[alt.bbs.waffle] no dance tonight...

root@dogear.UUCP (Bob Kirkpatrick) (04/09/91)

I'm having (have been for a while here) a problem getting a handshake between
a pc running waffle 1.64, and a unix host. (actually, either one of two unix

Entries on the pc side:

     \waffle\system\systems : entries triple checked, and compared with
                              the systems files of other successful
                              waffle installs.

     \waffle\system\static  : entries triple checked, and compared with
                              the static files of other successful
                              waffle installs.

     /usr/lib/uucp/L.sys    ; entries the same as other functional uucp

     /usr/lib/uucp/USERFILE : entries the same as other functional uucp

each of the two unix hosts have been communicating by uucp for a *long*
time with no problems whatsoever. I've checked every way I can think of.

The systems, pc and unix host, connect. uucp logs into the host, passing
the login: and password: prompts easily. The systems identify to each
other, the host giving the Shere= and my pc giving the Rxxxxxx response.

rmsg sync  10
Cannot Tango - reason: RLOGIN

and that about does it. Does _anyone_ have any suggestions? This is making
me zonkers! I have tried to see if it's a matter of hated nodenames, node
name length, small typos in the support files on either system. Because the
unix boxes communicate flawlessly, and waffle does exactly the same abort
talking to either unix host, I'm pretty sure there is something amiss on 
the pc side.


please reply:  bobk@isc-br!tau-ceti

thanks in advance

Bob K.
Bob Kirkpatrick - Dog Ear'd Systems | 
A division of Brand-X of Spokane WA |  "Einstein was probably one of *them*."

gandrews@netcom.COM (Greg Andrews) (04/10/91)

In article <320@dogear.UUCP> root@dogear.UUCP (Bob Kirkpatrick) writes:
>The systems, pc and unix host, connect. uucp logs into the host, passing
>the login: and password: prompts easily. The systems identify to each
>other, the host giving the Shere= and my pc giving the Rxxxxxx response.
>rmsg sync  10
>Cannot Tango - reason: RLOGIN
>and that about does it. Does _anyone_ have any suggestions? 

According to the references I have, "RLOGIN" is an error message
returned by the answering system.  It means that the login name you
used (not your computer's nodename or machine name, but the name you
typed at the login: prompt) is not recognized by the host as valid 
for uucp.

This usually means the login name is missing from the host's
USERFILE or Permissions file.  Perhaps they have a different
nodename listed for your login?  Some systems truncate the node
name to 7 or 8 characters.  Maybe this is causing a mismatch between
the nodename you send and the nodename they are expecting?  Also
watch out for unusual characters in the nodename - I've seen reports
of systems that can't pass characters like '-' in the "Shere=xxxx"

|  Greg Andrews   |       UUCP: {apple,amdahl,claris}!netcom!gandrews    |
|                 |   Internet: gandrews@netcom.COM                      |

herrj@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Jonathan R. Herr) (04/11/91)

In article <320@dogear.UUCP> root@dogear.UUCP (Bob Kirkpatrick) writes:
>I'm having (have been for a while here) a problem getting a handshake between
>a pc running waffle 1.64, and a unix host. (actually, either one of two unix
 [ ... ]
> I've checked every way I can think of.

 [ ... ]

>rmsg sync  10
>Cannot Tango - reason: RLOGIN

 [ ... ]

>Does _anyone_ have any suggestions? 

Read the network.doc file.  See the section about running uucico.
Jonathan R. Herr            |  herrj@valnet.uucp         | I know to trip
herrj@silver.ucs.indiana.edu|  uunet!iuvax!valnet!herrj  | is just to fall.

ralphs@seattleu.edu (Ralph Sims) (04/11/91)

gandrews@netcom.COM (Greg Andrews) writes:

> In article <320@dogear.UUCP> root@dogear.UUCP (Bob Kirkpatrick) writes:

> >Cannot Tango - reason: RLOGIN

> This usually means the login name is missing from the host's
> USERFILE or Permissions file.  Perhaps they have a different
> nodename listed for your login?  Some systems truncate the node
> name to 7 or 8 characters.  Maybe this is causing a mismatch between

I was getting this problem with the release version of 1.64 with
one system (running something with a Motorola copyright).  Anyway,
I asked the admin to check.  Here's what he sent me:


 I don't know what's the matter.  I reset your password to what you were
 sending, just in case, and added you to my USERFILE (which had a default that
 should have taken care of things before).  I also tried logging into halcyon,
 and the systems talked fine.


Whatever HE did worked--I changed nothing.  I'd suggest asking the
admin on the site sending the RLOGIN to make sure defaults work
as expected.  For some reason, this one didn't.

  The 23:00 News and Mail Service - +1 206 292 9048 - Seattle, WA USA
                 +++ A Waffle Iron, Model 1.64 +++

ralphs@seattleu.edu (Ralph Sims) (04/12/91)

herrj@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Jonathan R. Herr) writes:

> In article <320@dogear.UUCP> root@dogear.UUCP (Bob Kirkpatrick) writes:

> >Cannot Tango - reason: RLOGIN

> >Does _anyone_ have any suggestions? 

