[comp.sources.apple2] v001SRC026: Mandelbrot

jac@paul.rutgers.edu (Jonathan A. Chandross) (02/11/91)

Submitted-by: Henry Throop
Posting-number: Volume 1, Source:26
Archive-name: games/mandel/pascal/throop
Architecture: ONLY_2gs
Version-number: 1.00

This is a little Mandelbrot generator I started about a year ago, but
because of compiler problems (summary: don't buy TML Pascal II) haven't
quite been able to complete it.  However, this version does compile and
run, though maybe not with all the features I had intended.

-			MandelNET gs
-This is a little Mandelbrot generator I started about a year ago, but
-because of compiler problems (summary: don't buy TML Pascal II) haven't
-quite been able to complete it.  However, this version does compile and
-run, though maybe not with all the features I had intended.
-The program is in two parts:
-	- first compile "part_1" (creates a unit file in memory)
-	- then compile "part_2" (the main program).
-This should work with some modification on ORCA/Pascal or MPW, but I 
-haven't tried it.
-The indentation looks funny because TML's default font is proportional,
-which causes problems -> monospaced.  Sorry.
-Mail me with questions about the algorithms or anything.
-Version 1.00
-Henry Throop
-Oregon State University
-Computer Science Deptartment
-  Henry Throop
-  Oregon State University
-  Computer Science Deptartment
-  throoph@jacobs.cs.orst.edu
-Unit Mandelstuf;
-USES	Types,			{ GS Toolbox Units }
-		Locator,		{ Tool 1 }
-		Memory,		{ Tool 2 }
-		MiscTool,		{ Tool 3 }
-		QuickDraw,	{ Tool 4 }
-		QDAux,
-		Events,		{ Tool 6 }
-		Desk,			{ Tool 5 }
-		IntMath,		{ Tool 11 }
-		Controls,		{ Tool 16 }
-		Windows,		{ Tool 14 }
-		Menus,			{ Tool 15 }
-		LineEdit,
-		Dialogs,		{ Tool 21 }
-		StdFile,		{ Tool 23 }
-		GSOS,			{ OS }
-		Resources,	{ Resource Mgr }
-		TMLUtils;
-	complex = record
-				x, y : extended
-			end;	
-	plane = record				{complex plane}
-				x : extended;
-				y : extended;
-				minx : extended;
-				maxx : extended;
-				miny : extended;
-				maxy : extended;
-				incx : extended;
-				incy : extended;
-				sizex : integer;
-				sizey : integer;
-				countx : integer;
-				county : integer;
-				pprx : integer;
-				ppry : integer;
-				level : integer;
-				ZoomRect : rect;
-			end;
-	SaveStuff = record
-				data : plane;
-				hndl : handle
-			end; 	
-CONST	{ Resource IDs }
-		kStartStopResID		= 1;
-		kMenuBarResID		= 1;
-		{ Menu / Menu item IDs }
-		kAppleMenuID		= 300;
-			kAboutItem		= 301;
-		kFileMenuID			= 400;
-			kOpenItem		= 401;
-			kCloseItem		= 402;
-			kQuitItem			= 403;
-		kMandelMenuID		=500;
-			kStartItem		=501;
-			kStopItem		=502;
-			kContItem		=503;
-			kZoomItem		=505;
-			kUnzoomItem		=506;
-			kIncLevItem		=507;
-			kSetItem			=504;
-			kEraseItem		=508;
-			kLev8Item		=509;
-		kNetworkMenuID		=600;
-			kNodeItem		=601;
-			kServerItem		=602;
-		kPaletteMenuID		=700;
-			kPal1Item		=701;
-			kPal2Item		=702;
-			kPal3Item		=703;
-			kPal4Item		=704;
-			kPal5Item		=705;
-			kPal6Item		=706;
-			kPal7Item		=707;
-			kCycleInItem	=708;
-			kCycleOutItem	=709;
-		{ Window IDs }
-		kWindow1ResID		= 1000;
-		kSTop 					=14;  {coords for screen}
-		kSBot 					=142;
-		kSLeft					=32;
-		kSRight				=288;
-		kSWidth				=256;
-		kSHeight				=128;	
-		kLN4					=1.386294;
-		kLN2					=0.69314718;
-VAR	gMyMemoryID:			Integer;
-		gStartStopRef:		Ref;
-		gMainEvent:			EventRecord;
-		gDone:					Boolean;
-		gMainWindow:			WindowPtr;
-		gMainRect:			rect;
-		gAppleMenu:			str255;
-		gFileMenu:			str255;
-		gMandelMenu:			str255;
-		gNetworkMenu:		str255;
-		gPaletteMenu:		str255;
-		gPlane:				plane;		{complex coords of screen}
-		gLastPlane:			array [1..20] of SaveStuff;
-		gNumPlanes:			integer;
-		gMaxIterations:		integer;
-		gMirror:				boolean;	{if x-axis is in center}
-		gPlotting:			boolean;
-		gZoomed:				boolean;		{gZoomRect currently
-												  displayed?}
-		gLastCount:			integer;
-		TmpSaveHndl : 		handle;
-		SHRPtr:				ptr;
-		PictPtr:				ptr;
-		gMaxIter :			integer;
-		gColorInc : 			integer;  {number of values/color}
-		gDwell :				integer;  {square of escape distance}
-		gEventRecord :		EventRecord;
-		gNetwork : 			boolean;
-		modem : 				text;
-procedure DoAbout;											FORWARD;
-procedure DoOpen;											FORWARD;
-procedure DoClose;											FORWARD;
-procedure DoQuit;											FORWARD;
-procedure SetUpMenus;										FORWARD;
-procedure SetUpWindows;									FORWARD;
-function DoCalc (origx, origy : extended) : integer; 	FORWARD;
-procedure DoErase;											FORWARD;
-procedure DrawContentProc1;								FORWARD;
-function B2I			(b : boolean) : integer;				FORWARD;
-procedure InitPalettes;									FORWARD;
-procedure DoCycleIn;										FORWARD;
-procedure DoCycleOut;										FORWARD;
