind_list_next);
 * x-rebind-keysym(keysym, modifiers, string)
 * call XRebindKeysym to rebind the specified KeySym for the specified 
 * combinations of modifiers to string
 * KeySyms are entered as strings containing a valid KeySym name.
 * Modifiers are entered as a comma separated list where each element
 * can contain the letters n, s, l, c, m (or 1), 2, 3, 4, 5 (for none, 
 * shift, lock, control, mod1 (usually meta), mod2, mod3, mod4, mod5,
 * respectively).
 * In the replacement string, the caret (^) controlifies the following
 * character, the backslash (\) produces special characters. This is
 * done in str_controlify().
 * XRebindKeysym is called through the routine RebindKeysym. This routine
 * checks whether the requested Keysym/modifier combination has already
 * been rebound. If so, it just replaces the string.
 * 22-MAY-1991/Ru: new

 * controlify string in place and return resulting length.
 * modification in place is ok as string never grows.
 * return length of resulting string.
 * caret (^) controlifies the following character,
 * backslash (\) produces special characters.
static int str_controlify(string)
char *string;
    register char *old, *new;	/* input and output string pointers */
    int num, numidx;		/* for \ooo */

    new = old = string;
	switch ( *old )
	case '^':
	    if ( *++old == '?' )
		*new++ = '\177';	/* delete */
		*new++ = *old & 0x9F;	/* controlify */
	case '\\':
	    switch ( *++old )
	    case 'b':
		*new++ = '\b';
	    case 'e':	/* escape */
		*new++ = '\033';
	    case 'f':
		*new++ = '\f';
	    case 'n':
		*new++ = '\n';
	    case 'r':
		*new++ = '\r';
	    case 't':
		*new++ = '\t';
	    case 'v':
		*new++ = '\v';
	    case '0':	/* \ooo 1 to 3 digit octal number sequence */
	    case '1':
	    case '2':
	    case '3':
	    case '4':
	    case '5':
	    case '6':
	    case '7':
		num = *old++ - '0';
		for ( numidx = 1; 
		     (numidx < 3) && ('0' <= *old) && (*old <= '7');
		     numidx++ )
		    num = num * 8 + *old++ - '0';
		old--;	/* adjust */
		*new++ = num;
		*new++ = *old;
	    *new++ = *old;
    while ( *old++ );


 * definitions copied from XKeyBind.c
 * sadly missing in /usr/include/X11/*.h
#define AllMods (ShiftMask|LockMask|ControlMask| \

struct XKeytrans {
	struct XKeytrans *next;/* next on list */
	char *string;		/* string to return when the time comes */
	int len;		/* length of string (since NULL is legit)*/
	KeySym key;		/* keysym rebound */
	unsigned int state;	/* modifier state */
	KeySym *modifiers;	/* modifier keysyms you want */
	int mlen;		/* length of modifier list */

 * macro to find matching KeySym for a modifier index.
#define ComputeKeysymFromMapindex(dpy, index) \
  XKeycodeToKeysym(dpy, \
		   ((dpy)->modifiermap)->modifiermap \
		   [(index)*((dpy)->modifiermap)->max_keypermod], \

 * shell around XRebindKeysym: check whether KeySym is already rebound.
 * If it is, just replace the string. XRebindKeysym should do this,
 * but it doesn't.
 * RebindKeysym also translates the modifier state into a modifier list
 * as required by XRebindKeysym. XRebindKeysym then translates this back
 * into a modifier state (What a waste of time!). The current implementation
 * of XLookupString only checks the modifier state, so calling XRebindKeysym
 * once with the generated modifier list is sufficient.
 * If a later implementation of XLookupString actually checks pressed
 * modifier keys, it will become necessary to call XRebindKeysym repeatedly
 * for all left and right modifier keys (e.g. Shift_L and Shift_R).
 * Rebinding combinations of modifiers will then become quite awkward.
static void RebindKeysym(dpy, keysym, modmask, str, nbytes)
    Display *dpy;
    KeySym keysym;
    unsigned int modmask;
    char *str;
    int nbytes;
    register struct XKeytrans *p; /* pointer into rebind list */
    KeySym modlist[8];		/* Modifier array for XRebindKeysym */
    register int modcnt = 0;	/* Number of Modifiers in array */
    register int modidx;	/* Index into modmask */
    static char *modnames[] = { 
	"shift", "lock", "control", "mod1", "mod2", "mod3", "mod4", "mod5" 

