kelly (03/28/83)
I have been wondering about the process of learning "morse" code, and whether it may require some associative processing in the human mind. By this I mean likening it more to language learning than to factual or procedural learning, as the technical aspects of the ham examinations require. Is this why the code is more difficult for certain of the (clearly) competent folks who would otherwise have their tickets today? (That these individuals have highly developed the other side of their brains, possibly at the expense of the artistic, ... associative halves?). How could we measure this in a straw poll? (how many hams vs aspiring hams enjoy classical music?). In reply to other letters, I believe that I, as a ham, am indeed afraid of CB-style invasion of the ham bands. I am frankly embarrased by listening to 2-Meters, and would have little sense of loss by abandoning the upper 1 Mhz to experimenters, existing BS artists and possible CB types. If there were a class or even a separate service for experimenters, and GOOD work were being done there, I would probably take that exam in addition to my Advanced ticket. I just fear that the new service could degenerate and cost the hams some really good spectrum, though I doubt that it could get too much worse than 2-meters, and that the CW requirement would not prevent that from happening. There are at least 7-10 really different specialties in ham radio now, (CW, traffic, DX, VHF FM, EME, satellite, etc) and so long as the implicit band plans are protected by the new class of license, I have little fear of allocating some spectrum to the experimenters, on a shared basis (making experimenters a new class of the same service). I think that the hams also have some esprit de corps concerning quality of the service, and the traditions/obligations concerning Public service and advancement of the state of the art. If the incoming hams, whether Novice, Tech .... or experimenter, recognize this and acknowledge the charter of the service, I think there is room for them. I say this as a reversal of my previous position, and with reservations. I pray that the FCC will act wisely, and that the existing ham population will think carefully and act wisely following whatever the FCC does. 73's and long live ALL forms of ham radio (I love CW)...Chris WD5IBS