-procedure PlotPoint (cycles : integer; x, y : extended);	FORWARD;
-procedure GetZoom; 											FORWARD;
-procedure DoZoom;											FORWARD;
-procedure SetPalette (palette : integer);				FORWARD;
-procedure DoLev8;											FORWARD;
-procedure SaveScreen (desthndl : handle);				FORWARD;
-procedure RestoreScreen (srchndl : handle);			FORWARD;
-procedure SavePic (desthndl : handle);					FORWARD;
-procedure RestorePic (srchndl : handle);				FORWARD;
-procedure SaveScreen {(desthndl : handle)};
-	HideCursor;
-	MoveLeft (SHRPtr^, desthndl^^, 32768);
-	ShowCursor
-procedure RestoreScreen {(srchndl : handle)};
-	HideCursor;
-	MoveLeft (srchndl^^, SHRPtr^, 32768);
-	ShowCursor
-procedure SavePic {(desthndl : handle)};
-	HideCursor;
-	MoveLeft (PictPtr^, desthndl^^, 128*160);
-	ShowCursor
-procedure RestorePic {(srchndl : handle)};
-	HideCursor;
-	MoveLeft (srchndl^^, PictPtr^, 128*160);
-	ShowCursor
-procedure IncLev;	external;
-procedure DoCycleOut;
-var i, temp : integer;
-	repeat
-		temp := GetColorEntry (0, 1);
-		for i := 2 to 14 do
-			SetColorEntry (0, i-1, GetColorEntry (0, i));
-		SetColorEntry (0, 14, temp);
-		for i := 1 to 6000 do;
-	until (Button (0));
-	{i := GetNextEvent;}	
-procedure DoCycleIn;
-var i, temp : integer;
-	repeat
-		temp := GetColorEntry (0, 14);
-		for i := 13 downto 1 do
-			SetColorEntry (0, i+1, GetColorEntry (0, i));
-		SetColorEntry (0, 1, temp);
-		for i := 1 to 6000 do;
-	until (Button (0));
-{	i := GetNextEvent;}
-procedure DoAbout;
-var	ignore:		Integer;
-		aboutDlog : 	DialogPtr;
-		r : 				rect;
-	SetRect (r, 60, 30, 235, 170);
-	aboutDlog := NewModalDialog (r, true, 0);
-	SetPort (aboutDlog);
-	SetRect (r, 130, 110, 165, 125);
-	NewDItem (aboutDlog, 1, r, 10, @'OK', 0, 0, nil);
-	SetForeColor (0);
-	SetBackColor (15);
-	MoveTo (20, 15);		DrawString ('MandelNET v0.3')
-	MoveTo (20, 35); 		DrawString ('A Mandlebrot set');
-	MoveTo (20, 46);		DrawString ('generator utilizing');
-	MoveTo (20, 57);		DrawString ('parallel processing');
-	MoveTo (20, 76);		DrawString ('throoph@jacobs.cs.orst.edu.');
-	ignore := ModalDialog (nil);
-	CloseDialog (aboutDlog);
-	SetPort (gMainWindow);
-	SetPortRect (gMainWindow^.portRect);
-procedure DoErase;
-var r : rect;
-	SetRect (r, kSLeft, kSTop, kSRight+1, kSBot);
-	EraseRect (r);
-function B2I {(b : boolean) : integer};
-	if b = true then
-		B2I := 1
-	else
-		B2I := 0
-procedure DoClose;
-var	theWindow: WindowPtr;
-	theWindow := FrontWindow;
-	if theWindow <> nil then
-	 	if GetWKind (theWindow) <> 0 then
-	 		CloseNDAByWinPtr (theWindow)
-		else
-		begin
-			CloseWindow(theWindow);
-			gPlotting := false;
-			DisableMItem (kStartItem);
-			DisableMItem (kStopItem);
-			DisableMItem (kContItem);
-			DisableMItem (kIncLevItem);
-			DisableMItem (kSetItem);
-			DisableMItem (kCloseItem);
-			DisableMItem (kZoomItem);
-			EnableMItem (kOpenItem)
-		end;
-procedure DoQuit;
-	{DoClose;}
-	gDone := true;
-procedure PlotPoint {(cycles : integer; x, y: extended)};
-var r: rect;
-	temp : integer;
-	sx, sy : integer;		{screen x/y coords for UL corner of pt}
-	oldpt : point;
-	by : integer;			{bottom coords}
-	sx := kSLeft + round (((x-gPlane.minx)/(gPlane.maxx-gPlane.minx))*kSWidth);
-	sy := kSTop + round (((y-gPlane.miny)/(gPlane.maxy-gPlane.miny))*kSHeight);
-	SetSolidPenPat((cycles div gColorInc) mod 14 + 1);
-	if cycles = gMaxIter then 
-		SetSolidPenPat (0);
-	SetPenSize (1, gPlane.sizey);
-	if gPlane.countx = 0 then MoveTo (sx, sy);
-	GetPen (oldpt);
-	SetPenMode (modeXOR);
-	LineTo (sx, sy);
-	SetPenMode (modeCopy);
-	MoveTo (oldpt.h, oldpt.v);
-	LineTo (sx, sy);
-	if gMirror then
-	begin
-		if gPlane.y >= 0 then
-		begin
-			with gPlane do begin
-			countx := 600; county := 600; {SetPenSize (0,0);} end;
-		end
-		else
-			begin
-			by := kSTop+(ksBot-(oldpt.v+gPlane.sizey));
-			SetPenMode (modeXOR);
-			MoveTo (oldpt.h, by);
-			LineTo (sx, by);
-			SetPenMode (modeCopy);
-			LineTo (oldpt.h, by);
-			MoveTo (sx, sy)
-		end;
-	end;		
-procedure GetZoom;
-var r : rect;
-	OldLoc, NewLoc, Temp : point;
-	temp2 : boolean;
-	option : integer;
-	if gZoomed then FrameRect (gPlane.ZoomRect);		{clear old rect}
-	GetMouse (OldLoc);
-	NewLoc := OldLoc;
-	SetSolidPenPat ($f);		
-	SetPenSize (1,1);
-	SetPenMode (modeXOR);
-	while (StillDown(0)) do
-	begin
-		r.top := OldLoc.v*B2I(OldLoc.v<NewLoc.v)+NewLoc.v*
-								B2I(OldLoc.v>NewLoc.v);
-		r.bottom := OldLoc.v*B2I(NewLoc.v<OldLoc.v)+NewLoc.v*
-								B2I(NewLoc.v>OldLoc.v);
-		r.left := OldLoc.h*B2I(OldLoc.h<NewLoc.h)+NewLoc.h*
-								B2I(OldLoc.h>NewLoc.h);
-		r.right := OldLoc.h*B2I(NewLoc.h<OldLoc.h)+NewLoc.h*
-								B2I(NewLoc.h>OldLoc.h);
-		if r.right > kSRight then r.right := kSRight;
-		if r.left < kSLeft then r.left := kSLeft;
-		if r.top < kSTop then r.top := kSTop;
-		if r.bottom > kSBot then r.bottom := kSBot;
