[comp.sources.apple2] v001SRC013: fgrep

jac@yoko.rutgers.edu (Jonathan A. Chandross) (12/02/90)

Submitted-by: NONE
Posting-number: Volume 1, Source:13
Archive-name: util/fgrep
Architecture: ANY_2
Version-number: 1.00

This program is a fixed string pattern matcher (i.e. no regular


- *
- * fgrep.c
- *
- * Fast pattern matcher for fixed strings (no regular expressions).
- *
- * Usage:
- * 	fgrep [-nx] pattern [file_1] [file_2] [file_3] [...]
- *
- * 	Options:
- *		-x	print lines that do not patch pattern
- *		-n	print out line number
- *
- * 	If no file is specified, fgrep reads from standard in.
- *
- * Contributed Anonymously.  Written: November 1983
- *
- * Version 1.00
- *
- */
-#include "stdio.h"
-#define TRUE  1
-#define FALSE 0
-#define MAXLINE 256
-#define BLANK ' '
-#define TAB   '\t'
-#define NL    '\n'
-#define EOS   '\0'
-int numbering, except, files ;
-char *fname ;
-main(argc, argv)
-int argc ;
-char *argv[] ;
-	char *s, *pattern ;
-	FILE *input ;
-	numbering = except = files = FALSE ;
-	while( --argc>0 && **++argv == '-' )
-		for( s=&argv[0][1] ; *s != EOS ; s++ )
-			switch( *s ) {
-				case 'n':
-					numbering = TRUE ;
-					break ;
-				case 'x':
-					except = TRUE ;
-					break ;
-				default:
-					fprintf(stderr, "fgrep: unknown option %c\n", *s ) ;
-					argc = -1 ;
-					break ;
-			}
-	if( argc <= 0 ) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "usage: fgrep [-nx] pattern [files]\n");
-		exit(1) ;
-	}
-	pattern = *argv ;
-	argc-- ; argv++ ;
-	if( argc > 1 )
-		files = TRUE ;
-	if( argc == 0 )
-		fgrep( stdin, pattern ) ;
-	else
-		for( ; argc>0 ; argc--,argv++)
-			if( (input=fopen(*argv,"r")) == NULL ) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "fgrep: can't open %s\n", *argv) ;
-				exit(1) ;
-			}
-			else {
-				fname = *argv ;
-				fgrep(input, pattern) ;
-				fclose( input ) ;
-			}
-	exit(0) ;
-} /* end main */
-/* fgrep - match pattern to file */
-fgrep( in, pat )
-FILE *in ;
-char *pat ;
-	char line[ MAXLINE ], *fgets() ;
-	int lines ;
-	lines = 0 ;
-	while( fgets(line, MAXLINE, in) != NULL ) {
-		lines++ ;
-		if( (match(line, pat) >= 0) != except ) {
-			if( files )
-				printf("%s: ", fname ) ;
-			if( numbering )
-				printf("%d: ", lines ) ;
-			printf("%s", line ) ;
-		}
-	}
-} /* end fgrep */
-/* match - return index of pattern */
-match( subject, pattern )
-char *subject, *pattern ;
-	char *s, *p, *ss ;
-	for( s=subject ; *s != EOS ; s++ ) {
-		for( ss=s, p=pattern ; *p != EOS && *p == *ss ; p++, ss++ )
-				;
-		if( *p == EOS )
-			return s - subject ;
-	}
-	return -1 ;
-} /* end match */
-/* fgets - read a line from a file. */
-char *fgets(line, maxline, input)
-char *line ;
-int maxline ;
-FILE *input ;
-	int c ;
-	char *start_line ;
-	start_line = line;
-	while( --maxline>0 && (c=agetc(input)) != EOF )
-		if( (*line++ = c) == NL )
-			break ;
-	*line = 0 ;
-	if( c == EOF && line == start_line )
-		return(NULL) ;
-	return(line) ;