rtang@ds.kyoto.omronsoft.co.jp (Raymond Tang) (10/04/90)
Let me see if I understand you correctly: Are you saying that one should look before one leaps, with regards to thinking and liking something. If so then the problem may be that looking first may take the fun out of leaping. It also appears that you derive your pleasure from thinking and analysing things. But (from your) tone it sounds if if you also think that anything else isnt worth doing or liking simply because you find these other activities "only" stimulate a smaller portion of the brain. However this portion of the brain I feel has been belittled ;) The function this part of the brain serves I feel would be a lot more complex to bestowe apon an AI machine(robot etc..) than the analytical parts. If for some reason you feel offended by any of the above Mr. Minsky, Please feel free to post more messages to me or the board since I like intellectual arguments as much as the next guy. Why? To keep the mind alert and sharp in preparation for future intellectual arguments?!? "Life is one vicious cycle after another!" -Me Ray Tang "Life is a brand of Cereal" -Me again