[comp.unix.xenix.misc] MicroSoft Xenix offer?

larrys@alemap.UUCP (Larry Slavick) (11/14/90)

I came across this message on a BBS.  I would like to know if anybody
has purchased this software and what they think about.  I am currently
running SCO 286 Xenix SysV 2.2.1 with out the Development System.
I am in need of the Development System.  I was hoping I could use
the one in the package with my SCO Xenix.  Any thoughts.  Thanks
in advance.

 	Interested in a complete MicroSoft Xenix (UNIX) Operating System?
 	This is a complete, new, registerable, MicroSoft Xenix (UNIX)
 	Operating System with the full development system, including
 	the "C" & Assembler compiliers.  The manuals alone weighs 27 pounds!
 	I have bought out all of one company's MicroSoft Xenix stock and have
 	half of a warehouse full of it.  I'll sale you a complete set for
 	$85.00 including all shipping & C.O.D. charges, or for
 	$65.00 including shipping if you prepay by sending a check to:
 	    Specialized Programmers' Guild
 	    Attn: Thomas Nofsinger
 	    4503 Chapman Street
 	    The Colony, TX  75056
 	There is no cheaper way to get into Xenix (UNIX) programming.
 	This software requires that you have a 286 or higher CPU, and 15meg of
 	disk space.  UNIX is a registered Trade Mark of AT&T, Xenix is a
 	Trade Mark of MicroSoft Corp.  I will take phone calls to handle
 	about this   (214)625-8363 between 8am and 12noon Central Time, I have
 	other work to be done during the rest of the day and will not be able to
 	take phone calls.  Thanks, Thomas Nofsinger.
End Message:

Larry Slavick
Collierville, TN  U.S.A
Home: (901)853-3405   Work: (601)393-2046
UUCP: {fedeva,chromc,rutgers}!dynasys!{alemap,adsi}!larrys