-		{now test for all cases and adjust rect so horizontal is 2x vertical
-		  size so magnifications isn't distorted}
-		temp2 := GetNextEvent (-1, gEventRecord);
-		option := BAND (optionkey, gEventRecord.modifiers);
-		if option <> optionKey then    {if option isn't down then constrain rect}
-		begin
-			if ((newloc.h>oldloc.h)and(newloc.v>oldloc.v)) then {bottom right}
-				if 2*(r.bottom-r.top)>(r.right-r.left) then
-					r.bottom := r.top+round(0.5*(r.right-r.left))
-				else r.right := r.left+round(2*(r.bottom-r.top))
-			else if ((newloc.h>oldloc.h)and(newloc.v<oldloc.v)) then {upper right}
-				if 2*(r.bottom-r.top)>(r.right-r.left) then
-					r.top := r.bottom-round(0.5*(r.right-r.left))
-				else r.right := r.left+round(2*(r.bottom-r.top))
-			else if ((newloc.h<oldloc.h)and(newloc.v<oldloc.v)) then {upper left}
-				if 2*(r.bottom-r.top)>(r.right-r.left) then
-					r.top := r.bottom-round(0.5*(r.right-r.left))
-				else r.left := r.right-round(2*(r.bottom-r.top))
-			else if ((newloc.h<oldloc.h)and(newloc.v>oldloc.v)) then {lower left}
-				if 2*(r.bottom-r.top)>(r.right-r.left) then
-					r.bottom := r.top+round(0.5*(r.right-r.left))
-				else r.left := r.right-round(2*(r.bottom-r.top))
-		end;
-		FrameRect(r);
-		repeat
-			GetMouse (Temp)
-		until ((Temp.h <> NewLoc.h) or (Temp.v <> NewLoc.v) or
-				(not Button(0)));
-		NewLoc := Temp;
-		FrameRect(r);
-	end;
-	if ((r.right > r.left) and (r.bottom > r.top))
-	then			{if it's a valid rect}
-	begin
-		gPlane.ZoomRect := r;
-		FrameRect (gPlane.ZoomRect);
-		EnableMItem (kZoomItem);
-		EnableMItem (kContItem);
-		gPlotting := false;
-		gZoomed := true
-	end
-	else
-	begin
-		gZoomed := false;
-		DisableMItem (kZoomItem)
-	end;	
-procedure DoZoom;
-var height, width, oldx, oldy : extended;
-	if gNumPlanes < 20 then		{save current plane for UnZoom}
-	begin
-		gLastPlane[gNumPlanes+1].data := gPlane;
-		gNumPlanes := gNumPlanes + 1;
-		EnableMItem (kUnzoomItem);
-		FrameRect (gPlane.ZoomRect); 	{xor out old rect}
-		gLastPlane[gNumPlanes].hndl := NewHandle (128*160, gMyMemoryID,
-									attrNoPurge, nil);
-		SavePic (gLastPlane[gNumplanes].hndl);
-	end;
-	DisableMItem (kZoomItem);
-	with gPlane do
-	begin
-		oldx := minx;
-		oldy := miny;
-		width := maxx - minx;
-		height := maxy - miny;
-		minx := oldx + width*((gPlane.ZoomRect.left-kSLeft)/kSWidth);
-		maxx := oldx + width*((gPlane.ZoomRect.right-kSLeft)/kSWidth);
-		miny := oldy + height*((gPlane.ZoomRect.top-kSTop)/kSHeight);
-		maxy := oldy + height*((gPlane.ZoomRect.bottom-kSTop)/kSHeight);
-		level := 0;
-	end;
-	gPlotting := true;
-	gZoomed := false;
-	IncLev;				{initializes for new level}
-	EnableMItem (kIncLevItem);
-	if gPlane.miny <> -(gPlane.maxy) then
-		gMirror := false
-	else
-		gMirror := true;
-	EraseRect (gMainRect);
-procedure SetUpMenus;
-var height : integer;
-	gAppleMenu := concat ('>>@\XN300\0',
-								'==About MandelNET...\N301\0',
-								'==-\N999D\0.');
-	gFileMenu := concat ('>>  File  \N400\0',
-								'==Open\N401*Oo\0',
-								'==Close\N402*Ww\0',
-								'==Quit\N403*Qq\0.');
-	gMandelMenu := concat ('>>  Mandel  \N500\0',
-								'==Start\N501*Tt\0',
-								'==Stop\N502*. \0',
-								'==Continue\N503*Cc\0',
-								'==Zoom\N505*Zz\0',
-								'==Unzoom\N506*Uu\0',
-								'==Next Level\N507*Nn\0',
-								'==Level 8\N509*8 \0',
-								'==Erase\N508*Ee\0',
-								'==-\N999D\0',
-								'==Settings...\N504*Ee\0.');
-	gNetworkMenu := concat ('>>  Network  \N600\0',
-								'==Node...\N601D\0',
-								'==Server...\N602\0.');
-	gPaletteMenu := concat ('>> Palettes  \N700\0',
-								'==#1\N701*1 \0',
-								'==#2\N702*2 \0',
-								'==#3\N703*3 \0',
-								'==#4\N704*4 \0',
-								'==#5\N705*5 \0',
-								'==#6\N706*6 \0',
-								'==#7\N707*7 \0',
-								'==-\N999D\0',
-								'==Cycle in\N708\0',
-								'==Cycle out\N709\0.');
-	SetMTitleStart (10);
-	InsertMenu(NewMenu(@gPaletteMenu[1]),0);
-	InsertMenu(NewMenu(@gNetworkMenu[1]),0);
-	InsertMenu(NewMenu(@gMandelMenu[1]),0);
-	InsertMenu(NewMenu(@gFileMenu[1]),0);
-	InsertMenu(NewMenu(@gAppleMenu[1]),0);
-	FixAppleMenu (kAppleMenuID);
-	height := FixMenuBar;
-	DrawMenuBar;																					
-procedure SetUpWindows;
-	gMainWindow := NewWindow2 (nil, 0,@DrawContentProc1, nil,
-	 refIsResource, Ref(kWindow1ResID), rWindParam1);
-	SetPort (gMainWindow);
-	SetPortRect (gMainWindow^.portRect);
-	TmpSaveHndl := NewHandle (32768, gMyMemoryID, attrNoPurge, nil);
-	SHRPtr := pointer ($e12000);
-	PictPtr := pointer ($e12000+38*160)
-procedure DrawContentProc1; 
-	{MoveRight (savehand^^, e1^, 32768)}
-procedure DoSettings; begin end;
-procedure DoSave; begin end;
-Procedure DoOpen;
-var theReply: 			SFReplyRec2;
-	nameC1OutputStr:	ResultBuf255Hndl;
-	pathC1OutputStr:	ResultBuf255Hndl;
