[uw.sys.atari] Telecommunications - KWEST ST meeting - Wed Apr 10/91

daroloso@watmath.waterloo.edu (Dani A. Roloson) (04/05/91)

The Kitchener-Waterloo Eight Sixteen Thirty-two (KWEST) Atari user group,
will have its 16-bit (ST) meeting
at 7:00pm on Wednesday, Apr 10, 1991
in MC2009, the DCS Course Room,
on the 2nd floor of the Math & Computer Building
at the University of Waterloo.
The meeting starts at 7:30 pm.
This month, Allen P. Bargen, Sysop of EX-10, will discuss 
Bulletin Board Systems.

Also available will be the English translation of the Midi Maze II
docs provided by our own Pat FitzGerald.

In addition to our disk-of-the-month, over 170 disks
are available from our library.

This month's "The Hard Copy", the KWEST newsletter,
will include info about BBS's, various software reviews,
info on the upcoming Windsor/Detroit International Atarifest,
plus pictures of the ST Notebook and Pad prototypes.

The group welcomes new members and visitors with
8-bits, 16-bits, or those just curious.

Call 579-3695 for further details or send email.

Hope to see you there,
	Dani Roloson