    /* see if already rebound. if it is, just replace string */
    for ( p = dpy->key_bindings; p; p = p->next )
	if ( ( (modmask & AllMods) == p->state ) && ( keysym == p->key ) )
	    p->len = 0;
	    if ( p->string = (char *)Xmalloc((unsigned)nbytes) )
		bcopy((char *)str, p->string, nbytes);
		p->len = nbytes;
		error("RebindKeysym: out of memory!");

    /* create list of keysyms from modmask so XRebindKeysym can recompute
     * a modmask from it. */
    for ( modidx = 0; modidx <= Mod5MapIndex; modidx++ )
	if ( ( modmask & (1<<modidx) ) && 
	    ( NoSymbol == ( modlist[modcnt++] = 
			   ComputeKeysymFromMapindex(dpy, modidx))))
	  error("Modifier %02s is not on any key.", 
    XRebindKeysym(dpy, keysym, modlist, modcnt, str, nbytes);


DEFUN("x-rebind-keysym", Fx_rebind_keysym, Sx_rebind_keysym, 1, 3,
      "sKeySym: \nsModifiers: \nsString: ",
      "Rebind KEYSYM with combination of MODIFIERS to STRING.\n\n\
KEYSYM is a string containing a valid keysym name. Case is significant.\n\n\
MODIFIERS is a comma separated list of modifier combinations containing\n\
the letters n, s, l, c, m (or 1), 2, 3, 4, and 5 for none, shift, lock,\n\
control, mod1 (meta), mod2, mod3, mod4, and mod5, respectively.\n\n\
STRING is a string up to 64 characters long. The caret (^) character can be\n\
used to controlify the following character. The backslash (\\) produces\n\
special characters (\\b=backspace, \\e=escape, \\f=form feed, \\n=newline,\n\
\\r=carriage return, \\t=tab, \\v=vertical tab, \\ooo=1 to 3 digit octal code.\n\
Other \\x=character x, e.g. \\^ gives ^).")

  (keysym, modifiers, string)
    register Lisp_Object keysym;
    register Lisp_Object modifiers;
    register Lisp_Object string;
    KeySym sym;			/* KeySym for string keysym */
    int modmask = 0;		/* Modifiers to set in array */
    int stringlen;		/* Length of string */
    char *modptr;		/* pointer into modifier string */

    /* check whether we understand X and whether the arguments are valid */

    CHECK_STRING(keysym, 1);
    if ( NoSymbol == ( sym = XStringToKeysym(XSTRING(keysym)->data) ) )
	error("Invalid keysym.");

    if ( !NULL(string) )
        CHECK_STRING(string, 3);
	/* controlify. length limit comes from mapping_buf in x11term.c */
	if ( ( stringlen = str_controlify( (char *)XSTRING(string)->data ) )
	    error("String must not be longer than %d characters.", 
        stringlen = 0;

    if ( !NULL(modifiers) )
        CHECK_STRING(modifiers, 2);
	modptr = (char *)(XSTRING(modifiers)->data);

	do			/* scan modifier string */
	    switch ( *modptr )
	    case 'n':		/* keyletter n (for none) is a dummy */
	    case 'N':		/* don't be so case sensitive */
	    case ' ':		/* skip blanks */
	    case 's':
	    case 'S':
	        modmask |= ShiftMask;
	    case 'l':
	    case 'L':
		modmask |= LockMask;
	    case 'c':
	    case 'C':
		modmask |= ControlMask;
	    case 'm':
	    case 'M':
	    case '1':		/* synonym */
		modmask |= Mod1Mask;
	    case '2':
		modmask |= Mod2Mask;
	    case '3':
		modmask |= Mod3Mask;
	    case '4':
		modmask |= Mod4Mask;
	    case '5':
		modmask |= Mod5Mask;
	    case ',':		/* comma or end -> rebind */
	    case '\0':
		RebindKeysym(XXdisplay, sym, modmask, 
			     stringlen ? (char *)XSTRING(string)->data : "",
		modmask = 0;
		if ( isprint(*modptr) )
		    error("Invalid modifier \'%c\'.", *modptr);
		    error("Invalid modifier (0x%x).", *modptr);
	} while ( *modptr++ );
    else			/* no modifiers */
        RebindKeysym(XXdisplay, sym, 0, 
		      stringlen ? (char *)XSTRING(string)->data : "",