-	pFileNameHndl:		String255Hndl;
-	parmsOpen : 			OpenRecGS;
-	parmsRead : 			IORecGS;
-	parmsClose :			RefNumRecGS;
-	pict : 					handle;
-	TypeList : 			SFTypeList2;
-	prompt : 				Str255;
-	i : integer;
-	SaveScreen (TmpSaveHndl);
-	prompt := 'Load what pic?';
-	theReply.nameDesc := refIsNewHandle;
-	theReply.pathDesc := refIsNewHandle;
-	TypeList.numEntries := 1;
-	TypeList.fileTypeEntries[1].flags := $8000;
-	TypeList.fileTypeEntries[1].fileType := $00C1;
-	TypeList.fileTypeEntries[1].auxType := $00000000;
-	SFGetFile2 (20, 20, RefIsPointer, Ref (@prompt), nil, @TypeList, theReply);
-	if theReply.good then
-	begin
-		WaitCursor;
-		nameC1OutputStr := ResultBuf255Hndl (theReply.nameRef.refIsNewHandle);
-		pathC1OutputStr := ResultBuf255Hndl (theReply.pathRef.refIsNewHandle);
-		pFileNameHndl := String255Hndl (NewHandle (
-							nameC1OutputStr^^.bufstring.length+1,
-							gMyMemoryID, attrNoCross+attrLocked, Ptr (0)));
-		GS2PString (nameC1OutputStr^^.bufstring, pFileNameHndl^^);
-		parmsOpen.pCount := 2;
-		parmsOpen.pathname := @pathC1OutputStr^^.bufstring;
-		OpenGS (parmsOpen);
-		if _ToolErr <> noerror then begin i := _ToolErr; GrafOff;
-		writeln ('open ', i); readln; Grafon end;
-		{gTempHandle := NewHandle ($00008000, gMyMemoryID, attrlocked, nil);
-		}parmsRead.pCount := 4;
-		parmsRead.refnum := parmsOpen.refnum;
-		parmsRead.databuffer := TmpSaveHndl^;
-		parmsRead.requestCount := $00007dc8;
-		ReadGS (parmsRead);if _ToolErr <> noerror then begin i := _ToolErr; GrafOff;
-		writeln ('read ', i); readln; Grafon end;
-		parmsClose.pCount := 1;
-		parmsClose.refnum := parmsOpen.refnum;
-		CloseGS (parmsClose);
-		if _ToolErr <> noerror then begin i := _ToolErr; GrafOff;
-		writeln ('close ', i); readln; Grafon end;
-		DisposeHandle (Handle (nameC1OutputStr));
-		DisposeHandle (handle (pathC1OutputStr));
-		DisposeHandle (handle (pFileNameHndl));
-		InitCursor; gPlotting := false;{
-		if (FrontWindow <> nil) then CloseWindow (gMainWindow);
-		gMainWindow := NewWindow2
-			(@theReply.filename,0, @DrawContentProc1,
-			nil, refIsResource, Ref(kWindow1ResID), rWindParam1);
-		SetPort (gMainWindow);
-		EraseRect (gMainRect);}
-		EnableMItem (kCloseItem);
-		EnableMItem (kStartItem);
-	end; RestoreScreen (TmpSaveHndl);
-procedure InitPalettes;
-var temp : ColorTable;
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19F20),	{RAINBOW}
- 	'0000D00FB00F900F400F000F080F0F0F0F0B0F070F008F00F004F00BF00FFF0F');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19F40),	{SUNSET}
- 	'0000E80EB00F800E510E310E120D140D170D2A0E3D0E4E0C4E0A5E086F07FF0F');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19F60),	{ABALONE}
- 	'0000F40FE309D202B602AA0159000800190329063A094B0C6A0D8A0EAA0FFF0F');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19F80),	{PARROT}
- 	'0000D200B400960078005A003C000F000D020B0409060708050A030C010EFF0F');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19FA0),	{TUT}
- 	'000059054804270215010400100320043005400640076108720A930DC50FFF0F');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19FC0),	{GREY SCALE}
- 	'0000110122023303440455056606770788089909AA0ABB0BCC0CDD0DEE0EFF0F');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19FE0),	{RED SCALE}
- 	'0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000A000B000C000D000E000F');
-	GetColorTable (9, temp);
-	SetColorTable (0, temp);
-	 (*
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19E00), 	'0000770741082C070F008000700F000D');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19E10), 	'A90FF00FE000DF04AF0D8F07CC0CFF0F');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19E20), 	'0000FD00EF007F000F060F0A0F0E080F');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19E30), 	'000F500FA00FF00FF008D200CA00FF0F');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19EA0), 	'0000E80ECA0C8D0C8F096F039E009D03');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19EB0), 	'7B055A074208400B820D800EF40FFF0F');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19EC0), 	'0000B00F500E010D050C0A0D0D0B0E07');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19ED0), 	'2E048E04DE07FD09FD0CFB0DFB0FFF0F');
-	StuffHex (pointer($E19F20), 	'00001101220233034404550566067707')
-        *)
-procedure SetPalette {(palette : integer)};
-var i : integer;
-temp : colortable;
-	for i := kPal1Item to kPal7Item do
-		CheckMItem (false, i);
-	GetColorTable (palette-kPal1Item+9, temp);
-	SetColorTable (0, temp);
-	CheckMItem (true, palette);
-procedure DoLev8;
-	gPlane.level := 7;
-	IncLev;
-	gPlotting := true;
-Function DoCalc (origx, origy : extended) : integer;
-var i : integer;
-	xo, yo, xi, yi, temp : longint;
-	xo := round (origx*1024); xi := xo;
-	yo := round (origy*1024); yi := yo;
-	i := 0;
-	while (((xi*xi+yi*yi)<2097152) and (i <= 50)) do
