[comp.sources.apple2] v001SRC040: Nulib - Archive Library Tools

jac@yoko.rutgers.edu (Jonathan A. Chandross) (05/02/91)

Submitted-by: Andy McFadden (fadden@cory.berkeley.edu)
Posting-number: Volume 1, Source:40
Archive-name: archive/unix/nulib/part09.10
Architecture: UNIX
Version-number: 3.03

- * nupak.h - declarations for nupak.c
- *
- * This has function declarations for all of the pack routines; that way we
- *   don't have to include .h files for all of the pack code.
- *
- * NuLib v3.0  February 1991  Freeware (distribute, don't sell)
- * By Andy McFadden (fadden@cory.berkeley.edu)
- */
-/* Pack/unpack buffer size; should be as big as read() & malloc() can take */
-/* Note: must be AT LEAST 8200 bytes or things may break */
-/*       Bad things could happen if it's less than 12K   */
-#define PAKBUFSIZ   0xff80
-extern long packedSize;
-extern onebyt lastseen;
-extern twobyt PackFile();
-extern int UnpackFile();  /* BOOLEAN */
-extern unsigned int crlf();
-extern void Spin(),
-	    FCopy();
-extern long pak_SHK();    /* pack P8 ShrinkIt format, in nushk.c */
-extern void unpak_SQU();  /* unsqueeze, in nusq.c */
-extern void unpak_SHK();  /* unShrink, in nushk.c */
-#! /bin/csh
-# Make NuLib shk file for download.
-# Puts a copy of the files (without tabs and linefeeds) in ./trans, and then
-#   adds them to "nulib.shk"
-# ("detab" converts tabs to spaces, "lfstrip" converts LF -> CR)
-# This is intended as an example; it may or may not work on your system.
-echo "--- Converting tabs and linefeeds"
-foreach file (README Benchmarks Makefile make.apw linkcom mkshk *.h *.c \
-	nulib.mak nulib.lnk)
-    echo $file
-    detab $file >! nul.tmp
-    lfstrip nul.tmp trans/$file
-rm nul.tmp
-cd trans
-nulib cvftxt/0000 nulib.shk README Benchmarks Makefile nulib.mak nulib.lnk
-nulib avfsrc/0006 nulib.shk make.apw mkshk
-nulib avfsrc/0009 nulib.shk linkcom
-nulib avfsrc/000a nulib.shk *.h *.c
-cd ..
- * nuview.h - declarations for nuview.c
- *
- * NuLib v3.0  February 1991  Freeware (distribute, don't sell)
- * By Andy McFadden (fadden@cory.berkeley.edu)
- */
-typedef enum { NAMEONLY, PROSHK, ARCZOO, FULL } outtype;
-/* constant string declarations */
-extern char *unknownStr;
-extern char *WD[];
-extern char *MO[];
-#define TCn 4
-extern char *TC[];
-#define TKn 3
-extern char *TK[][TKn];
-#define TFn 6
-extern char *TF[];
-#define BTFn 6
-extern char *BTF[];
-#define QTFn 6
-extern char *QTF[];
-#define FIDn 14
-extern char *FID[];
-#define STn 14
-extern char *ST[];
-extern char *FT[];
-extern void NuView();
-extern char *PrintDate();
-* NuLib AGE script (A pseudo-makefile for APW and ORCA)
-for file in numain nuread nuview nuadd nuext nupdel nupak nuetc nublu nushk nusq nucomp
-    age obj/{file}.root {file}.c
-    if {age} != 0
-	echo compiling {file}.c
-	delete obj/{file}.root
-	compile {file}.c keep=obj/{file}
-    end
-* Once everything is compiled, I test the final
-* program file against the object modules that build it.
-* If linking is required, it is performed next followed
-* by a series of other statements to complete it:
-age cshk obj/=.root
-* if {age} != 0
-*     delete nulib
-*     prefix obj
-*     alink linker.scr
-*     prefix ..
-* end
- * nuext.h - declarations for nuext.c
- *
- * NuLib v3.0  February 1991  Freeware (distribute, don't sell)
- * By Andy McFadden (fadden@cory.berkeley.edu)
- */
-#define MAXDEPTH    64	   /* max subdir depth we will unpack */
-extern void NuExtract();