 * display the current list of key rebindings.
 * x-rebind-list-start initializes the list pointer
 * x-rebind-list-next  returns a string containing a key rebinding.
static struct XKeytrans *_x_rebind_list_p; /* should be initialized to 0,
					    * but that makes it a const??? */

DEFUN ("x-rebind-list-start", Fx_rebind_list_start, Sx_rebind_list_start, 
       0, 0, 0, "Initialize pointer into key rebind list.")
    check_xterm ();

    if ( _x_rebind_list_p = XXdisplay->key_bindings )
	return (Qnil);

DEFUN ("x-rebind-list-next", Fx_rebind_list_next, Sx_rebind_list_next,
       0, 0, 0, "Return next line of key bindings.")
    char str[2*MAPPING_BUF_SIZE+32]; /* string to contain line */
    char *strptr;		/* pointer to current string position */
    char *ptr;			/* general purpose character pointer */
    int idx;			/* index for decoding modifier state */
    static char modchars[] = "slcm2345"; /* modifier chars */

    check_xterm ();

    if ( _x_rebind_list_p )
	strcpy(str, XKeysymToString(_x_rebind_list_p->key));
	strptr = str + strlen(str);
	if ( ( strptr - str ) < 8 )
	    *strptr++ = '\t';
	*strptr++ = '\t';

	/* decode modifier state */
	ptr = strptr;
	if ( _x_rebind_list_p->state )
	    for ( idx = 0; idx <= Mod5MapIndex; idx++ )
		if ( _x_rebind_list_p->state & (1<<idx) )
		    *strptr++ = modchars[idx];
	    *strptr++ = 'n';

	/* if following entries have the same keysym and string, add
	 * their modifier states as comma separated list
	while ( _x_rebind_list_p->next &&
	       ( _x_rebind_list_p->key == _x_rebind_list_p->next->key ) &&
	       ( _x_rebind_list_p->len == _x_rebind_list_p->next->len ) &&
	       ( 0 == bcmp(_x_rebind_list_p->string,
			   _x_rebind_list_p->len) ) )
	    _x_rebind_list_p = _x_rebind_list_p->next;
	    *strptr++ = ',';
	    if ( _x_rebind_list_p->state )
		for ( idx = 0; idx <= Mod5MapIndex; idx++ )
		    if ( _x_rebind_list_p->state & (1<<idx) )
			*strptr++ = modchars[idx];
		*strptr++ = 'n';
	if ( ( strptr - ptr ) < 8 )
	    *strptr++ = '\t';
	*strptr++ = '\t';
	/* uncontrolify string */
	*strptr++ = '\"';
	for ( ptr = _x_rebind_list_p->string;
	     ptr < _x_rebind_list_p->string + _x_rebind_list_p->len;
	     ptr++ )
	    if ( isprint(*ptr) )
		*strptr++ = *ptr;
		*strptr++ = '^';
		if ( *ptr < ' ')
		    *strptr++ = *ptr + '@';
		    *strptr++ = '?';
	*strptr++ = '\"';
	*strptr = '\0';
	_x_rebind_list_p = _x_rebind_list_p->next;
        *str = '\0';

/* end of x-rebind-... functions */

 * Modified by Nick Ruprecht, Institut fuer Informatik, Freiburg, Germany
 * Added functions to rebind keysyms (x-rebind-keysym etc)
 * Note: This works on a Sun under SunOS 4.1.1 with X11R4.
 * 	 The routines make use of internal X data structures to make up
 *	 for some missing functionality in X. This will probably make it
 *	 necessary to review the code to make it portable.
 * 28-MAY-1991/Ru: release

 * The following includes and the macro toupper are needed for x-rebind-keysym.
 * Xlibos.h must be included before lisp.h - it redefines NULL.
#include <sys/types.h>		/* needed by Xlibos.h */
#include <X11/Xlibos.h>		/* for Xmalloc, Xfree */
#include <ctype.h>

e x-win.el

      ;; 23-MAY-1991/Ru: additional mouse buttons missing in x-mouse.el
      (define-key mouse-map x-button-s-left 'x-mouse-set-mark)
      (define-key mouse-map x-button-c-left 'x-mouse-select)