-	begin
-		temp := (xi*xi) div 1024 - (yi*yi) div 1024;
-		yi := (2*yi*xi) div 1024;
-		xi := temp;
-		i := i + 1;
-	end;
-	DoCalc := i;
-  Henry Throop
-  Oregon State University
-  Computer Science Deptartment
-  throoph@jacobs.cs.orst.edu
-PROGRAM Mandel;
-USES	TYPES,			{ GS Toolbox Units }
-		Locator,		{ Tool 1 }
-		Memory,		{ Tool 2 }
-		MiscTool,		{ Tool 3 }
-		QuickDraw,	{ Tool 4 }
-		Events,		{ Tool 6 }
-		Desk,			{ Tool 5 }
-		IntMath,		{ Tool 11 }
-		Controls,		{ Tool 16 }
-		Windows,		{ Tool 14 }
-		Menus,			{ Tool 15 }
-		LineEdit,		{ Tool 20 }
-		Dialogs,		{ Tool 21 }
-		StdFile,		{ Tool 23 }
-		GSOS,			{ OS }
-		Resources,	{ Resource Mgr }
-		QDAux,
-		TMLUtils,
-		mandelstuf;
-	CursorType = record
-		height : integer;
-		width : integer;
-		data : array [1..9] of packed array [1..8] of byte;
-		mask : array [1..9] of packed array [1..8] of byte;
-		HotSpot : point;
-	end;
-	(*
-	complex = record
-				x, y : extended
-			end;	
-	plane = record				{complex plane}
-				x : extended;
-				y : extended;
-				minx : extended;
-				maxx : extended;
-				miny : extended;
-				maxy : extended;
-				incx : extended;
-				incy : extended;
-				sizex : integer;
-				sizey : integer;
-				countx : integer;
-				county : integer;
-				pprx : integer;
-				ppry : integer;
-				level : integer;
-			end;	
-CONST	{ Resource IDs }
-		kStartStopResID		= 1;
-		kMenuBarResID		= 1;
-		{ Menu / Menu item IDs }
-		kAppleMenuID		= 300;
-			kAboutItem		= 301;
-		kFileMenuID			= 400;
-			kOpenItem		= 401;
-			kCloseItem		= 402;
-			kQuitItem			= 403;
-		kMandelMenuID		=500;
-			kStartItem		=501;
-			kStopItem		=502;
-			kContItem		=503;
-			kZoomItem		=505;
-			kUnzoomItem		=506;
-			kIncLevItem		=507;
-			kSetItem			=504;
-		kNetworkMenuID		=600;
-			kNodeItem		=601;
-			kServerItem		=602;
-		kPaletteMenuID		=700;
-			kPal1Item		=701;
-			kPal2Item		=702;
-			kPal3Item		=703;
-			kPal4Item		=704;
-			kPal5Item		=705;
-			kPal6Item		=706;
-			kPal7Item		=707;
-		{ Window IDs }
-		kWindow1ResID		= 1000;
-		kSTop 					=10;  {coords for screen}
-		kSBot 					=138;
-		kSLeft					=32;
-		kSRight				=288;
-		kSWidth				=256;
-		kSHeight				=128;	
-		kLN4					=1.386294;
-		kLN2					=0.69314718;
-VAR	gMyMemoryID:			Integer;
-		gStartStopRef:		Ref;
-		gMainEvent:			EventRecord;
-		gDone:					Boolean;
-		gMainWindow:			WindowPtr;
-		gAppleMenu:			str255;
-		gFileMenu:			str255;
-		gMandelMenu:			str255;
-		gNetworkMenu:		str255;
-		gPaletteMenu:		str255;
-		gPlane:				plane;		{complex coords of screen}
-		gLastPlane:			array [1..20] of plane;
-		gNumPlanes:			integer;
-		gMaxIterations:		integer;
-		gMirror:				boolean;	{if x-axis is in center}
-		gPlotting:			boolean;
-		gZoomRect:			rect;
-		gZoomed:				boolean;		{gZoomRect currently
-												  displayed?}
-		gLastCount:			integer;
-		*)
-var 	gOffScreenPort : GrafPortPtr;
-		gOffScreenPixImage : ptr;
-		gOnScreenPixImage : ptr;
-		gOffScreenLocInfo : locInfo;
-		gOnScreenLocInfo : LocInfo;
-		gOldsy : integer;
-		gZoomCursor : CursorType;
-		gInZoom : boolean;			{cursor in drawing region?}
-		gUseLevels : boolean;
-procedure DoStart;											FORWARD;
-procedure DoStop;											FORWARD;
-procedure DoCont;											FORWARD;
-procedure DoUnzoom;										FORWARD;
-procedure IncLev;											FORWARD;
-procedure DoSettings;										FORWARD;
-procedure InitializeGlobals;								FORWARD;
-procedure MainEventLoop;									FORWARD;
-procedure HandleMenu;										FORWARD;
-procedure DoNextPoint;										FORWARD;
-procedure SetUpCursor;										FORWARD;
-procedure CheckCursor;										FORWARD;
-procedure SetNetwork;										FORWARD;
-procedure DoNextLine;										FORWARD;
-procedure PlotLine;											FORWARD;
-procedure SetUpCursor;
-	gZoomCursor.height := 9;
-	gZoomCursor.width := 4;
-	gZoomCursor.Hotspot.v := 6;
-	gZoomCursor.Hotspot.h := 6;
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Data[1],	'0000000000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Data[2],	'0000000000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Data[3],	'0000000000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Data[4],	'F000000000F00000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Data[5],	'0000000000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Data[6],	'F0000F0000F00000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Data[7],	'00000F0000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Data[8],	'00000F0000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Data[9],	'0000FFF000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Mask[1],	'00000F0000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Mask[2],	'00000F0000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Mask[3],	'00000F0000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Mask[4],	'00000F0000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Mask[5],	'FFFFF0FFFFF00000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Mask[6],	'00000F0000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Mask[7],	'00000F0000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Mask[8],	'00000F0000000000');
