(Sabita Nagarajan) (05/24/91)
Hello. Several recent messages have appeared, indicating that people are having difficulty in getting a TCP/IP link using HDB uucp. I am also having considerable trouble with this. Here are the particulars: SCO xenix 2.3.2 running on my_machine and their_machine My Systems file entry looks like this: #Site Sched Device Speed Phone Chatscript Their_machine Any TCPIP 9600 - "" \r ogin: uucp My Devices file entry looks like this: #Devicetype Ttyline Dialerline Speed Dialer [Token Dialer Token..] TCPIP ttyT32 - 9600 direct Using uucico to test the connection as follows: /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -stheir_machine -x6 Gives this result: mchFind called (their_machine) fillFlds: entered fillFlds: returning chdir(/usr/spool/uucp/their_machine) conn(their_machine) Device Type TCPIP wanted mlock ttyT32 succeeded fixline(5, 9600) getto ret 5 expect: ("") got it sendthem (^M^M) expect: (ogin:) ^M^J^L^Jmy_machine!login:got it sendthem (uucp^M) ISTRIP cleared WRONG MACHINE NAME - failed exit code 101 Conversation Complete: Status FAILED As you can see, I'm getting a login to my own machine! Any idea of what I'm doing wrong? My first thought was of a problem in the /etc/hosts file, which looks like this: # Hosts File Created Tue Aug 1 17:14:55 EDT 1989 loopback lb broadcast newark localhost # should look similiar to the following: their_machine other_machine still_another_machine I can't see a problem with this. Any help would be appreciated. ---------- Michael Flanagan sabi@brahms.udel.uucp (302) 454-7916