[comp.sources.apple2] v001SRC043: more -- More For Orca

jac@yoko.rutgers.edu (Jonathan A. Chandross) (05/03/91)

Submitted-by: Jawaid Bazyar (bazyar@cs.uiuc.edu)
Posting-number: Volume 1, Source:43
Archive-name: util/gs/shell/orca/more
Architecture: ONLY_2gs
Version-number: 1.2

View a file one page at a time.

Requires ORCA shell.



-    MORE
-Version 1.2
-The first tool I wanted was a text file pager.  TYPE worked ok, but
-having to hit the space bar at just the right time got on my nerves.
-So I first created PAGE (RIP), then MORE.  As it exists, MORE looks like
-Unix 'more'.  It doesn't support searching with regular expressions
-and silliness like that (that's what uEmacs is for).  But it's a good
-MORE is invoked with the following format:
-   MORE <filespec>...
-When the - <filename> (xx%) - prompt appears at the bottom of the screen,
-pressing Q will quit the current file and MORE the next one (if present).
-Hitting ESC at this prompt will stop the program completely (whether more
-files were specified or not).  Pressing SPACE will scroll through another page
-of the file.  RETURN will move forward in the file one line.
-MORE supports redirection and pipes.  If the output is redirected away
-from the console, more won't pause for each page.  In this way it can be
-used as a simple text file converter.
-The most useful aspect of MORE is it's versatility- it can read regular Apple
-(CR-delimited) TXT and SRC files, Unix text files (LF-delimited), and IBM CRLF
-text files.  All automatically.
-By redirecting output to a file, MORE can convert from Unix or IBM to Apple
-text format.  Neat, eh? (But using MORE is slower than using CONV- see below).
-MORE has no option switches- it's too simple.
-Change Log:
-v1.1 - MORE can now abort either an individual file or all files. Also,
-       changed return from 'advance page' to 'advance line', like the
-       Unix version.
-A filespec is a method of identifying files on a disk.  In the ORCA
-shell, a filespec can contain the = and ? wildcards, in addition to
-plain filenames.  MORE supports multiple filespecs, e.g.
-	more a.c b.c c.c d=.c
-etc.  Any combination of wildcarded and/or vanilla filespecs is allowed.
-This functionality, however, comes at a price.  MORE works only under
-the ORCA shell or a compatible.  At this time, there are no shells truly
-compatible with ORCA.
-Jawaid Bazyar
-Derek Taubert
-Copyright 1990 by Procyon Software
-Freeware - distribute but don't sell!
-This utility is FreeWare.  Distribute them as much as you like, just
-don't sell them or distribute modified versions.  Send me your comments -
-I'm eager to hear from you for suggestions and improvements.
-Also, if you make any modifications to the code please do not redistribute
-them. Instead, send me the changed source along with an explanation and
-I will consider including your change in the next version.
-	Jawaid Bazyar
-	1120 Maple Street
-	Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
-	Internet/ARPAnet     bazyar@cs.uiuc.edu
-	GEnie                J.BAZYAR
-#pragma optimize -1
-#pragma keep "6/more"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <shell.h>
-#include <gsos.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <orca.h>
-#pragma lint -1
-#define MAX_LINE 24
-#define MAX_COL 80
-int main(int argc,char *argv[])
-FILE *file;
-int line,col;
-int i;
-int c,quit,abort;
-int pipeFlag; /* 1 means input is piped in or redirected */
-int standardOut;
-DirectionPB checkIO;
-EOFRecGS eofs;
-char expanded[65];
-char *truncated;
-Init_WildcardPB iwpb;
-Next_WildcardPB nwpb;
-    checkIO.device = 1;
-    DIRECTION(&checkIO);
-    standardOut = (checkIO.direct != 0) ? 0 : 1;
-    pipeFlag = (argc == 1) ? 1 : 0;
-    if (argc == 1) argc = 2;
-    quit = 0;
-    abort = 0;
-    for (i = 1; (i < argc && !abort); i++)
-    {
-      if (!pipeFlag) {
-          strcpy(expanded+1,argv[i]);
-          expanded[0] = strlen(argv[i]);
-          iwpb.w_file = expanded;
-          iwpb.flags = 0x8000;
-          INIT_WILDCARD(&iwpb);
-          nwpb.nextfile = expanded;
-          NEXT_WILDCARD(&nwpb);
-          expanded[expanded[0]+1] = 0;
-      }
-      while ((strlen(expanded) != 0) || (pipeFlag && !quit)) {
-          quit = 0;
-          if (pipeFlag) {
-              file = stdin;
-           /*   rewind(file);   */
-          }
-          else {
-              truncated = strrchr(expanded+1,'/');
-              if (truncated == NULL) truncated = expanded+1;
-                  else truncated++;
-              file = fopen(expanded+1,"rb");
-              eofs.pCount = 2;
-              eofs.refNum = file->_file;
-              GetEOFGS(&eofs);
-              if (toolerror()) {
-                  printf("GS/OS Error %d\n",toolerror());
-                  exit(-1);
-              }
-          }
-          line = 1; col = 1;
-          c = getc(file);
-          if ((c == EOF) || (c == 0x04)) quit = 1;
-          while (!quit && !abort)
-          {
-          int k;
-              if (c == '\r') {
-                  if ((k = getc(file)) == '\n') /*  IBM silly CR & LF EOL */
-                      putchar('\n');
-                  else { ungetc(k,file); putchar('\n'); }
-                  col = 1; line++;
-              }
-              else
-              if (c == '\n')
-              {
-                  putchar('\n');
-                  col = 1; line++;
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                  putchar(c);
-                  col++;
-                  if (col > MAX_COL)
-                  {
-                      col = 1; line++;
-                  }
-              }
-              if ((line == MAX_LINE) && standardOut)
-              {  long percent;
-                  putchar(15);
-                  if (!pipeFlag)
-                  {
-                      percent = (ftell(file) * 100) / eofs.eof;
-                      printf(" - %s (%2ld%%) -",truncated,percent);
-                  }
-                  else
-                      printf(" - (pipe) -");
-                  putchar(14);
-                  asm {
-                  again: lda 0xE0C000
-                         bpl again
-                         sta c
-                         lda 0xE0C010
-                  }
-                  c = c & 0x7f;
-                  if (c == 'q') quit = 1;
-                  if (c == 27) abort = 1;
-                  if (c == 13) line--;
-                  else line = 1;
-                  for (c = 0; c < (11 + (pipeFlag ? 0 : strlen(truncated))); c++)
-                  {
-                      putchar(8);
-                      putchar(' ');
-                      putchar(8);
-                  }
-              }
-              c = getc(file);
-              if ((c == EOF) || (c == 0x04)) quit = 1;
-          }
-        /*  if (!pipeFlag)*/ fclose(file);
-       if (!pipeFlag)
-       {   NEXT_WILDCARD(&nwpb);
-          expanded[expanded[0]+1] = 0; }
-       }
-    }