-	StuffHex(@gZoomCursor.Mask[9],	'00000F0000000000');
-	gInZoom := false;
-	gUseLevels := true;
-	gNetwork := true;
-	CheckMItem (false, kServerItem);
-	rewrite (modem, '.DEV4');{
-	writeln (modem, 'ato0');}
-	writeln (modem, chr (3));
-	writeln (modem, 'a.out');
-	readln (modem);
-procedure SetNetwork;
-	gNetwork := not gNetwork;
-	CheckMItem (gNetwork, kServerItem);
-procedure DoUnzoom;
-	gPlotting := true;
-	gZoomed := false;
-	gPlane.level := 1;
-	EnableMItem (kZoomItem);
-	gPlane := gLastPlane [gNumPlanes].data;
-	if gPlane.miny = -(gPlane.maxy) then
-		gMirror := true
-	else
-		gMirror := false;
-	gNumPlanes := gNumPlanes - 1 ;
-	if gNumPlanes = 0 then DisableMItem (kUnZoomItem);
-	RestorePic (gLastPlane[gNumPlanes+1].hndl);
-	DisposeHandle (gLastPlane[gNumPlanes+1].hndl);
-	gZoomed := true;
-	EnableMItem (kContItem);
-	gPlotting := false;
-	SetPenMode (modeXOR);
-	SetPenSize (1,1);
-	SetSolidPenPat ($f);
-	FrameRect (gPlane.ZoomRect);
-	MoveTo (0, 155); write (gPlane.minx:4:4);
-	MoveTo (140, 9); write (gPlane.miny:4:4);
-	MoveTo (250, 155); write (gPlane.maxx:4:4);
-	MoveTo (140, 160); write (gPlane.maxy:4:4);
-	MoveTo (0, 171); write ('Level: ',gPlane.level);
-	MoveTo (
-	kSLeft + round (((gPlane.x-gPlane.minx)/(gPlane.maxx-gPlane.minx))*kSWidth) ,
-	kSTop + round (((gPlane.y-gPlane.miny)/(gPlane.maxy-gPlane.miny))*kSHeight ));
-procedure InitializeGlobals;
-	with gPlane do
-	begin
-		minx :=   -2.0;		{complex coords}
-		maxx :=	1.0;
-		miny :=   -1.25;
-		maxy :=	1.25;
-		level := 	0;
-	end;
-	gZoomed :=	false;
-	SetRect (gMainRect , kSLeft, kSTop, kSRight+1, kSBot);
-	gMaxIter :=	20;
-	gDwell := 2;
-	gColorInc := 1;
-	gPlotting :=	false;
-	if gPlane.miny = -gPlane.maxy then
-		gMirror :=		true;	
-	gNumPlanes := 0;
-	SetPalette (kPal1Item);
-	IncLev;
-	DisableMItem (kUnzoomItem);
-	DisableMItem (kZoomItem);	
-	DisableMItem (kContItem);
-	EnableMItem (kOpenItem);
-	EnableMItem (kIncLevItem);
-	CheckMItem (true, kPal1Item)
-procedure CheckCursor;
-var r : rect;
-	loc : point;
-	SetRect (r, kSLeft, kSTop, kSRight, kSBot);
-	GetMouse (loc);
-	if ((PtInRect (loc, r)) and (not gInZoom)) then 
-	begin
-		{SetCursor (CursorPtr (@gZoomCursor)^);
-		}gInZoom := true
-	end
-	else if (not (PtInRect (loc, r)) and (gInZoom)) then
-	begin
-		InitCursor;
-		gInZoom := false
-	end;
-procedure MainEventLoop;
-var	code:	Integer;
-   gMainEvent.wmTaskMask := $001FFFFF;
-   gDone := false;
-   repeat
-       code := TaskMaster($FFFF,gMainEvent);
-       case code of
-           wInGoAway:	DoClose;
-           wInSpecial,
-           wInMenuBar:	HandleMenu;
-           wInContent:	if gPlane.level > 1 then GetZoom;
-       end;
-	if gPlotting then 
-		if gNetwork then DoNextLine
-		else 				DoNextPoint;
-   until gDone;
-function s2r (s : str255) : extended;
-const kLN10 = 2.30258509299;
-var i : integer;
-	decimal : boolean;
-	expo : boolean;
-	negative : boolean;
-	ans : extended;
-	level : integer;
-	len : integer;
-	len := length (s);
-	i := 1;
-	decimal := false;
-	expo := false;
-	negative := false;
-	ans := 0;
-	while ((i <= len) and (not decimal)) do
-	begin
-		if s[i] in ['0'..'9'] then 
-			ans := ans * 10 + ord (s[i])-48;
-		if s[i] = '-' then negative := true;
-		i := i + 1;
-		if s[i] = '.' then decimal := true;
-	end;
-	level := i;
-	i := i + 1;
-	while ((i <= len) and (not expo)) do
-	begin
-		if s[i] in ['0'..'9'] then
-		begin
-			ans := ans + (ord (s[i])-48)*exp ((level - i)*kLN10);
-		end;
-		if s[i] = 'e' then expo := true;
-		i := i + 1;
-	end;
-	 if expo then
-	 	case s[i] of
-	 		'+' : ans := ans * exp((ord (s[i+1])-48)*kLN10);
-	 		'-' : ans := ans * exp(-(ord (s[i+1])-48)*kLN10)
-	 	end;
-	 if negative then ans := -ans;
-	 S2R := ans;
-	 end;
-procedure DoSettings;
-var r :	rect;
-	setDlog : 							DialogPtr;
-	itemHit : 							integer;
-	iterations : 						str255;
-	minx, maxx, miny, maxy : 			str255;
-	redraw : 							boolean;
-	minxo, maxxo, minyo, maxyo : 	str255;
-	dwell : 							str255;
-	colorinc : 						str255;
-	level, levelo : 					str255;
-	SaveScreen (TmpSaveHndl);
-	redraw := false;
-	minx := real2string (gPlane.minx); minxo := minx;
-	miny := real2string (gPlane.miny); minyo := miny;
-	maxy := real2string (gPlane.maxy); maxyo := maxy;
-	maxx := real2string (gPlane.maxx); maxxo := maxx;
-	iterations := int2string (gMaxIter);
-	colorinc := int2string (gColorInc);
-	level := int2string (gPlane.level); levelo := level;
-	dwell := int2string (gDwell);
-	SetRect (r, 16, 20, 300, 190);