      ;; 23-MAY-1991/Ru: set default keysym bindings if not already done
      (if (not x-rebind-defaults-done)
;; 16-MAY-1991/Ru: define function for setting default rebindings for Suns.
;;	This might have to be changed if the keys produce different keysyms.
(defun x-rebind-defaults ()
  "Set X key bindings for function keys to match previous version.
The following table shows all key bindings (can be shifted, locked or both):

L1 ... L10 :	M-[ 192 z ... M-[ 201 z
R1 ... R15 :	M-[ 208 z ... M-[ 222 z
F1 ... F10 :	M-[ 224 z ... M-[ 233 z
KP_F1 .. KP_F4:	M-[ 234 z ... M-[ 237 z	(for F11, F12, ...)
Break :		M-[ 223 z		(for backward compatibility)
Left :		C-b
Right :		C-f
Up :		C-p
Down :		C-n
Help :		C-h"

  (x-rebind-keysym "F1" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[224z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "F2" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[225z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "F3" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[226z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "F4" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[227z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "F5" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[228z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "F6" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[229z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "F7" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[230z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "F8" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[231z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "F9" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[232z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "F10" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[233z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "L1" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[192z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "L2" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[193z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "L3" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[194z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "L4" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[195z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "L5" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[196z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "L6" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[197z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "L7" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[198z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "L8" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[199z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "L9" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[200z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "L10" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[201z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R1" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[208z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R2" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[209z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R3" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[210z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R4" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[211z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R5" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[212z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R6" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[213z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R7" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[214z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R8" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[215z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R9" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[216z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R10" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[217z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R11" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[218z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R12" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[219z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R13" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[220z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R14" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[221z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R15" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[222z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_F1" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[234z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_F2" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[235z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_F3" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[236z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_F4" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[237z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Break" "n,sl,s,l" "\e[223z")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Left" "n,sl,s,l" "^B")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Right" "n,sl,s,l" "^F")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Up" "n,sl,s,l" "^P")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Down" "n,sl,s,l" "^N")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Help" "n,sl,s,l" "^H")

  (setq x-rebind-defaults-done t))

;; 28-MAY-1991/Ru: rebind keypad on the right of the keyboard for Suns.
;;	This might have to be changed if the keys produce different keysyms.
;;	Some rebindings are made comments as XLookupString already returns
;;	the correct character.
(defun x-rebind-padkeys ()
  "Set standard X key bindings for keypad keys.
With no modifier, or lock+shift, the numeric keys give simple motion commands.
With shift or lock, the keys produce the indicated characters.
With meta, the numeric keys and the minus key form part of a numeric argument
for the next command.
With control, the numeric keys produce additional motion commands. The other
keypad keys produce commands deemed useful, see table for details.
The following table shows all keypad key bindings produced by this function:

modifrs.| n,sl		| s,l	| c,cl			| m,ml
R1	| C-x C-b	| C-xC-b|			|
R2	| electric-comm.| elect.|			|
R3	| C-g		| C-g	|			|
Num_Lock| C-u		| C-u	|			|
R4	| what-line	| =	| what-cursor-position	| M-=
R5	| C-s		| /	| C-r			| re-search-forward
R6	| auto-fill-mode| *	| toggle-read-only	| revert-buffer
KP_Subt.| C-k		| -	| M-k			| M--
R7	| M-<		| 7	| backward-beg-of-line	| M-7
Up	| C-p		| 8	| backward-paragraph	| M-8
R9	| M-v		| 9	| backward-end-of-line	| M-9
KP_Add	| C-x o		| +	| C-x 1			| C-x 2
Left	| C-b		| 4	| M-b			| M-4
R11	| C-l		| 5	| back-to-indentation	| M-5
Right	| C-f		| 6	| M-f			| M-6
R13	| M->		| 1	| forward-beg-of-line	| M-1
Down	| C-n		| 2	| forward-paragraph	| M-2
R15	| C-v		| 3	| forward-end-of-line	| M-3
Insert	| C-@		| 0	| forward-to-indentation| M-0
KP_Deci.| C-d		| .	| M-d			| M-.
KP_Enter| C-m		| C-m	| C-m			| C-m"

