(Michael Mclay) (06/06/91)
Is their a public domain yacc and lex grammar available for SGML? I've seen the NIST parser that is available and it isn't what I'm looking for. I've also polled archie for SGML and came up dry on anything that looked promising. Thanks in advance (Tom Griest) (06/16/91)
In article <> (Michael Mclay) writes: >Is their a public domain yacc and lex grammar available for SGML? >I've seen the NIST parser that is available and it isn't what I'm >looking for. I've also polled archie for SGML and came up dry on >anything that looked promising. > > >Thanks in advance There is an SGML parser that was developed as part of the STARS software tools. It is written in Ada. If you need more information, send me e-mail and I can put you in touch with the STARS host. Tom griest@ajpo.sei.cmu