[comp.sources.apple2] v001SRC004: Apple ][ Simulator Part 1/3

jac@paul.rutgers.edu (Jonathan A. Chandross) (11/19/90)

Submitted-by: None
Posting-number: Volume 1, Source:4
Archive-name: unix/simulator/koning/part01
Architecture: UNIX
Version-number: 1.00

This is the first of several Apple ][ simulators that will be posted.
You should get 3 parts: part01, part02, part03

As always, packed in AAF format.



-Apple ][ Emulator -- (C) 1989 Ben Koning
-                     408/738-1763 (IP: ben@apple.com) (AL: KONING.BEN)
-                     1360 Flicker Way Sunnyvale CA 94087-3407
-                     18 Ortalon Ave Santa Cruz CA 95060
-This software package is an Apple ][ / Apple ][ Plus emulator for UNIX
-systems.  It emulates a 6502 microprocessor, contains Apple ][ ROM code,
-and emulates a few Apple ][ memory mapped I/O features.
-Usage syntax:
-	Apple.II [-t] [-m] [-i]
-If no parameters are specified, then an Apple ][ Plus (autostart and apple-
-soft) are selected.  Trace (-t) mode causes the state of the processor to be
-printed to the standard error output at the end of each 6502 instruction.
-The Original Monitor (-m) and Integer Basic (-i) options override the default
-ROM configuration.
-To exit the simulation, type Control - A.
-Currently, the only I/O features supported are Page 1 40-Column text,
-keyboard input, keyboard strobe, and speaker toggle (sends beep to terminal).
-Unimplemented 6502 instructions are executed as NOPs.
-What *YOU* Need to provide
-four ROM Files:
-APPLESOFT.ROM   <= $d000 to $f777  ][+ Applesoft Basic ROM
-AUTOSTART.ROM   <= $f800 to $ffff  ][+ autostart monitor ROM
-INTEGER.ROM     <= $d000 to $f777  Integer Basic ROM
-MONITOR.ROM     <= $f800 to $ffff  Original Monitor ROM
-PRODOS          <= PRODOS System File
-how to boot system:
-start up simulator
-] CALL 8192
-or to boot from slot 7 Drive 2
-] CALL -151
-*43:F0    or 70 for slot 7 drive 1
-Debugger commands
-use ctrl-A to enter the debugger
-l  load a UNIX binary file into Main Memory
-s  single step with trace
-t  trace execution with debug output to UNIX file
-c  continue execution
-<ret> same as s
-q  quit simulator
-debugging technique:
-use in conjunction with dbx
-break into debugger
-step until a LDA $C000 instruction is executed
-break into dbx
-set A = 128 + 'x' where x is the key you want pressed
-continue simulator
-how to initialize/format slot 7 drive 2
-a) startup simulator and PRODOS
-b) enter debugger with ctrl-A
-c) type l <return> this is the load command
-d) enter name of UNIX file containing binary image of a program like COPY ][+
-e) this will load the binary at $2000
-f) save this to slot 7 disk 1
-g) run it, and tell it to format slot 7 disk 2
-h) this will format a disk with 1024 blocks (change the #define in mega2.c
-   if you want a larger disk)
-requests  does anyone have a generic disk formatter for a ][+?
-please forward any enhancements you may have.
-I can be reached at 
-#Makefile for Apple ][ Emulator
-#(C) 1989 Ben Koning [556498717 408/738-1763 ben@apple.com]
-#Local printing command:
-PRINT = lpr -Psimplex
-#Apple.II is split up as follows:
-OBJ = main.o 6502.o mega2.o debug.o
-#Make normal version:
-debug: ${OBJ} apple.h
-	cc -g $(OBJ) -lcurses -ltermcap
-	lint main.c 6502.c mega2.c debug.c -lcurses -ltermcap
-#Make final optimized version:
-	touch apple.h
-	make debug
-	strip a.out
-	mv a.out Apple.II
-	make clean
-#Make profiling version:
-	cc -pg main.c 6502.c mega2.c debug.c -lcurses -ltermcap
-#Building modules from source:
-main.o: main.c apple.h
-	cc -c  -g main.c
-6502.o: 6502.c apple.h
-	cc -c  -g 6502.c
-mega2.o: mega2.c apple.h
-	cc -c  -g mega2.c
-debug.o: debug.c apple.h
-	cc -c  -g debug.c
-#Cleanup of directory:
-	rm -f ${OBJ}
-	rm -f file
-	rm -f a.out
-	rm -f core
-#Printout without long ROM listings:
-	rm -f          file
-	touch          file
-	pr README   >> file
-	pr Makefile >> file
-	pr *.h      >> file
-	pr main.c   >> file
-	pr 6502.c   >> file
-	pr mega2.c  >> file
-	$(PRINT)       file
-	rm -f          file
-	wc             *.h *.c
-#Printout with long copyrighted ROM listings:
-	make print
- *apple.h -- Globals' xdefs and equates for system calls for Apple ][ Emulator
- *(C) 1989 Ben Koning [556498717 408/738-1763 ben@apple.com]
- */
-/* Character which ends the emulation: */
-#define		MEGAQUITKEY		001		/* Control-A */
-/* XENIX/BSD - Compatible includes: */
-#ifndef BUFSIZ
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifndef isalpha
-#include <ctype.h>
-#ifndef CBREAK
-#include <sgtty.h>
-#ifndef TIOCGETP
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#ifndef O_NDELAY
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#define BYTE unsigned char
-#define ADDR int
-/* 6502 Globals: */
-extern int A,X,Y,P,S;
-extern ADDR PPC;
-/* Emulation Globals: */
-extern BYTE MMemory[];
-extern BYTE Rom[];
-extern BYTE MRam[];
-extern BYTE MRam1[];
-extern BYTE MRam2[];
-extern BYTE RamRead;
-extern BYTE RamWrite;
-extern BYTE Bank2Enable;
-extern BYTE MegaRand;
-extern BYTE MegaLastKey;
-extern BYTE MegaQuitDetect;
-extern int DebugSingle;
-extern int DebugTrace;
-extern ADDR DebugBreak;
-/* Apple ROM Contents: */
-extern BYTE MegaGetMem();
-/* Termcap stuff: */
-extern void Debugger();
-extern void MegaShutDown();
-extern void MegaStartUp();
-extern void MegaPutMem();
-extern void prodos();
-extern void CPUShutDown();
-extern void CPUReset();
-extern void CPUExecute();