  (x-rebind-keysym "R1" "n,sl,s,l" "^X^B")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R2" "n,sl,s,l" "\exelectric-command-history\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R3" "n,sl,s,l" "^G")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Num_Lock" "n,sl,s,l" "^U")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R4" "n,sl" "\exwhat-line\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R4" "s,l" "=")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R4" "c,cl" "\exwhat-cursor-position\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R4" "m,ml" "\e=")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R5" "n,sl" "^S")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R5" "s,l" "/")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R5" "c,cl" "^R")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R5" "m,ml" "\exre-search-forward\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R6" "n,sl" "\exauto-fill-mode\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R6" "s,l" "*")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R6" "c,cl" "\extoggle-read-only\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R6" "m,ml" "\exrevert-buffer")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Subtract" "n,sl" "^K")
;  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Subtract" "s,l" "-")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Subtract" "c,cl" "\ek")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Subtract" "m,ml" "\e-")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Add" "n,sl" "^Xo")
;  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Add" "s,l" "+")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Add" "c,cl" "^X1")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Add" "m,ml" "^X2")
;  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Enter" "n,sl" "\r")
;  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Enter" "s,l" "\r")
;  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Enter" "c,cl" "\r")
;  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Enter" "m,ml" "\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Decimal" "n,sl" "^D")
;  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Decimal" "s,l" ".")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Decimal" "c,cl" "\ed")
  (x-rebind-keysym "KP_Decimal" "m,ml" "\e.")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Insert" "n,sl" "^@")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Insert" "s,l" "0")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Insert" "c,cl" "\exforward-to-indentation\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Insert" "m,ml" "\e0")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R13" "n,sl" "\e>")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R13" "s,l" "1")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R13" "c,cl" "\exforward-beg-of-line\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R13" "m,ml" "\e1")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Down" "n,sl" "^N")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Down" "s,l" "2")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Down" "c,cl" "\exforward-paragraph\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Down" "m,ml" "\e2")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R15" "n,sl" "^V")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R15" "s,l" "3")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R15" "c,cl" "\exforward-end-of-line\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R15" "m,ml" "\e3")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Left" "n,sl" "^B")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Left" "s,l" "4")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Left" "c,cl" "\eb")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Left" "m,ml" "\e4")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R11" "n,sl" "^L")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R11" "s,l" "5")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R11" "c,cl" "\exback-to-indentation\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R11" "m,ml" "\e5")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Right" "n,sl" "^F")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Right" "s,l" "6")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Right" "c,cl" "\ef")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Right" "m,ml" "\e6")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R7" "n,sl" "\e<")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R7" "s,l" "7")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R7" "c,cl" "\exbackward-beg-of-line\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R7" "m,ml" "\e7")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Up" "n,sl" "^P")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Up" "s,l" "8")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Up" "c,cl" "\exbackward-paragraph\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Up" "m,ml" "\e8")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R9" "n,sl" "\ev")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R9" "s,l" "9")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R9" "c,cl" "\exbackward-end-of-line\r")
  (x-rebind-keysym "R9" "m,ml" "\e9"))

;; Output list of rebound keys in Help window
;; 28-MAY-1991/Ru
(defun x-rebind-list ()
  "Show list of keys that are rebound."
  (if (x-rebind-list-start)
      (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
	(princ "KeySym		Modifiers	String")
	(princ "------		---------	------")
	(terpri) (terpri)
	(while (string< "" (princ (x-rebind-list-next)))
    (message "List of rebound keys is empty.")))

;; Modified by Nick Ruprecht, Institut fuer Informatik, Freiburg, Germany
;;	Support x-rebind-keysym. Define some simple functions for
;;	collections of default keysym rebindings for Suns.
;;	Define function x-rebind-list to show rebindings.
;; 28-MAY-1991/Ru: release

;; 28-MAY-1991/Ru: rebind defaults if not inhibited by user
(defvar x-rebind-defaults-done nil
  "*Non-NIL means x-rebind-defaults has been executed successfully.")

