[comp.unix.programmer] Distributed Development Source Code Control?

bryan_cardoza@npd.novell.com (Bryan Cardoza) (11/29/90)

What mechanisms/tools do you use for source code control when there are
multiple instances of the source code (i.e. several copies on one or
more machines)?

I've heard rumors of a front-end to RCS, but don't know anything about

Please send responses via e-mail to bryan_cardoza@npd.novell.com; I'll
summarize to the net if there is sufficient expressed interest.
(Please forgive me if this was recently discussed or is a FAQ; we have
a tight expire period, and I don't read this group as often as I


Bryan Cardoza                             <Bryan_Cardoza@NPD.Novell.COM>
Software Engineer
Novell, Inc.                                   Telephone: (801) 429-3149
Provo, UT                                            Fax: (801) 429-3500