[net.ham-radio] No-license radio

kelly (03/10/83)

Well, it looks like another round of tear-jerking stories of a world
full of potential Albert Einsteins being heartless denied their
fulfillment by the impossible barrier of 5 words per minute CW.

Just a note on historical freedoms on radio:

1) CB licenses can be had for 2 boxtops and 25 cents. Gab on...

2) 49 Mhz is open to anybody, so long as power is below 100mw.

3) Higher Class CB (Class A?) at 460 Mhz is available.

4) AM (540-1600 Khz) and FM (88-108 Mhz) are there for low power
   use, though I think this is now discouraged.

With these freebies, you can have a ball. If you want to have the
privileges which hams have Earned, you will have to Earn them, too.
Yes they are privileges, and when (if) you study the part 97 in
preparation for Your ham license, you will see this is acknowleged
as an earned privilege. Throwing these pearls before the world
may well destroy this resource from any useful purpose, like
uncontrolled exploitation of other of the nations resources.

Count me on the 'earn your ticket' side of the question...

     Chris Kelly - WD5IBS - CSU/CS