;; site-init.el
;; Created by Nick Ruprecht, Institut fuer Informatik, Freiburg, Germany
;; 28-MAY-1991/Ru: release

;; insert date and name at point.
;; define insert-date-name-string in default.el, e.g. to
;; (defconst insert-date-name-string (user-full-name)
;;   "*String to insert after the current date in function insert-date-name.
;; Default is user-full-name.")
;; To insert \"date/Initial: \", enter the following lines in your .emacs file:
;; (setq insert-date-name-string
;;     (concat (capitalize (substring (user-real-login-name) 0 2)) \": \"))")
(defun insert-date-name ()
  "Insert current date and user name at cursor (format dd-mmm-yyyy/user-name). 
For customization of user-name, see variable insert-date-name-string."
  (interactive "*")
  (let ((time (current-time-string)))
    (insert (substring time 8 10) "-"		; day
	    (upcase (substring time 4 7)) "-"	; month
	    (substring time 20 24))		; year
	    (if insert-date-name-string		; name 
		(insert "/" insert-date-name-string))))

;; advanced move commands
(defun forward-beg-of-line (arg)
  "Move forward to the beginning of the next line. With ARG, move ARG lines."
  (interactive "p")
  (if (< arg 0)
      (backward-beg-of-line (- 0 arg))
    (end-of-line arg)

(defun backward-beg-of-line (arg)
  "Move backward to previous beginning of line. With ARG, move ARG lines."
  (interactive "p")
  (if (< arg 0)
      (forward-beg-of-line (- 0 arg))
    (beginning-of-line (- 2 arg))))

(defun forward-end-of-line (arg)
  "Move forward to the next end of line. With ARG, move ARG lines."
  (interactive "p")
  (end-of-line arg))

(defun backward-end-of-line (arg)
  "Move backward to the previous end of line. With ARG, move ARG lines."
  (interactive "p")
  (if (< arg 0)
      (forward-end-of-line (- 0 arg))
    (beginning-of-line (- 2 arg))

;; undelete things just deleted. Sort of an un-undo.
(defun undelete ()
  "Undeletes what has just been deleted in current buffer. (Uses undo
on last batch of delete entries in buffer-undo-list.)"
  (interactive "*")

  ;; initialize for undo
  (undo-more 1)
  (setq this-command 'undo)

  ;; check whether we can undelete or uninsert, else signal user
  (if (eq pending-undo-list nil)
      (error "Nothing to undelete"))
  (if (not (stringp (car (car pending-undo-list))))
      (error "Nothing to undelete. To uninsert, use undo."))

  ;; undo until no more deleted chars
  (while (stringp (car (car pending-undo-list)))
    (undo-more 1))
  (if (eq pending-undo-list nil)
      (message "Undelete!")
    (message "Undelete! (To uninsert, use undo)")))

;; insert a template, see also autoinsert.el
(defvar insert-template-alist '(("\\.tex$" . "template.tex")
                            ("\\.c$" . "template.c")
                            ("\\.h$" . "template.h")
                            ("[Mm]akefile" . "template.Makefile")
                            ("\\.bib$" . "template.tex"))
  "Alist specifying names of template files inserted with the command
insert-template. See also auto-insert-alist.")

(defvar insert-template-directory "~/insert/"
  "Directory from which templates are taken.")

(defun insert-template (arg)
  "Insert template from template file into file.
Matches the visited file name against `insert-template-alist'.
With ARG, concatenates `-ARG' to template file name."
  (interactive "*P")
  (let ((alist insert-template-alist)
	(name (file-name-sans-versions buffer-file-name))
	(insert-file nil))
    (while (and (not insert-file) alist)
      (if (string-match (car (car alist)) name)
	  (setq insert-file (cdr (car alist)))
	(setq alist (cdr alist))))

    (if insert-file
        (let ((file (concat insert-template-directory insert-file)))
	  (if arg
	      (setq file (concat file "-" arg)))
	  (if (file-readable-p file)
		(insert-file-contents file)
            (error "insert-template: file %s not found" file))))))

;; a few functions I find useful and think maybe some others might too

;; Save buffers silently, then kill emacs. Put this on C-x 4 C-c.
(defun save-buffers-silently-kill-emacs ()
  "Silently save all file-visiting buffers, then kill this Emacs fork."
  (save-buffers-kill-emacs t))

(define-key ctl-x-4-map "\C-c" 'save-buffers-silently-kill-emacs)

;; Open a new line after the current line.
;; Put key definition on mode-hooks for modes where desired.
(defun newline-and-indent-at-eol (arg)
  "Insert a newline at end of current line (or at beginning of line if point
is within indentation) and indent. With arg, insert that many newlines."
  (interactive "*p")
  (if (> (point) (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (point)))
  (newline arg)

(defun newline-at-eol (arg)
  "Insert a newline at end of current line (or at beginning of line if point
is within indentation). With arg, insert that many newlines."
  (interactive "*p")
  (if (> (point) (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (point)))
  (newline arg))