[comp.sources.apple2] v001SRC039: Nulib - Archive Library Tools

jac@yoko.rutgers.edu (Jonathan A. Chandross) (05/02/91)

Submitted-by: Andy McFadden (fadden@cory.berkeley.edu)
Posting-number: Volume 1, Source:39
Archive-name: archive/unix/nulib/part08.10
Architecture: UNIX
Version-number: 3.03

-# UNIX Makefile for NuLib v3.0
-# To make a smaller executable, you can exclude the Binary II routines
-# by setting CFLAGS= -DNO_BLU
-# To exclude the UNIX compression routines, add -DNO_UCOMP
-# Select appropriate flag... -g for debugging, -O for optimized.
-HDRS=nudefs.h nuread.h nuview.h nuadd.h nuext.h nupdel.h nupak.h nuetc.h \
-  nublu.h nucomp.h nucompfn.h
-SRCS=numain.c nuread.c nuview.c nuadd.c nuext.c nupdel.c nupak.c nuetc.c \
-  nublu.c nucomp.c nushk.c nusq.c 
-OBJS=numain.o nuread.o nuview.o nuadd.o nuext.o nupdel.o nupak.o nuetc.o \
-  nublu.o nucomp.o nushk.o nusq.o
-ARCFILES=README Benchmarks Makefile make.apw linker.scr linked.scr mkshk \
-  nulib.mak nulib.lnk *.h *.c
-#LIBS= -lx		# For XENIX/386 users
-nulib: ${OBJS}
-	${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${OBJS} -o nulib ${LIBS} 
-numain.o: numain.c nudefs.h nuread.h nuview.h nuadd.h nuext.h nupdel.h nublu.h\
-  nuetc.h
-nuread.o: nuread.c nudefs.h nuread.h nupak.h nuetc.h crc.h
-nuview.o: nuview.c nudefs.h nuview.h nuread.h nuetc.h
-nuadd.o:  nuadd.c  nudefs.h nuadd.h nuread.h nuadd.h nupak.h nuetc.h
-nuext.o:  nuext.c  nudefs.h nuext.h nuread.h nuext.h nupak.h nuetc.h
-nupdel.o: nupdel.c nudefs.h nupdel.h nuread.h nuadd.h nupak.h nupdel.h nuetc.h
-nupak.o:  nupak.c  nudefs.h nupak.h nuetc.h nucomp.h nucompfn.h
-nublu.o:  nublu.c  nudefs.h nublu.h nuview.h nuetc.h
-nushk.o:  nushk.c  nudefs.h nupak.h
-nusq.o:   nusq.c   nudefs.h nupak.h
-nuetc.o:  nuetc.c  nudefs.h nuetc.h
-nucomp.o:	nucomp.c nudefs.h nucomp.h nucompfn.h nuetc.h
-# shar version 3.21
-#	-c : add "cut here" line at top
-#	-o : base name for output files
-#	-l48 : max size is 48KB, but don't split files
-#	-v : (not used) turn off verbose msgs
-	shar349 -c -osh.files/nulib -l48 $(ARCFILES)
-	tar cvf nulib.tar $(ARCFILES)
- # NuLib v3.02 makefile for Microsoft C
- #===================================================================
- #
- #  Standard command line definitions
- #
- #  Note /DIAPX286 can also be used, but it is not a real indicator
- #  of the system hardware
- #
- #  Leaving out the /W3 will reduce the flood of warning messages.
- #
- #===================================================================
- #cp=cl /c /AL /W3 /Ot /Zpei /DIAPX386
- cp=cl /c /AL /W3 /Os /Zpei /DIAPX386
- #===================================================================
- #
- #  Default inference rules
- #
- #===================================================================
- .c.obj:
-    $(cp) $*.c
- #===================================================================
- #
- #  Dependencies
- #
- #===================================================================
- nuadd.obj: nuadd.c nudefs.h nuread.h nuview.h nuadd.h nupak.h nuetc.h
- nublu.obj: nublu.c nudefs.h nuview.h nuadd.h nupak.h nuetc.h
- nuetc.obj: nuetc.c nudefs.h apwerr.h nuetc.h
- nuext.obj: nuext.c nudefs.h nuread.h nuext.h nupak.h nuetc.h
- numain.obj: numain.c nudefs.h nuread.h nuview.h nuadd.h nuext.h nupdel.h \
-       nublu.h nupak.h nuetc.h
- nupak.obj: nupak.c nudefs.h nupak.h nuetc.h nucomp.h compfns.h
- nupdel.obj: nupdel.c nudefs.h nuread.h nuadd.h nupak.h nupdel.h nuetc.h
- nuread.obj: nuread.c nudefs.h crc.h nuread.h nupak.h nuetc.h
- nushk.obj: nushk.c nudefs.h nuread.h nupak.h nuetc.h
- nusq.obj: nusq.c nudefs.h nuetc.h
- nuview.obj: nuview.c
-nucomp.obj: nucomp.c nudefs.h nucomp.h nucompfn.h
- NULIB.exe: nuadd.obj nublu.obj nuetc.obj nuext.obj numain.obj nupak.obj  \
-        nupdel.obj nuread.obj nushk.obj nusq.obj nuview.obj nucomp.obj
-        link @NuLib.lnk
-; APW LinkEd script file for NuLib
-; Does not search for segments with blank load segment names.
