wheatley (10/21/82)
This weekend's contest outlook is a bit bleak, as the "big guns" are resting up for next weekend's CQ Worldwide SSB contest. However, this weekend offers a good chance for those of you who want to check out the rigs, that 4 element 40 meter mono- bander at 150 feet, that 10 mile long wire, etc.. MARYLAND - DC QSO PARTY >From 1800Z Oct. 23 until 2100Z Oct. 24. Work stations once per band and mode. Exchange serial number, signal report, and QTH (county for MD stations, state, country or province for others). Frequencies: 3.950, 7.250, 14.290, 21.390, 28.590; cw, 60 KHz up from bottom, Novice, 20 KHz up from low end. ARRL MIDNIGHT SPECIAL >From 0300 to 0500Z Oct. 24 First hour, 160 meter cw, second hour 160 meter phone. Work stations once per mode. Frequencies: cw-1805 to 1820 phone 1855 to 1870. Exchange antenna type (G=ground plane, V=vertical, O=loop, L=inverted L, W=wire, long or otherwise, D=dipole, I=inverted V; use ur imagination for others!) and power input to final. As always, gud luck, es I will post the CQWW rules later today!
wheatley (01/17/83)
ARRL QSO PARTY starts: 1800Z Jan 22 ends: 0600Z Jan 23 exchange status (mbr (member of arrl), etc) and arrl section. This contest is phone only (CW was a few weeks ago). frequencies: 1.865, 3.870-3.910, 7.200-7.245, 14.265-14.295, 21.340-21.360, 28.600-28.630. Try 10 on the hour from 1800 to 2100 utc, and 160 at 0430 and 0530 utc. NORTH DAKOTA QSO PARTY (Yes, there is a North Dakota) time: 0000 to 0800 and 1600 to 2400Z Jan 22 0800 to 1600Z Jan 23 Exchange signal report and qth (county for ND stations; state, province, or country for others. Work stations once per band and mode. Suggested frequencies: phone:3905, 7280, 14280, 21380, 28580 cw: 1810 3540, 7035, 14035, 21035, 28035 novice: 25KHz up from lower band edge. TEXAS QSO PARTY Time: 0000Z Jan 22 to 1800Z Jan 23 exchange serial number and qth (county for TX stations, state, province, or country for others) frequencies: phone 3940, 7260, 14280, 21370, 28600 cw 65 KHz up from the lower band edge novice 10 KHz up from lower band edge WEST VIRGINIA QSO PARTY time: from 1700Z Jan 22 to 1700Z Jan 23 exchange signal report, serial number, and QTH (county for WV stations, state or county for others) Suggested freq: phone 10 KHz up from lower General band edge cw 35 KHz up from low end novice 35 KHz up from band edge
wheatley (01/28/83)
This weekends contests include Novice Roundup (see article 347) ARRL Midnight Special Contest Period: 0400Z to 0600Z Jan 30. First hour 40 cw, second hour 80 cw Frequencies: 7040 to 7075 and 3540 to 3575 Exchange: HONEST signal reports (aka, not all 599's, HI) and a three letter abbreviation for the name of your county. Work stations once per band. NO AMPLIFIERS!!! CQWW 160 Meter CW Contest Contest Period: 2200Z Jan 28 until 1600Z Jan 30. CW only Exchange: Signal report and QTH (state/province for W/VE stations, country for others. Frequencies: 160 Meters, of course, but stay out of the 1825 to 1830 Khz cw DX window!! French CW Contest Contest Period: 0600Z Jan 29 until 1800Z Jan. 30 Exchange: Signal report and Serial No.. French Stations will also send a two digit Department (county) number.
wheatley (02/24/83)
CQWW 160 Meter Phone >From 2200z Feb. 25 until 1600z Feb. 27 Exchange signal report and QTH (state/province/country) French Contest (Phone) >From 0600z Feb. 26 until 1800z Feb. 27 Exchange signal report and serial number. French stations also send their "Department" (county) number - 2 digits. Work French stations, including overseas territories and DA1/2 French Military Stations. RSGB 7 MHz Contest (CW) >From 1200z Feb. 26 until 0900z Feb. 27. Exchange signal report and serial number, starting with 001. Frequencies 7000-7030. World RTTY Championship Contest >From 0000z to 2400z Feb. 26. Exchange signal report and state or province. DX send signal report and serial number.