[comp.sources.apple2] v001SRC049: time -- Print Current Time

jac@yoko.rutgers.edu (Jonathan A. Chandross) (05/31/91)

Submitted-by: Andy Werner (st6934@siucvmb.bitnet)
Posting-number: Volume 1, Source:49
Archive-name: util/hyperc/time/time
Architecture: ANY_2
Version-number: 1.00

Print out the time under HyperC.  No-frills, shows how to use
ProDOS MLI calls under HyperC.


-Version 1.00
-Time Utility for HyperC
-This is freeware.  It's also a learning tool to see how HyperC works.
-The included files are :
-cclib       :   Script file to compile unlinked C files
-time.c      :   C source for time utility
-getime.a    :   Assembly source for ProDOS MLI time call
-date.a      :   Assembly source to unpack date after calling ProDOS MLI time
-mk          :   pseudo-make script to link compiled but unlinked files
-Use cclib to compile time.c and use asm65 to compile the assembler files.
-For example, to compile getime.a, type :
-asm65 -o time.o time.a
-Use mk to link all the files ending with .o.  Type mk.
-Examine the script files to see if they point to the correct subdirectories.
-Adjust them to suit your setup.  You can compile time.c down to native code
-(or emulated for you IIgs people...) by editing ccn and deleting the lnk
-phase at the end of that script and renaming the edited file ccnlib for ex-
-ample.  I have not tried this at this time but I assume it will work.
-The time file as it stands can be placed in your bin subdirectory.  When you
-type time at the keyboard, the program will respond by displaying the time
-and date.  This program assumes you have a clock-calendar attached to your
-system.  This program attempts to mimic the time() function of UNIX and ANSI C.
-As I'm not on a UNIX site I'd like to get feedback from those of you who are.
-I'm also interested in writing an asctime() function and mimicing clk_tck.
-You can send your comments to me at:
-	Andy Werner
-	st6934@siucvmb.bitnet
-	March 18, 1991.
-ProDOS is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
-UNIX is a trademark(?) of A.T.T.
-HyperC is a trademark of the WSM Group, Inc.
-; batch file for compiling C programs...
-; NOTE: Do NOT specify the ".c" ending the source filename!
-/csys/bin/ppf -i |/csys/hdrs/ -o $1.p $1.c
-/csys/bin/hyperc -o $1.s $1.p
-rm $1.p
-/csys/bin/asmcp -o $1.o $1.s
-;   unpack date
-;   by Andy Werner
-;   march 12,1991
-.entry  _unpack_date
-    _unpack_date:
-    lda 0xbf90
-    and #0x1f   ;   mask : 0001 1111
-    sta _day
-    lda 0xbf91
-    lsr a
-    sta _year
-    lda 0xbf90
-    and #0xe0   ;   mask : 1110 0000
-    lsr a
-    lsr a
-    lsr a
-    lsr a
-    lsr a
-    sta _month
-    lda 0xbf91
-    and #0xfe   ;   mask : 1111 1110
-    asl a
-    asl a
-    asl a
-    clc
-    adc #_month
-    sta _month
-    rts
-    .data
-    .entry _year
-    .byte  00
-    .entry _month
-   .byte  00
-    .entry _day
-    .byte  00
-;   time.a
-;   prodos mli call to set the time
-prodos  =   0xbf00
-time    =   0x82
-.entry  _get_time
-    jsr prodos
-    .byte   time
-    .word   0000
-    rts
-;   Script file to make time utility.
-;   examine the script to make sure that your utilities and libraries
-;   can be found by this script.  Adjust accordingly.
-/csys/bin/lnk -l |/csys/libs/ -a -o time &s.o time.o getime.o date.o &libc
-/*  time.cc 
- *  call prodos time
- *  use anchored variables to print time
- *  this is a test
- */
-#include <std.h>
-EXTERN   VOID    get_time();
-EXTERN   VOID    pack_date();
-EXTERN    CHAR    year;
-EXTERN    CHAR    month;
-EXTERN    CHAR    day;
-CHAR    hour      @0xbf93;
-CHAR    minute    @0xbf92;
-VOID     main()
-    get_time();
-    printf("The time is %02d:%02d\n",hour,minute);
-    unpack_date();
-    printf("The date is %02d/%02d/%02d\n",month, day, year);
-    exit();