-; Does not search files for DIRECT segments (only the CLIB).
-; Does not search any libraries other than 2/clib.
-keep ../nulib
-* This is the main code segment (type = code)
-segment/$00 main
-  loadselect 2/start.root   main
-  loadselect numain.root    main
-  loadselect nuread.root    main
-  loadselect nuetc.root     main
-  loadselect nuview.root    main
-  loadselect nuadd.root     main
-  loadselect nuext.root     main
-  loadselect nupdel.root    main
-  library/loadselect 2/clib main
-* This contains compression/Binary II code (type = dynamic)
-segment/dynamic Compress
-  loadselect nupak.root     main
-  loadselect nublu.root     main
-  loadselect nucomp.root    main
-  loadselect nushk.root     main
-  loadselect nusq.root      main
-  library/loadselect 2/clib main
-* This contains all global definitions (type = private data)
-segment/$41 Globals
-  loadselect 2/start.roott    ~globals
-  loadselect nupak.root     ~globals
-  loadselect nublu.root     ~globals
-  loadselect nucomp.root    ~globals
-  loadselect nushk.root     ~globals
-  loadselect n     ~arrays
-  loadselect nuview.root    ~arrays
-  loadselect nuadd.root     ~arrays
-  loadselect nuext.root     ~arrays
-  loadselect nupdel.root    ~arrays
-  loadselect nupak.root     ~arrays
-  loadselect nublu.root     ~arrays
-  loadselect nucomp.root    ~arrays
-  loadselect nushk.root     ~arrays
-  loadselect nusq.root      ~arrays
-  library/loadselect 2/clib ~arrays
-* This has direct page stuff, like the stack
-segment/$12 Direct (type = direct-page/stack)
-  library/loadselect 2/clib DIRECT
-list on
-* One other segment, SEGJPTBL, appears here...
- * nuetc.h - declarations for nuetc.c
- *
- * (this will be included by almost all source files; it should come last)
- *
- * NuLib v3.0  February 1991  Freeware (distribute, don't sell)
- * By Andy McFadden (fadden@cory.berkeley.edu)
- */
-/* define these if they haven't been already */
-/* (typedef int BOOLEAN caused too many problems... #define is easier) */
-#ifndef BOOLEAN
-# define BOOLEAN int
-#ifndef TRUE
-# define TRUE	 1
-# define FALSE	 0
-#ifdef UNIX
-# ifdef BSD43
-   extern char *index();    /* BSD version */
-   extern char *rindex();
-#  define INDEX(s, c)  index(s, c)
-#  define RINDEX(s, c) rindex(s, c)
-# else
-   extern char *strchr();   /* AT&T version */
-   extern char *strrchr();
-#  define INDEX(s, c)  strchr(s, c)
-#  define RINDEX(s, c) strrchr(s, c)
-# endif
-  extern char *strchr();    /* APW, MSC */
-  extern char *strrchr();
-# define INDEX(s, c)  strchr(s, c)
-# define RINDEX(s, c) strrchr(s, c)
-extern char tmpNameBuf[];
-/* external function declarations */
-extern void Fatal(),
-	    Quit();
-extern void free();
-extern char *Malloc();
-#ifdef APW
-extern void ToolErrChk(),
-	    perror();
-extern int strcasecmp(),
-	   strncasecmp();
-extern void ArcfiCreate(),
-	    Rename();
-extern BOOLEAN Exists();
-extern char *MakeTemp();
-extern void ExpandTime();
-extern long ReduceTime();
-extern Time *GetTime();
- * nuadd.h - declarations for nuadd.c
- *
- * NuLib v3.0  February 1991  Freeware (distribute, don't sell)
- * By Andy McFadden (fadden@cory.berkeley.edu)
- */
-/* information is copied from file-dependent structures (FileRec) to here */
-typedef struct {
-    char *pathname;	 /* as much of the path as we need to know */
-    char *store_name;  /* what name the file will be stored under */
-    fourbyt eof;  /* length of file */
-    fourbyt fAccess;  /* was Word */
-    fourbyt fileType;  /* was Word */
-    fourbyt auxType;
-    twobyt storageType;
-    Time create_dt;  /* Time = TimeRec = 8 bytes in misctool.h/nuread.h */
-    Time mod_dt;
-    twobyt fileSysID;  /* these two are non-standard */
-    onebyt fileSysInfo;
-    int marked;  /* application specific */
-} file_info;
-#define MAXARGS 255  /* max #of files specified on command line; signed int */
-extern void NuAdd();
-extern long AddFile();
-extern onebyt *MakeMHblock();
-extern int  EvalArgs();