> Read the network.doc file.  See the section about running uucico.

A good 'first choice', but not very workable in the 'real world'.  I've
found that I've needed to debug more than one site's configuration more
than once.  For instance, sys entries that aren't worded right, blown
active files, Permissions problems, etc.  While the Waffle admin (I'm
referring primarily to MS-DOS) isn't generally versed in UNIX parlance,
it behooves him to be aware of what goes on at a UNIX site.  I find it
helpful to get a shell account on my primary feed's system to keep
abreast of what's where and is doing what; when something changes I
can help the admin keep anomolies at a minimum (I've caused a few, also,
but that's another story).

Since it appears this RLOGIN error has popped up in changing from
1.63 to 1.64, it might indicate a slight difference in uucico 1.64's
way of doing things.  A phone call to Tom got me the information that
there wasn't any change in the code that might produce this error from
the Waffle side, but he'd look at it (whitespace is a deadly.thing in
the UNIX world, or so I'm told).  I'm willing to put it down as a
coincidence, for now.  One can always ask the other site to poll
for a while, until all the t's are crossed and i's dotted (toll
calls notwithstanding, etc.).  Funny, 'though, not all Waffle sites
are exhibiting this problem.  Older UNIX setups (2.{2,3}, etc.)
may be suspect.

In the meantime, a suggestion for the other system's admin to look
at the USERFILE might be a good thing.  It appears (as I posted in
a previous message) that the default line might not take care of
things and that username,sitename   /usr/local/uucp.directory may
be a better choice.

Here's a debug snippet of a failed session (uucico -x9 dump follows):

(0) WAFFLE UUCP 1.64 - Wed Apr 10 19:44:22 1991
(0) on halcyon (dialing), debug level 3
(0) Calling happym, device COM2, speed 19200
(3) FOSSIL connection open
(3) Awaiting remote identification
(0) Talking to: happym
(0) Cannot Tango - reason: RLOGIN
(0) - 0 connection(s) made -

(0) WAFFLE UUCP 1.64 - Wed Apr 10 19:45:54 1991
(0) on halcyon (dialing), debug level 9
(5) top master state: i
(5) top master state: s
(0) Calling happym, device COM2, speed 19200
(3) FOSSIL connection open
(4) Send: AT&ES11=75S111=30DTnnnnnnn,,,1,1,4
(4) Expect: CONNECT 
(4) - ok 
(4) Send: ""
(4) Expect: in: 
(4) - ok 
(4) Send: uhalcyon
(4) Expect: word: 
(4) - ok 
(4) Send: xxxxxxxxxx
(5) top master state: p
(3) Awaiting remote identification
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got S 53
(5) rmsg sync got Y 59
(5) rmsg sync got S 53
(5) rmsg sync got T 54
(5) rmsg sync got E 45
(5) rmsg sync got M 4D
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got V 56
(5) rmsg sync got / 2F
(5) rmsg sync got 6 36
(5) rmsg sync got 8 38
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got V 56
(5) rmsg sync got M 4D
(5) rmsg sync got E 45
(5) rmsg sync got 1 31
(5) rmsg sync got 3 33
(5) rmsg sync got 1 31
(5) rmsg sync got x 78
(5) rmsg sync got t 74
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got V 56
(5) rmsg sync got e 65
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got s 73
(5) rmsg sync got i 69
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got n 6E
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got 2 32
(5) rmsg sync got v 76
(5) rmsg sync got 3 33
(5) rmsg sync got . 2E
(5) rmsg sync got 0 30
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got h 68
(5) rmsg sync got a 61
(5) rmsg sync got p 70
(5) rmsg sync got p 70
(5) rmsg sync got y 79
(5) rmsg sync got m 6D
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got C 43
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got p 70
(5) rmsg sync got y 79
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got i 69
(5) rmsg sync got g 67
(5) rmsg sync got h 68
(5) rmsg sync got t 74
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got ( 28
(5) rmsg sync got c 63
(5) rmsg sync got ) 29
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got 1 31
(5) rmsg sync got 9 39
(5) rmsg sync got 8 38
(5) rmsg sync got 5 35
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got A 41
(5) rmsg sync got T 54
(5) rmsg sync got & 26
(5) rmsg sync got T 54
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got C 43
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got p 70
(5) rmsg sync got y 79
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got i 69
(5) rmsg sync got g 67
(5) rmsg sync got h 68
(5) rmsg sync got t 74
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got ( 28
(5) rmsg sync got c 63
(5) rmsg sync got ) 29
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got 1 31
(5) rmsg sync got 9 39
(5) rmsg sync got 8 38
(5) rmsg sync got 5 35
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got M 4D
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got t 74
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got l 6C
(5) rmsg sync got a 61
(5) rmsg sync got , 2C
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got I 49
(5) rmsg sync got n 6E
(5) rmsg sync got c 63
(5) rmsg sync got . 2E
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got A 41
(5) rmsg sync got l 6C
(5) rmsg sync got l 6C
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got R 52
(5) rmsg sync got i 69
(5) rmsg sync got g 67
(5) rmsg sync got h 68
(5) rmsg sync got t 74
(5) rmsg sync got s 73
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got R 52
(5) rmsg sync got e 65
(5) rmsg sync got s 73
(5) rmsg sync got e 65
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got v 76
(5) rmsg sync got e 65
(5) rmsg sync got d 64
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got  10
(4) rmsg: Shere=happym
(0) Talking to: happym
(4) wmsg: Shalcyon
(5) rmsg sync got  10
(4) rmsg: RLOGIN
(0) Cannot Tango - reason: RLOGIN
(5) top master state: k
(5) top master state: i
(0) - 0 connection(s) made -

And then for the successful connect, after the USERFILE was changed...

