rpinder@phad.hsc.usc.edu (Rich Pinder) (03/08/91)
I am posting this as a favor to a friend. Please respond by voice to numbers provided - don't email me info. thanks. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ March 6, 1991, Our company is involved in a Microfocus Cobol conversion from TI Xenix to SCO Unix. We expect that we will require immediate assistance in addition to our own staff in implementing some changes during this process. We are therefore searching for experienced Microfocus programmers who are also familiar with the SCO UNIX operating environment to work with our staff. Please call Alex Tarce of Frank Mogavero at 818 907-9110 or fax your resume and hourly rates to 818 986-6782. It is expected that we will require the services of 3-4 people to work at our facility in Sherman Oaks, California for the period of one month. We eagerly await your reply. Responses required prior to 3/15/91.