-	setDlog := NewModalDialog (r, true, 0);
-	SetPort (windowPtr(Ord4(setDlog)));
-	SetRect (r, 50, 142, 0,0);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 1, r, 10, @'OK', 0, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 130, 142, 0,0);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 2, r, 10, @'Cancel', 0, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 20, 10, 140, 21);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 3, r, 15, @'Left coord', 0, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 20, 21, 140, 35);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 4, r, 15, @'Top coord', 0, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 20, 35, 140, 49);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 5, r, 15, @'Right coord', 0, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 20, 49, 140, 63);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 6, r, 15, @'Bottom coord', 0, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 20, 67, 140, 81);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 7, r, 15, @'Iteration limit', 0, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 145, 67, 195, 81);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 8, r, 17, @iterations, 3, 0, nil); 
-	SetRect (r, 145, 10, 275, 21);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 9, r, 17, @minx, 255, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 145, 21, 275, 35);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 10, r, 17, @miny, 255, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 145, 35, 275, 49);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 11, r, 17, @maxx, 255, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 145, 49, 275, 63);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 12, r, 17, @maxy, 255, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 20, 124, 200,137);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 13, r, 11, @'Use Levels', ord (gUseLevels), 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 20, 81, 140, 95);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 14, r, 15, @'Color increment', 0, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 20, 95, 140, 109);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 15, r, 15, @'Dwell', 0, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 145, 81, 195, 95);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 16, r, 17, @colorinc, 255, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 145, 95, 195, 109);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 17, r, 17, @dwell, 4, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 20, 109, 140, 124);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 18, r, 15, @'Level', 0, 0, nil);
-	SetRect (r, 145, 109, 175, 124);
-	NewDItem (setDlog, 19, r, 17, @level, 1, 0, nil);
-	repeat
-		itemHit := ModalDialog (nil);
-		if itemHit = 13 then SetDItemValue (abs(1-GetDItemValue (setDlog, 13)), setDlog, 13)
-	until itemHit  < 3;
-	gUseLevels := (GetDItemValue (setDlog, 13)=1);
-	if itemHit = 1 then
-	begin
-		WaitCursor;
-		GetIText (setDlog, 9, minx);
-		GetIText (setDlog, 10, miny);
-		GetIText (setDlog, 11, maxx);
-		GetIText (setDlog, 12, maxy);
-		GetIText (setDlog, 8, iterations);
-		GetIText (setDlog, 16, colorinc);
-		GetIText (setDlog, 17, dwell);
-		GetIText (setDlog, 19, level);
-		if maxxo <> maxx then begin gPlane.maxx := S2R(maxx); redraw := true end;
-		if minxo <> minx then begin gPlane.minx := S2R(minx); redraw := true end;
- 		if maxyo <> maxy then begin gPlane.maxy := S2R(maxy); redraw := true end; 
-		if minyo <> miny then begin gPlane.miny := S2R(miny); redraw := true end;
-		gMaxIter := String2Int (iterations);
-		gDwell := String2Int (dwell);
-		gColorInc := String2Int (colorinc) + B2I (gColorInc = 0);
-	end;
-	gMirror := (gPlane.miny=-gPlane.maxy);
-	CloseDialog (setDlog);
-	SetPort (gMainWindow);
-	RestoreScreen (TmpSaveHndl);
-	if redraw then
-	begin
-		DoErase;
-		gPlane.level := 0;
-		IncLev;
-	end;
-	if level <> levelo then 
-	begin
-		gPlane.level := (String2Int (level)) - 1;
-		IncLev
-	end;
-	if ((not gUseLevels) and (gPlane.level <> 8)) then IncLev;
-	InitCursor;
-procedure DoCont;
-	gPlotting := true;
-	if gZoomed then FrameRect (gPlane.ZoomRect);
-	gZoomed := false;
-	DisableMItem (kZoomItem);
-	DisableMItem (kContItem);
-	EnableMItem (kStopItem);
-Procedure DoStop;
-	if gZoomed then
-	begin
-		gZoomed := false;
-		FrameRect (gPlane.ZoomRect);
-		DisableMItem (kZoomItem)
-	end;	
-	gPlotting := false;
-	DisableMItem (kStopItem);
-	EnableMItem (kContItem);
-Procedure IncLev;
-var r : rect;
-	info, info2 : locInfo;
-	if not gUseLevels then gPlane.level := 8;
-	if gZoomed then
-	begin
-		FrameRect (gPlane.ZoomRect);
-		DisableMItem (kZoomItem);
-		gZoomed := false;
-	end;	