(0) WAFFLE UUCP 1.64 - Wed Apr 10 23:49:18 1991
(0) on halcyon (dialing), debug level 9
(5) top master state: i
(5) top master state: s
(0) Calling happym, device COM2, speed 19200
(3) FOSSIL connection open
(4) Send: AT&ES11=75S111=30Dnnnnnnn,,,1,1,4
(4) Expect: CONNECT 
(4) - ok 
(4) Send: ""
(4) Expect: in: 
(4) - ok 
(4) Send: uhalcyon
(4) Expect: word: 
(4) - ok 
(4) Send: xxxxxxxx
(5) top master state: p
(3) Awaiting remote identification
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got S 53
(5) rmsg sync got Y 59
(5) rmsg sync got S 53
(5) rmsg sync got T 54
(5) rmsg sync got E 45
(5) rmsg sync got M 4D
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got V 56
(5) rmsg sync got / 2F
(5) rmsg sync got 6 36
(5) rmsg sync got 8 38
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got V 56
(5) rmsg sync got M 4D
(5) rmsg sync got E 45
(5) rmsg sync got 1 31
(5) rmsg sync got 3 33
(5) rmsg sync got 1 31
(5) rmsg sync got x 78
(5) rmsg sync got t 74
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got V 56
(5) rmsg sync got e 65
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got s 73
(5) rmsg sync got i 69
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got n 6E
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got 2 32
(5) rmsg sync got v 76
(5) rmsg sync got 3 33
(5) rmsg sync got . 2E
(5) rmsg sync got 0 30
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got h 68
(5) rmsg sync got a 61
(5) rmsg sync got p 70
(5) rmsg sync got p 70
(5) rmsg sync got y 79
(5) rmsg sync got m 6D
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got C 43
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got p 70
(5) rmsg sync got y 79
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got i 69
(5) rmsg sync got g 67
(5) rmsg sync got h 68
(5) rmsg sync got t 74
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got ( 28
(5) rmsg sync got c 63
(5) rmsg sync got ) 29
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got 1 31
(5) rmsg sync got 9 39
(5) rmsg sync got 8 38
(5) rmsg sync got 5 35
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got A 41
(5) rmsg sync got T 54
(5) rmsg sync got & 26
(5) rmsg sync got T 54
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got C 43
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got p 70
(5) rmsg sync got y 79
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got i 69
(5) rmsg sync got g 67
(5) rmsg sync got h 68
(5) rmsg sync got t 74
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got ( 28
(5) rmsg sync got c 63
(5) rmsg sync got ) 29
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got 1 31
(5) rmsg sync got 9 39
(5) rmsg sync got 8 38
(5) rmsg sync got 5 35
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got M 4D
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got t 74
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got o 6F
(5) rmsg sync got l 6C
(5) rmsg sync got a 61
(5) rmsg sync got , 2C
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got I 49
(5) rmsg sync got n 6E
(5) rmsg sync got c 63
(5) rmsg sync got . 2E
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got A 41
(5) rmsg sync got l 6C
(5) rmsg sync got l 6C
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got R 52
(5) rmsg sync got i 69
(5) rmsg sync got g 67
(5) rmsg sync got h 68
(5) rmsg sync got t 74
(5) rmsg sync got s 73
(5) rmsg sync got   20
(5) rmsg sync got R 52
(5) rmsg sync got e 65
(5) rmsg sync got s 73
(5) rmsg sync got e 65
(5) rmsg sync got r 72
(5) rmsg sync got v 76
(5) rmsg sync got e 65
(5) rmsg sync got d 64
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got  0D
(5) rmsg sync got 
(5) rmsg sync got  10
(4) rmsg: Shere=happym
(0) Talking to: happym
(4) wmsg: Shalcyon
(5) rmsg sync got  10
(4) rmsg: ROK
(4) Connection accepted
(5) rmsg sync got  10
(4) rmsg: Pgx
(4) wmsg: Ug
(5) top master state: v
(5) master state: I
(3) Attempting handshake
(6) send INITA packet, yyy=7, xxx=0, len=0
(6) send INITB packet, yyy=0, xxx=0, len=0
(6) send INITC packet, yyy=0, xxx=0, len=0
(3) Handshake successful, 3 window(s)
(5) master state: B
(5) master state: S

  The 23:00 News and Mail Service - +1 206 292 9048 - Seattle, WA USA
                 +++ A Waffle Iron, Model 1.64 +++