[sci.engr] European Standards and Directives for 1992 "Harmonization"

nea@cbnewsj.att.com (norman.e.andrews) (10/21/90)

Hello, world.  I have been able to acquire some informative articles about
the harmonization processes now going on in Europe.  Unfortunately, the
articles fail to provide the names, numbers, descriptions, and ordering
information for the specific standards and directives that
are applicable for [LAN, PC, network MUX, premises MUX] manufacturers
wishing to do business in Europe.

In particular, I am interested in finding out about the EEC Directive 73/23,
"regarding low voltage equipment pluggable to power supply".  What is the
scope and availability of this Directive, and how does it relate to
getting electronic (information technology) equipment through customs?
What test standards are associated with this Directive, and what public
or private test organizations can provide testing certifications that are
accepted throughout Europe?  I imagine others will be interested in
the same information, so please post replies to the net, with world

Thank you!

Norm Andrews
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Middletown, New Jersey 07748
Norm Andrews
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Room MT-2C402
200 Laurel Avenue

domo@tsa.co.uk (Dominic Dunlop) (10/31/90)

From postmaster@cbnewsj.att.com Wed Oct 31 05:26 GMT 1990
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Subject: Re: European Standards and Directives for 1992 "Harmonization"
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Norm (good name, considering),

I'm posting because I get ``Mail to `nea' alias `ssn=' from
`att!tsa.co.uk!domo' failed.'' when I mail you.  Anyway...

I can't answer your question directly.  However, it sounds as if you
need the CEN Catalogue 1990, which lists all accepted European regional
standards (as opposed to the standards of individual nations).  The ISBN
is 92-9097-012-X, and it has also an ISSN: 1015-8251.  You can call CEN
in Brussels on +32 2 519 61 11 or fax them on +32 2 519 68 19 to find
out how best to obtain the catalogue and the standards it lists.

Hope this helps.

Dominic Dunlop