[net.ham-radio] First burn results

karn@eagle.UUCP (07/13/83)

As I mentioned yesterday, we finally did our first motor burn.
Several hours afterwards, it became apparent that the burn had not gone
according to plan; loss-of-signal times were much later than expected,
indicating a burn that was too long.

This has been confirmed; the burn should have been 107 sec, while it was
in fact at least 190 sec.  Why this happened is still a mystery;
telemetry shows the motor unit counting down from the larger number
even though a smaller number was supposedly loaded.  The flight unit
had been extensively tested on the ground with no failures.

In any case, ranging over the last day has converged nicely into the
following set of elements:

Satellite: oscar-10
Catalog number: 14129
Epoch time:      83192.94024815
   Mon Jul 11 22:33:57 1983 UTC
Element set:         DC5
Inclination:       26.4198 deg
RA of node:       250.6344 deg
Eccentricity:    0.6055096
Arg of perigee:   185.6573 deg
Mean anomaly:     183.9066 deg
Mean motion:    2.05848339 rev/day
Semi major axis: 26106.161 km
Anom period:    699.544144 min
Apogee:          35535.588 km
Perigee:          3920.526 km

This is the FIRST time we have generated our own orbital elements
based totally on our own information and modelling; a lot of work
went into this part of the project and it has finally paid off.

As you can see from the elements, the perigee is much higher than
had been planned (1500 km); however, we still have more than half
of our "delta v" (kick motor capability) left, and we are now working
on a burn to bring us as close as we can to our desired final orbit.
Keep your fingers crossed.
