[comp.sources.apple2] v01_ADM_11: More on archiving and Bitnet chomping

jac@paul.rutgers.edu (Jonathan A. Chandross) (09/10/90)

Submitted-by: jac
Posting-number: Volume 1, Administrivia: 11

In this issue:
	Bitnet chomping of characters
	categorizing by machines a package runs on


From: Bruce Kahn <bkahn@archive.webo.dg.com>

[ Re: Bitnet chomping of certain characters ]

  An alternative to using uuen/decode is to use the xxen/decode program that
is also available from most any c.s.u archive.  It uses a smaller set of
characters (so will probably be a little larger; no hard numbers either way)
BUT you would not have to worry about character munging by BITNET gateways.
Another alternative to this is simply provide a way to convert the munged
character (the ~ or ^; I forget which) back to its original character (^ or
~ respectively).  I may be a bit off but this is the only munging Ive ever
heard of.

[ I've gotten some mail about this from Bitnet users who claim that
  they have no control over file munging.  If the only hacking
  necessary is to quote either the ~ or the ^, I guess I retract
  my objections.  Trigraphs, however, are right out. ]

[ Re: A Read.Me to indicate what machines/OS a package runs on ] 

  The submitting author should be required to at least tell you what the
package does or requires in a note to the archive maintainers.  This could be
made into a READ.ME file if none is aleady provided...

[ I was intending to enforce such a policy.  Nothing will be posted without
  some indication of what it does and what it runs on. ]


From: peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva)

The problem with categorising by machines is that most programs should
run on most machines. How about lang/type[/machine]/name/ver/part??.
Only include the /machine part for stuff that *is* machine specific.


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	Internet: jac@paul.rutgers.edu
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Please mark comments that are not to be posted with "Not for Posting".
Otherwise, I often can't tell.

Jonathan A. Chandross
Internet: jac@paul.rutgers.edu
UUCP: rutgers!paul.rutgers.edu!jac