-	gPlane.level := gPlane.level + 1;
-	if gPlane.level > 8 then
-	begin
-		DisableMItem (kIncLevItem);
-		gPlane.level := 8;
-	end;	
-	gPlotting := true;
-	with gPlane do
-	begin
-		pprx := round (exp (((level-1)/2)*kLN4))*2;
-		ppry := round (exp (((level-1)/2)*kLN4));
-		incx :=  (maxx-minx)/pprx;
-		incy := (maxy-miny)/ppry;
-		sizex := round ((kSWidth/exp((level-1)*kLN2)));
-		sizey := round ((kSHeight/exp((level-1)*kLN2)));
-		countx := 0;
-		county := 0;
-		x := minx;
-		y := miny;
-	end;
-	MoveTo (0, 155); write (gPlane.minx:4:4);
-	MoveTo (140, 9); write (gPlane.miny:4:4);
-	MoveTo (250, 155); write (gPlane.maxx:4:4);
-	MoveTo (140, 160); write (gPlane.maxy:4:4);
-	MoveTo (0, 171); write ('Level: ',gPlane.level);
-	MoveTo (kSLeft, kSTop);
-	gLastCount := DoCalc (gPlane.minx, gPlane.miny);	
-Procedure DoStart; 			{restarts new plot}
-var level, i : integer;
-	r : rect;
-	InitializeGlobals;		{sets level to 1};
-	gPlotting := true;
-	EnableMItem (kStopItem);
-	DisableMItem (kContItem);
-	EraseRect (gMainRect);
-	SetPenMode (modeCOPY);
-	SetPenSize (1, 1);
-	SetSolidPenPat ($0);
-	SetRect (r, kSLeft-1, kSTop-1, kSRight+2, kSBot+1);
-	FrameRect (r);
-	for i := 0 to 15 do
-	begin
-		SetSolidPenPat (i);
-		SetRect (r, 3, i*8+17, 20, i*8+25);
-		PaintRect (r)
-	end;	
-procedure PlotLine;
-var x, y : real;
-	cycles, i : integer;
-	datai : array [1..256] of string [15];
-	data : array [1..256] of integer;
-	lx, ly : integer;
-	i := 1; 
-	for i := 0 to 5 do
-		readln (modem, datai[i]);
-	i := 1;
-	repeat
-		readln (modem, datai [i]);
-		i := i + 1;
-	until i > gPlane.pprx;
-	{GrafOff; for i := 1 to gPlane.pprx do writeln (i, datai[i]); readln; GrafOn;}
-	{for i := 1 to gPlane.pprx do writeln ('datai [',i, ']  ',datai [i]);
-	}for i := 1 to gPlane.pprx do data [i] := String2Int (datai[i]);
-	{GrafOff;
-	writeln ('i ', i);
-	writeln ('y, minx, maxx, pprx, maxiter ', gPlane.y, gPlane.minx, gPlane.maxx,
-					gPlane.pprx, gMaxIter);
-	readln; GrafOn;
-	}SetPenSize (1, gPlane.sizey);
-	SetPenMode (modeCOPY);
-	i := 2;
-	ly := kSTop+round ((((gPlane.y-gPlane.incy)-gPlane.miny)/(gPlane.maxy-gPlane.miny))*kSHeight);	
-	MoveTo (kSLeft, ly);
-	repeat
-	if ((data [i] <> data [i-1]) or (i>=gPlane.pprx-2))then
-	begin
-		SetSolidPenPat ((data [i-1] div gColorInc) mod 14 + 1);
-		if data [i-1] >= gMaxIter-1 then SetSolidPenPat (0);
-		x := gPlane.minx+i*gPlane.incx;
-		lx := kSLeft+round(((x-gPlane.minx)/(gPlane.maxx-gPlane.minx))*kSWidth);
-		LineTo (lx, ly)
-	end;
-	{GrafOff; writeln ('lx, ly, color ', lx, ' ', ly, ' ', data [i]); GrafOn;
-	}i := i + 1
-	until i > gPlane.pprx + 1;
-procedure DoNextLine;
-var count : integer;
-with gPlane do
-	if (county < ppry div (1+(B2I(gMirror)))) then
-	begin
-		y := y + incy;
-		county := county + 1;
-		writeln (modem, y);
-		writeln (modem, minx);
-		writeln (modem, maxx);
-		writeln (modem, pprx);
-		writeln (modem, gMaxIter);
-		writeln (modem, gDwell);
-		PlotLine;
-	end
-	else
-	begin
-		if gPlane.level = 8 then gPlotting := false
-		else
-		begin
-			IncLev;
-			IncLev
-		end;	
-	end;	
-procedure DoNextPoint;
-var count : integer;
-with gPlane do
-	if (county < ppry div (1+(B2I(gMirror)))) then
-	begin
-		if (countx <= pprx) then
-		begin
-			count := DoCalc (x+incx/2,y+incy/2);
-			if count <> gLastCount then
-				PlotPoint (gLastCount, x, y)
-			else if ((countx = pprx) or (countx = 0)) then
-				PlotPoint (count, x, y);	
-			gLastCount := count;
-			x := x + incx;
-			countx := countx + 1;
-		end
-		else
-		begin
-			x := minx;
-			y := y + incy;
-			county := county + 1;
-			countx := 0;
-		end;	
-	end
-	else
-	begin
-		if gPlane.level = 8 then gPlotting := false
-		else
-		begin
-			IncLev;
-			IncLev
-		end;	
-	end;	
-procedure HandleMenu;
-var	theMenu:	Integer;
-		theItem:	Integer;
-	theMenu := HiWrd(gMainEvent.wmTaskData);
-	theItem := LoWrd(gMainEvent.wmTaskData);
-	case theItem of
-		kAboutItem:		DoAbout;
-		kOpenItem:		DoOpen;
-		kCloseItem:		DoClose;
-		kQuitItem:		DoQuit;
-		kStartItem:		DoStart;
-		kStopItem:		DoStop;
-		kContItem:		DoCont;
-		kZoomItem:		DoZoom;
-		kUnzoomItem: 	DoUnzoom;
-		kIncLevItem:		IncLev;
-		kSetItem:			DoSettings;
-		kLev8Item:		DoLev8;
-		kEraseItem:		DoErase;
-		kCycleInItem:	DoCycleIn;
-		kCycleOutItem:	DoCycleOut;
-		kServerItem:		SetNetwork;
-	end;
-     if ((theMenu = kPaletteMenuID) and (theItem < kCycleInItem)) then
-		SetPalette (theItem);
-	HiliteMenu (false,theMenu);
-	gMyMemoryID := MMStartUp;
-	gStartStopRef := StartupTools(gMyMemoryId,RefIsResource,
-											Ref(kStartStopResID));
-	if _ToolErr = noError then begin
-		SetUpMenus;
-		SetUpWindows;
-		SetUpCursor;
-		InitializeGlobals;
-		InitPalettes;
-		InitCursor;
-		DoStart;
-		MainEventLoop;
-		DisposeHandle (TmpSaveHndl);
-		end;	
-	ShutDownTools (refIsHandle, gStartStopRef);